Hi! Why does insertion push elements rather than swap each and why does selection swap elements rather than push. Or why don't they both push / swap? Is there a difference in pushing/swapping values
I'm curious if anyone bought back their SDD papers in their HSC year? I was hoping to have a look at the standard required for full marks in some of the shorts, as some of the sample responses in the marking guidelines seem like they lack detail.
Hi all!
This below question was in one of the trial papers from my teacher. If anyone could provide an explanation / walkthrough guide on how to approach this I would greatly appreciate it!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Thank you!!!
I want to do SDD or IPT for my HSC because I enjoy both, but I have been told the scaling is very bad, and in some cases you can get scaled down. I'm all for studying subjects that you enjoy and find interesting because you'll be doing it for 2 years, but getting a high ATAR is more important to...
So I dropped SDD like maybe 4 weeks ago and I really want to pick it up again now because I literally just failed my maths exam (58%..) and I'm on 10 units so I don't really know what to do. I dropped SDD because I have an IP for Drama and Depth studies for Chem and Bio that would literally take...