2 million Japanese WMD still in China (2 Viewers)


Mohammed was a paedophile
Feb 15, 2004
You didn't say capitalism doesn't suit China, but lawforever did.


Dec 18, 2003
Calculon said:
you don't want to sacrifice so many lives just to find this conclusion, do you ?

Calculon said:
Correct, but this is more a case of someone's child growing up and leaving home against their parents' wishes. The parent has no right to take the child back
1. That child didn't leave home himself, he was robbed away.
2. That child doesn't want to come home becuz he doesn't know about his parents and thinks his parents are poor.

Calculon said:
You say capitalism doesn't suit China then commend them for privatising things. I don't get it.
as if privatisation is only appearing in capitalism's dictionary !

Calculon said:
But it does prove the point that without communism China would be 100x better off.
but we all can see that communist party is trying to solve the problems and make china become stronger. past doesn't represent present and future.

I would say without communist party China might not be better than now. it will be very rare for others to have the same mentality to make these 40 years' effort.

Calculon said:
If that's the case then why doesn't the US invade every weak/poor country on earth without needing an excuse?.
if they have enough military power to defeat the whole world, they will do so.


Mohammed was a paedophile
Feb 15, 2004
lawforever said:
you don't want to sacrifice so many lives just to find this conclusion, do you ?
Saddam was already slaughtering his people by the hundreds of thousands, Iraq had nothing to lose but a disgusting government.
1. That child didn't leave home himself, he was robbed away.
2. That child doesn't want to come home becuz he doesn't know about his parents and thinks his parents are poor.
Well his parents can contact him and tell him about themselves and why their home is good. If he still doesn't come back they have no right to drag him kicking and screaming.
as if privatisation is only appearing in capitalism's dictionary !
Privatisation is the main pillar of capitalism, as it emphasises the idea of small government. Communism relies upon central planning in order to ensure "fair trade", and thus privatisation is counter to its aims.
but we all can see that communist party is trying to solve the problems and make china become stronger. past doesn't represent present and future.
So if I murdered 80 million people a few years ago, but now I'm a nice person I shouldn't be condemned?

I would say without communist party China might not be better than now. it will be very rare for others to have the same mentality to make these 40 years' effort.
Evidence please. Private enterprise will have the mentality to improve if the market provides them with incentive to do so.

if they have enough military power to defeat the whole world, they will do so.
But they do. The US alone has nearly half the world's military spending.


Jan 9, 2005
"Saddam was already slaughtering his people by the hundreds of thousands, Iraq had nothing to lose but a disgusting government."
Bullshit, hundreds and thousands is grossly exagerated. 5000 kurds got gassed. Also the deaths of shias and kurds in the aftermath of gulf war one was in a period of CIVIL WAR, not a normal daily situation.

In normal times, Saddam wasn't going out slaughtering. The death and destruction after the collapse of Saddam is much worse with daily suicide bombings and shooting in the streets of Iraq. When Saddam was in power at least law and order was present, not anarchy.

So if I murdered 80 million people a few years ago, but now I'm a nice person I shouldn't be condemned?
80 million? who murdered 80 million? If you are trying to infer that the deaths of people from starvation in the great leap forward is somehow the fault of the current government then you're just lost. About as sensible as blaming the current British government for the Irish potatoe famine.
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Dec 18, 2003
Calculon said:
Saddam was already slaughtering his people by the hundreds of thousands, Iraq had nothing to lose but a disgusting government.
How about the ppl tortured and died during the US attack ? That z heaps of cost

Calculon said:
Well his parents can contact him and tell him about themselves and why their home is good. If he still doesn't come back they have no right to drag him kicking and screaming..
But becoz of some other strangers' false description about his parents, this kid is scared and decides to stay away. also what is happening now are these strangers are holding his back against his own parents. How horrible is that.

Calculon said:
Privatisation is the main pillar of capitalism, as it emphasises the idea of small government. Communism relies upon central planning in order to ensure "fair trade", and thus privatisation is counter to its aims.
that z the definition in the old days when there is very distinct line between two. Now privatisation is used as a tool to simulate the economic market so that competition helps the growth of capitals and technology. This is not owned by capitalism.

Calculon said:
So if I murdered 80 million people a few years ago, but now I'm a nice person I shouldn't be condemned?.
you should say that to Jap government.
At least China is trying its best to develope the country as compensation and redemption for the wrong direction the country follows lot of years ago, whereas Jap is not.

Calculon said:
Evidence please. Private enterprise will have the mentality to improve if the market provides them with incentive to do so.
well that 40 years' result has proved that it is trying its best to grow, whereas no other growth or achivement can ever be as great as this in human history.

Calculon said:
But they do. The US alone has nearly half the world's military spending.
no they don't. coz a few countries have nukes. US has the power to destroy the world but not the power to win the war against rest of the countries. And if they destroy the world then everyone dies and they can't survive too.


Mohammed was a paedophile
Feb 15, 2004
# Iraq, Saddam Hussein (1979-2003): 300 000

* Human Rights Watch: "twenty-five years of Ba`th Party rule ... murdered or 'disappeared' some quarter of a million Iraqis" [http://www.hrw.org/wr2k4/3.htm]
* 8/9 Dec. 2003 AP: Total murders
o New survey estimates 61,000 residents of Baghdad executed by Saddam.
o US Government estimates a total of 300,000 murders
+ 180,000 Kurds k. in Anfal
+ 60,000 Shiites in 1991
+ 50,000 misc. others executed
o "Human rights officials" est.: 500,000
o Iraqi politicians: over a million
* [These don't include the million or so dead in the Iran-Iraq War.]
How about the ppl tortured and died during the US attack ? That z heaps of cost
Not as many as above.
that z the definition in the old days when there is very distinct line between two. Now privatisation is used as a tool to simulate the economic market so that competition helps the growth of capitals and technology. This is not owned by capitalism.
It is not an element of communism. Using the market to stimulate competition is a capitalist principle, communism believes things can be better acheived by a central government.
well that 40 years' result has proved that it is trying its best to grow, whereas no other growth or achivement can ever be as great as this in human history.
How about Singapore? They went from practically nothing to one of the world's strongest per capita economies.
no they don't. coz a few countries have nukes. US has the power to destroy the world but not the power to win the war against rest of the countries. And if they destroy the world then everyone dies and they can't survive too.
If the US wanted to invade all the non-nuclear powers they could. But they aren't.


Jan 9, 2005
"If the US wanted to invade all the non-nuclear powers they could. But they aren't"
cough *Vietnam* cough

"# Iraq, Saddam Hussein (1979-2003): 300 000"
FFS a 24 year period!

Let's see the current Iraqi anarchy and possible civil war extend over a 24 year period and see how many people die as a result of NOT having Saddam!

I'd say the Iraqis are setting a pretty good pace at beating Saddam's death total as it is and once the shias, kurds and sunnis go all out against one another, they will probably increase it 5-10X.

How about Singapore? They went from practically nothing to one of the world's strongest per capita economies.
That's cos Lee Kuan Yew got it right, parlimentary democracy to kill off corruption (one of the lowest in the world),yet solid one party rule to maintain long term stability and rapid infrastructure development without democratic 'NIMBY' red tape. :)
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Dec 18, 2003
Calculon said:
Not as many as above.
war in Iraq results in more people's death, if you know how to compare two numbers.
Calculon said:
How about Singapore? They went from practically nothing to one of the world's strongest per capita economies.
singapore is a much smaller country with much less population than china. This means the management of singapore is million times easier! the permanent position of UN Security council and success of space mission (after US and Russia, not sure about japan) all indicates there a lota unique outcomes china has had.

Calculon said:
If the US wanted to invade all the non-nuclear powers they could. But they aren't.
it z easy to answer. If US was that greedy and wanted to conquer all the non-nuclear power nations it z gtta result in the instability and insecurity to those nuclear power nations and they won't allow it to do that.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
If the US wanted to invade all the non-nuclear powers they could. But they aren't
The US have a long history of invaded or covert intervering in independant nations regardless.

There are no WMD's in Iraq, but before the war people from both sides of US politics all thought there was, and it is not hard to see how they reached this conclusion.
Well since they were wrong what you saying is that they reached this conclusion through many possibilities on thieir incompetence.

1) Bush and co has no power over his intelligence bureaucracies, and can not control them. So they are doing poor jobs. This shows bad leadership. This leads to number 2.

2) The secret services bureaucracies are only giving their bosses what they want to hear. They are supporters of the neo cons and are promoted based on political loyalty

3) The head bosses just lied and twisted the facts to support their invasion.

Howard blamed the the errors on the intelligence services. This shows the government have little control over the intelligence bureaucracies and they can make errors freely and face no penalties or they just tell the government what they want to hear.

This was not used by the opposition side. That just shows the incompetence of the opposition to be a opposition.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Haha. I saw that pig slaughtering movie too. Crazy SBS

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