
  1. G

    can i still get 90+ atar?

    i havnt done trials yet, but my internal averages so far and ranks aren't great cafs - 90%, 3/48 ancient his - 80%, 5/12 ext english - 70%, 5/7 legal studies - 65%, 30 something/50 math advanced - 55%, 20 something/ 33 eng adv, - 78%, 20 something/48 completed sor one last year got 43/50
  2. M

    what are the best practice papers to do? neap/ace/school past papers?

    i'm currently preparing for my math adv and ext 1 trial exams and im wondering what practice papers are the best to do. i have heard that neap is generally harder than other but can someone confirm this bc im not too sure. right now im doing a mix of schools past papers as well as neap/ace...
  3. M

    can i make a big comeback with trials if my internal ranks are bad

    my internal ranks are currently pretty bad (17/48 for adv math, 23/38 for ext 1 math) after i bombed out on the term 1 and term 2 exams. is there any way i can get into the top 15 or top 10 just through trials which are worth 30%? i am willing to work hard and i believe that i can do well in...
  4. P

    Tips on how to memorise further reflections??

    I've been trying to memorise further reflections for a while ( |f(x)|, f(|x|), |y| = f(|x|) etc.) but they're so confusing and similar to each other, does anyone have any tips to memorise them?
  5. P

    Perms and Combs help (again 😭)

    pls help with the following qs (idk where to even start) 1. How many selections of at least one object can be made from n distinct objects? 2. Recall that a digit sum of a number n is the value obtained when the digits of n are added together. For example, the digit sum of...
  6. lala33

    ts eliot

    hey everyone, i was wondering about which ts eliot poems i should always include in a general sense? idk how to word it but like core poems
  7. katiekms

    How Does State Ranking Work For Maths Std 2 Here?

    So i’ve asked this before, and I was told that you’d need like min 98 to state rank for maths standard 2. except, i was looking on HSC ninja and it showed the top 20 and when i went from 100, dropping a mark every time the rank dropped, the min mark to state rank was 95? am i doing something...
  8. P

    Perms and Combs

    If a committee of 6 members is chosen from 4 teachers and 6 students, what is the probability that it contains 2 teachers and 4 students. Can someone please explain to me why we have to divide the answer by 10C6??
  9. Z

    internal marks = overall atar?

    hi!! can anyone who has done the hsc in the past post what their internal marks were looking like in subjects and what overall mark they ended up achieving in each subject? not necessarily asking for your atar, but more what marks were you getting to achieve your overall mark? if anyone had a...
  10. N

    Atar prediction

    Hi, i go to a selective school that is in the top 15 schools in nsw. I was js wondering what my atar could be like based off my ranks and with consideration that i still have trials and externals to go. Im trying to get ideally above 90 atar. Here are my ranks English: 146/211 Economics: 59/69...
  11. F

    Not allowed to do 10u Y12

    For background I am in year 10, go to a small private school (45- 50 kids in my grade) and have to choose my subjects now so they can do the lines. At the start of this year I got a new principal and She is not allowing us to do 10u in year 12. Correct me if I am wrong in anything I say...
  12. A

    Option to retake HSC

    I'm in year 12, close to the HSC completion, and would like to know if I can retake it. I'm not doing badly by school standards, even in the case of mental health at the start of the year I haven't fallen below a high B. I have an anxiety disorder that surfaces through irrational perfectionism...
  13. S

    What subjects to choose?

    I'm in Year 10 right now and need to pick my subjects for next year, but I don't know what to choose. I need at least six subjects next year, I don't know what to exactly pick as I'm planning on doing Maths Extension 2 and maybe English Extension 1 / Advanced. I want to choose subjects that...
  14. M

    Does business studies or modern history have more memorisation?

    I asked a similar question a while ago, but I am still in quite a predicament and can't choose between the two. I don't know anyone who does either business studies or modern history, so I was wondering if I could get some guidance. Based on the research I've done online, it seems like business...
  15. Shavi Masee

    Year 11/senior subject Selection

    I'm currently in yr 10 struggling to decide what I want to do. Should I pick based on what I want to do in the future (I still don't know, probably health related), getting a high ATAR, or what I like? My current picks are: - English Standard - Math Advanced (maybe ext 1 if recommended) - Music...
  16. D

    Will This Ruin My dreams And Aspirations Of Becoming An Engineer?

    Hi, today i had a test for maths advanced it was a formal assessment and it was so hard so i ripped a few pages and put it in my pocket (with the bad intention that i might have the opportunity of retaking because the teacher might of thought he lost them) later in the day he called me out of...
  17. A

    Is extension 2 english, extension 1 english, and extension 1 maths too much?

    I have been struggling with this decision for a while now and could use some help. I currently take 3U maths and english, as well as chem, VA, and Legal, but I'm interested in taking up extension 2 english at the start of year 12. Problem is I enjoy all my subjects and don't want to drop any of...
  18. V

    HSC Alumni's, what are your year 11 and year 12 regrets?

    HSC Alumni's, what are your year 11 and year 12 regrets?
  19. Canoeboat

    Is it still possible to get a 95+? Am I cooked?

    This my report, am i cooked? Studies Of Religion 1: 84/100, Rank: 4/32 English Advanced: 71/100, Rank: 11/38 Extension English 1: 66/100, Rank: 1/3 Math Advanced: 77/100, Rank: 11/37 Math Extension 1: 52/100, Rank: 13/16 Biology: 93/100, Rank 3/12 Chemistry: 86/100, Rank: 2/11 Economics: 70/100...
  20. A

    Is it still possible to get a 90 plus atar

    Im currently in year 12 in term 3 and am looking for a 90 atar at the moment my marks on average are chemistry 66% Biology 60% English standard 61% Maths advanced 60% Food tech 68% Do u reckon its still possible and does anyone know how to improve chemistry marks