society and culture

  1. P

    sac questionnaire :)

    link is on my profile (currently struggling to find more participants hence why i posted here)
  2. P

    HSC Advanced English, Ancient, Modern and History Extension Tutor. ATAR: 97.05. Top 10 in NSW for History Extension Major Work.

    Hello! I'm an experienced tutor with over 6 years of experience mentoring Year 11 and HSC students. I have a first class honours degree in Economics and Politics from the University of Sydney, and have an innate passion for teaching students the writing and organisational skills I employed for...
  3. G

    society and culture 2023 paper

    the depth study questions??? unbelievable how hard they were! the popular culture one was insaneeeeeee i do social media and i had no idea how to answer that... does anyone have multi choice answers?
  4. sophiie.burns

    MAJOR WORK ADVICE (from someone who did 3 major works!)

    Hey guys, Not sure if anyone will see this, but id thought I'd share my major work experience with those of you who are considering dropping or are doing major work subjects for year 12. Before I go on my little rant I want to say that this was just my experience with major works and...
  5. O

    PIP Questionnaire

    Please consider filling out my questionnaire, it shouldn't take too long and is mostly multiple choice. Thank you for your time! h ttps:// (it wouldn't let me put the link together, make sure you do when entering💗) (p.s. please feel free to move my thread if I put...
  6. L


    im currently planning/writing my pip and i am currently having struggles as to what chapters i should have my pip idea is - how has cultural diversity diversity imapcted the film industry? i have a few chapter ideas in mind - whitewashing - forced diversity my continuity and change is the...
  7. Y

    Places to get survey responses from Gen Y and older people? survey:

    Hey guys, currently doing a google forms for my SAC pip and have chosen generations as my cross cultural perspective, but i'm having trouble finding older people besides people my own age to do the survey. Does anyone recommend any public online groups or forums I can publish my survey and get...
  8. Y

    PIP Survey

    Hey guys! Currently in Year 12 and collecting responses for my PIP. Would be killer if you could take the time to fill out my survey. It's cross-generational so just pick the link that takes you to your generation. Topic is on the use of technology for escapism. Please share it around too...
  9. Y

    Society & Culture PIP Questionnaire :]

    Hey guys! I would really appreciate it if you completed this questionnaire for me for my Society and Culture major work! I intend to evaluate the extent to which horror has evolved in relation to the depiction of female character archetypes, and how the genre contributes to the formation of...
  10. V

    My Pip Questionnaire (

    Please help me out if you'd like to :)) My topic is gender stereotypes in romantic-comedy films.
  11. T

    PIP Questionnaire please fill out

    Hey guys, I'm struggling to get people to fill out my Questionnaire. The topic is on the power of literature throughout history as a catalyst for social change on gender inequality, and how it shapes the understanding of gender roles in Adolescence throughout time. I have attached the link and...
  12. Y

    SAC PIP cross cultural component?

    Hey there, I'm having trouble deciding what cross-cultural component I should do for my pip topic. My topic basically focuses on the concept of nostalgia and technology - the function of nostalgia in the world today, how technology and media makes us more nostalgic and it's effects on mental...
  13. I

    help PIP name

    I need help choosing a title for my personal interest project, which is about the struggles multicultural individuals experience - My first chapter is about the struggles; identity, beliefs and socialisation process - The second chapter is about cultural assimilation in Australia, specifically...
  14. R


    Hey if anyone could tell me the continuity and change that has occurred in India's: -education -beliefs, values and lifestyles It would be greatly appreciate x
  15. E

    Should I pickup history extension?

    I really really want to do history extension but there are some obvious downsides. Like I‘d have to do it through distance education, it’s obviously difficult and I already do ancient + modern + society so the workload would be a lot. However, history is my absolute favourite and strongest...
  16. T

    PIP questionnaire

    Hi everyone - if you have a few spare minutes please fill out my PIP questionnaire - it should only take a few minutes of your time. The link is in the title Thanks so much!
  17. R

    PIP questionnaire

    This is a questionnaire for my PIP, if you take the time out of your day to answer, it will be much appreciated :)
  18. R

    PIP (please help)

    Hey, so my teacher said that my PIP topic was too generic and had been done a lot in the previous years which was: "How does the negative influence of Disney material manifest in children?" With this question I was going to talk about toxic masculinity, misogynistic views and beauty...
  19. moonbow

    legal vs society

    deciding between legal studies and society/culture but i like them equally so is there much difference between scaling (if u get the same mark for instance)? is there a course that is better for my preferred uni courses (international relations / political science / international law / political...
  20. sophieecam

    Society and Culture PIP Survey

    Hi, Im a year 12 society & culture student. I would really appreciate it if anyone would spare a few minutes to complete my questionnaire. This questionnaire is open to anyone! Any help is very appreciated. The link is in the word doc below because it doesn't let me post links on the thread for...