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  1. T

    Video of Medicine Interview

    I know its illegal but they wouldnt find out. It would ensure all prospective medicine students get the absolute best preparation for the interview part of medical entry possible it would guarantee them a very high score in the interview.
  2. T

    Video of Medicine Interview

    What do you think would happen if i got my friend to get a hidden camera hidden in a shirt button to record a medicine interview then I posted it on the internet and PMed it to all the prospective medicine students?
  3. T


    With all that security shoplifters only get caught 1 in every 48 times on average.
  4. T


    I got a job at Woolworths today so I don't think I'll be shoplifting anymore or as much.
  5. T


    You're scum, you're whole life is scum. At least my life isn't mundane and ordinary like you're pitiful life.
  6. T


    Hey, sorry I haven't responded to your arguments I've been busy, unlike you. People don't get charged with petty theft like theft of items under $500. And people also love shoplifting because of the thrill of the mission, and anything you get free is very rare these days so its special when you...
  7. T


    When people steal it effects the shareholders not the general comsumers usually. So it isn't really impacting the community. And people steal because it is too difficult to get a job mainly because of availabilities.
  8. T


    Interesting you say all of that with your display picture saying "I fought the law".
  9. T


    Read the full article here
  10. T


    Read this it is brilliant. "The shoplifter attacks the cynical mind control tactics of modern advertising. Today's commercials, billboards, even the floor—layouts and product displays in stores are designed by psychologists to manipulate potential consumers into purchasing products". "The...
  11. T

    Hospital System

    What are you talking about death threats i didnt make any death threats. This is coming from a person who tells me to die I didnt even say anything. And I don't go to TAFE I go to high school you imbecile. And the only reason I said doctors are overrated is because there are hundreds of tv shows...
  12. T

    Hospital System

    Settle down "name disclosed" youre overreacting, no need to make death threats just because i said some people are lame (so someone should be killed because that person said some people are lame...yeah that makes alot of sense). I bet you wouldn't say that to me in person youre lucky you can...
  13. T


    Instead of raising prices the companies should take money from the CEO's that have 7 and 8 figure salaries. And miumiu that article is much better than anything you could come up with that person is 10x more intelligent that you'll ever be.
  14. T


    Hey, read this account of a person's view of shoplifting. It is brilliant. This is the reason why most people shoplift.
  15. T


    Hi, Has anyone here shoplifted, if so what? Also has any employees seen anyone shoplift or caught someone shoplifting?
  16. T

    Hospital System

    Doctors are lame and overrated anyway.
  17. T

    Hospital System

    Well I can't really understand how there are 2,900 people applying for UNSW Medicine with an applicant success rate of 5% and there not being enough interns in Adelaide shouldn't the level of competition be equal in all of Australia? Also the reason interns would work long hours is that the...
  18. T

    Hospital System

    Did anyone watch recently on A Current Affair and Today Tonight the stories on the hospital system? In one story 3 children were killed by doctors who stuffed up by giving incorrect treatment such as being negligent or administering the wrong drugs. In another story a baby girl was killed by...
  19. T


    Yeah I watched episode 10 of season 2 today and it was a good episode one of the best of the season so far. That smoke thing is quite strange and its also excellent how they are showing the history of the new characters. I'm going to watch episodes 11 and episode 12 in a couple of days.
  20. T

    24 Season 5

    Hey the new season of 24 is starting this Sunday and Monday in America. I am going to download it from the internet the day after it is on so I will be able to watch it maybe this Monday or Tuesday. It is the best show.