Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph
Rageeb said:

, how very nice of your principal lol, he actually
let the kids sit their hsc at the school 
. and i think you mean 2008, not 2009. and what about the herald's story was false? they said that Malek Fahd made kids sit the HSC at tafe if there was a risk of their reputation being damaged. this was true. you want the herald to predict that the principal was going to pull those kids out the next day?
yeah, sorry, did mean 2008.
and i think kido_1 is also correct; would i be able to do as well if there were people to pull me down? am i upset that the people who couldnt give two shits are sent to TAFE? unfortunately no longer.
am i pleased that new school policy is that no individual is to be let go after year 10 from now on due to media attention and politics?
absolutely fucking not. we're a private school who can do as we wish.
and, PU-LEASE, this is not something that was exclusive to our school. we're just bashed for it because we're malek fahd ISLAMIC school.
and, their reporting was incorrect in that they did not report that the practice of sending students to TAFE has been discontinued and provided the image that we did not deserve our ranking of 11th, because under-achievers had sat exams at TAFE, which is absolutely untrue.
furthermore, despite sending underachievers to TAFE in the past, 2008 has been the most successful for malek fahd in terms of numbers. 134 band 6's, and 43.9% success rate as opposed to 39% last yr.