Originally posted by Winston
YEAH i know!! it really is lol.. i can totally relate bleh... man is being chinese really that typical our lives hahaha.. it seems all the same everywhere
lol. yeah,.. @__@ typical chinese eh? two more of my uncles own restaurants too... -_- teh one i'm working in now, it's pretty well-known coz i think it was the first in our area? it's been around for i think 25 yrs now, most of our customers are regulars and remmeber me when i was THIS young, etc etc. it's embarrassing lol.
but yeah, the restaurant has been a burden on my family coz our lives have revolved around it... every relative living in sydney is either working or has worked in it before (even my ex has worked here hahaha), and it takes up so much time and stuff.. and right now we're waaay short on staff, sarah moved back to melbourne so on thurs nights it' sjust me working atm @__@ my uncle never gets "outsiders" to work as waiter/waitresses coz of the cash register, i guess.... but it's unfair on us coz we have more work to do. argh. and we're all either in uni or yr12, which makes it even worse. rawr.
haha sorry i ramble a lot.
*listens to old jacky cheung songs*
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