Enrolment walkthrough
Ok, now that I am enrolled I might as well tell you what happens. Please note I took B Sci (Applied Physics), so neither subject selection nor timetables caused any problems as both were predetermined.
Step One: Turn up on time. They won't enrol you even if you're only five minutes early, so don't bother. Get there ON THE DOT, or the lines spill out onto Harris Street. You'll have to show them your acceptance slip (ex UAC letter or web printout), and they'll hand you a stack of paper. Move into the prep room.
Step Two: Faculty consultation. The reps from your faculty will hand you a slab of stuff, uncluding your Faculty Handbook and your timetable, as well as some forms to fill. Take everything, sit at a table and fill out the forms they show you as per instruction. When that's done, move on to the registration terminals.
Step Three: Database entry. UTS has a friggin MAC LAB full of G4s!

Here is where you will have your enrolment information entered electronically to the UTS system. Take the oppurtunity to fill out all the other forms, including your HECS declaration, Concession application and questionaire. When that's done, move on to the HECS desk.
Step Four: Stampy desk. Here the women will ask you if you are an Aboriginie or Torres Strait Islander (yes, even if you're a FOB), if you're a citizen (same applies) and if you've read the forms (no). Say yes, she'll stamp stuff and send you over to the Student Card and Union Stations.
Step Five: Flash! Here you sit down and have a photo taken, just like getting your license. The cards are printed on the spot, so dress well on the day. After a five minute wait they hand you the card and ask you to sign it. Go to the union table and chat up the rep there for a while, grab the diary and the Orientation CD. Stuff your mass of freebies (half of which is just junk "for your reference") and leave. You are now a UTS Undergrad - Huzzah!
Don't forget you need to bring
Photo and signature ID as well as your
Tax File Number. Also, note that my enrolment took a mere
forty-five (count 'em, 45) minutes! UTS really does own the others...as long as you turn up first!