I don't mind most 'assess' dot points(although they tend to make things very subjective), but those points about the history of physics is purely irrelevant. I am sure we can learn physics without reading Newton or Einstein.
theres no pt in doing the maths when u dun even know the theory that the maths is based on
There's a difference between not reading tonnes and tonnes of history and not understanding the concepts.
then again, if physics in HSC is very heavily maths based...wouldn't that disadvantage the 2u math kids...if ur taking physics just for pure math leisure, then u should be thinking bout doing 4u maths more...coz physics isn't just bout plugging in numbers into formulas
Instead of saying "we want more maths" Lets say I want more
depth in knowledge, I want to be able to describe physical phenomena with
precision and to be able to make more
accurate and
detailed hypotheses about the outcome of experiments which I would perform. Let's face it, The amount of maths in the course is directly proportional to the depth in understanding of physics and is inversely proportional to the average ambiguity in the statements of students

. Taking out maths would turn physics into metaphysics
ALSO, maths isn't about plugging numbers into formulas, maths is more about deducing conclusions from premises. I suggest you learn more maths before criticising(indirectly) maths in this way.
Ofcourse, to learn maths you would have to read through the major works of Gauss, Euler, Cantor, Hilbert, Godel, Riemann, Cauchy, Euclid, Russell, Galois etc .
Oh not to forget to describe the controversy Fermat created when he did not leave a prove for his 'last theorem' (ie was it true or not) and how this was resolved and assess it's historical impact on the development of mathematics. Make sure you include all the following terms and names:
Taniyama-Shimura conjecture
Unique factorization
Prime number
Modular form
Elliptic curve
...(sorry too lazy to list, but to score full marks there's a list of 147 terms/names which you need to include in your response)