2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain (4 Viewers)

Who would you vote for?

  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 381 76.0%
  • John Mccain

    Votes: 120 24.0%

  • Total voters

Captain Hero

Jul 21, 2008
Hugo Chavez is obese and thus unfit to rule. Also he rants on tv for 10 hours every Sunday. He's insane.


Aug 26, 2008
MissSarajevo said:
Fox news is the most reliable news source in the world. Sometime you stupid people get confused with talk show and news reporting. Jesse Jackson is a known anti semite and anti white people thats why he failed in everything, and blame jews for all his failure.
No, really, no. Seven news is more reliable, at least they don't show every piece of news how it must be seen through Sarah Palin's eyes.

As for the debates, I am surprised by the fact that Biden is the only one who actually answers the questions.


Aug 26, 2008
HalcyonSky said:
also, i love fox news's bias towards McCain

was it just me or did the highlighting of McCain's name in red in the vote prompt seem like a bad attempt at subliminal persuasion
Everything that Fox News does is some form of subliminal persuasion.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004

Captin gay

Apr 17, 2007
Shoubadoo said:
Obama fo the winz. I voted for him :)
He may not be as experienced but experience means nothing if you don't have a good vision.
He has Hillary behind him, she's experienced.

I don't trust Sarah Palin.
McCain has the same ppl behind him who served Bush.
Ok, there's tons more I could say, but I simply wrote the basic flimsy stuff.
Not a good argument.
But hey. Palin's the main reason I would not vote for McCain.
ur not allowed to vote


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
Some highlights from the Rollingstone article:
On the grounds between the two brick colleges, the chitchat between the scion of four-star admirals and the son of a prizefighter turns to their academic travels; both colleges sponsor a trip abroad for young officers to network with military and political leaders in a distant corner of the globe.

"I'm going to the Middle East," Dramesi says. "Turkey, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iran."

"Why are you going to the Middle East?" McCain asks, dismissively.

"It's a place we're probably going to have some problems," Dramesi says.

"Why? Where are you going to, John?"

"Oh, I'm going to Rio."

"What the hell are you going to Rio for?"

McCain, a married father of three, shrugs.

"I got a better chance of getting laid."


Even as a toddler, McCain recalls in Faith of My Fathers, his volcanic temper was on display. "At the smallest provocation," he would hold his breath until he passed out: "I would go off in a mad frenzy, and then, suddenly, crash to the floor unconscious." His parents cured him of this habit in a way only a CIA interrogator could appreciate: by dropping their blue-faced boy in a bathtub of ice-cold water.


Indeed, he concedes, his runty physique inspired a Napoleon complex: "My small stature motivated me to . . . fight the first kid who provoked me."


By his own account, McCain was a lazy, incurious student; he squeaked by only by prevailing upon his buddies to help him cram for exams. He continued to get sauced and treat girls badly. Before meeting a girlfriend's parents for the first time, McCain got so shitfaced that he literally crashed through the screen door when he showed up in his white midshipman's uniform.


McCain was not only a lousy student, he had his father's taste for drink and a darkly misogynistic streak. The summer after his sophomore year, cruising with a friend near Arlington, McCain tried to pick up a pair of young women. When they laughed at him, he cursed them so vilely that he was hauled into court on a profanity charge.


Back on campus, McCain's short fuse was legend. "We'd hear this thunderous screaming and yelling between him and his roommate — doors slamming — and one of them would go running down the hall," recalls Phil Butler, who lived across the hall from McCain at the academy. "It was a regular occurrence."


McCain's friends were blindsided by the divorce. The Reagans — with whom the couple had frequently dined and even accompanied on New Year's holidays — never forgave him. By the time McCain became a self-proclaimed "foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution" two years later, he and the Gipper had little more than ideology to bind them. Nancy took Carol under her wing, giving her a job in the White House and treating McCain with a frosty formality that was evident even on the day last March when she endorsed his candidacy. "Ronnie and I always waited until everything was decided and then we endorsed," she said. "Well, obviously, this is the nominee of the party."


The McCains soon found themselves entangled in more legal trouble. In 1989, in behavior the couple has blamed in part on the stress of the Keating scandal, Cindy became addicted to Vicodin and Percocet. She directed a doctor employed by her charity — which provided medical care to patients in developing countries — to supply the narcotics, which she then used to get high on trips to places like Bangladesh and El Salvador.

Tom Gosinski, a young Republican, kept a detailed journal while working as director of government affairs for the charity. "I am working for a very sad, lonely woman whose marriage of convenience to a U.S. senator has driven her to . . . cover feelings of despair with drugs," he wrote in 1992. When Cindy McCain suddenly fired Gosinski, he turned his journal over to the Drug Enforcement Administration, sparking a yearlong investigation. To avoid jail time, Cindy agreed to a hush-hush plea bargain and court-imposed rehab.


McCain is sensitive about his physical appearance, especially his height. The candidate is only five-feet-nine, making him the shortest party nominee since Michael Dukakis. On the night he was elected senator in 1986, McCain exploded after discovering that the stage setup for his victory speech was too low; television viewers saw his head bobbing at the bottom of the screen, his chin frequently cropped from view. Enraged, McCain tracked down the young Republican who had set up the podium, prodding the volunteer in the chest while screaming that he was an "incompetent little shit." Jon Hinz, the director of the Arizona GOP, separated the senator from the young man, promising to get him a milk crate to stand on for his next public appearance.

During his 1992 campaign, at the end of a long day, McCain's wife, Cindy, mussed his receding hair and needled him playfully that he was "getting a little thin up there." McCain reportedly blew his top, cutting his wife down with the kind of language that had gotten him hauled into court as a high schooler: "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." Even though the incident was witnessed by three reporters, the McCain campaign denies it took place.

In the Senate — where, according to former GOP Sen. Bob Smith, McCain has "very few friends" — his volcanic temper has repeatedly led to explosive altercations with colleagues and constituents alike. In 1992, McCain got into a heated exchange with Sen. Chuck Grassley over the fate of missing American servicemen in Vietnam. "Are you calling me stupid?" Grassley demanded. "No, I'm calling you a fucking jerk!" yelled McCain. Sen. Bob Kerrey later told reporters that he feared McCain was "going to head-butt Grassley and drive the cartilage in his nose into his brain." The two were separated before they came to blows.

McCain has called Paul Weyrich, who helped steer the Republican Party to the right, a "pompous self-serving son of a bitch" who "possesses the attributes of a Dickensian villain." In 1999, he told Sen. Pete Domenici, the Republican chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, that "only an asshole would put together a budget like this."

Last year, after barging into a bipartisan meeting on immigration legislation and attempting to seize the reins, McCain was called out by fellow GOP Sen. John Cornyn of Texas. "Wait a second here," Cornyn said. "I've been sitting in here for all of these negotiations and you just parachute in here on the last day. You're out of line." McCain exploded: "Fuck you! I know more about this than anyone in the room."


"He's going to be Bush on steroids," says Johns, the retired brigadier general who has known McCain since their days at the National War College. "His hawkish views now are very dangerous. He puts military at the top of foreign policy rather than diplomacy, just like George Bush does. He and other neoconservatives are dedicated to converting the world to democracy and free markets, and they want to do it through the barrel of a gun."


In January 2002, McCain made a fact-finding mission to the Middle East. While he was there, he dropped by a supercarrier stationed in the Arabian Sea that was dear to his heart: the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the giant floating pork project that he had driven through over President Carter's veto. On board the carrier, McCain called Iraq a "clear and present danger to the security of the United States of America." Standing on the flight bridge, he watched as fighter planes roared off, en route to Afghanistan — where Osama bin Laden had already slipped away. "Next up, Baghdad!" McCain whooped.
Some of it i've heard before, some of it isnt fair, and some of it probably isnt true - but it's pretty devastating. It's a big article, but go for it guys.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2006
On the day I was born, the nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder, at the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up, and she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away, that I was bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
B-B-B-B-Bad to the bone


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
There's no a lot that can happen now. McCain died in the debate - probably a stalemate, but he basically needed to knock Obama unconscious. Das Kreig ist verloren!

I feel a little better about this since reading the epic rollingstones article swiftboating McCain... Maaybe he his a bit dangerous.
I still hold deep reservations about Obama'd weakness and tight media management concealing his true identity. He'll likely be bullied at home and abroad and probably leave a legacy of failed policy at a time when successful leadership is absolutely vital, especially on climate change. He also wont be much good for a dinky little colonial outpost like Australia
I hope i'm wrong.
Either way, he cant do much worse than the last guy.


New Member
Jun 18, 2008
Blue Mountains
Re: Barrack OBama or John Mccain?

How is it possibly better to get a man so determined for more war in the presidency. McCain is hardly as bad as Bush but he's still determined to perpetuate a system of hate throughout the middle east. If there is to be war between Israel and Iran it is not the job of the US to intervene. Why does everyone just accept them as the world police? US should not be feeding the military efforts of either country. And since when is it a bad thing to advocate diplomacy rather than turning up with the cavalry without a by-your-leave? How can one possibly understand the motives or hope to save the lives of your citizens if you refuse to talk with those who pose a threat? Jumping in and massacring the civilians of the enemy country never quelled the problem before, it's hardly going to work this time. I'm more inclined to trust Obama to keep a level head and instead of bombing the shit out of Iran and making them hate the West even more, maybe he'll be able to solve the problems and save thousands of young soldiers lives, and hundreds of thousands of civilians. And do not get me wrong, i despise the Iranian government, as much as i hated Hussein. But you cannot solve the problems by obliterating the infrastructure and not even bothering to count the bodies of the dead, as if their lives never mattered. It only serves to make public opinion go against the US in the same way it did in Vietnam. US needs to back out of Iraq and practice diplomacy a little more, which is exactly what Obama is capable of doing. So i hope he wins. Plus you have to consider that idiodic bitch McCain has as Vice, refusing to answer questions in the Vice-Presidential debate and holding some of the most vile policies. If there is even the remotest chance of her being President then I'm scared the world is only going to get worse.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
My academic sources inform me that McCain and Palin have had a major rift over the shape of the campaign in the last few days; he's pulled rank and told her to can the terrorist stuff, while she believes that this is the best/only thing they have left.

Apparently, key GOP conservatives really ARE planning to rehash Palin in 2012. Frankly, I wish she'd just crawl back down the shithole she came out from


Loose lips sink ships
Nov 15, 2004
to the left, a little below the right and right in
Iron said:
.Apparently, key GOP conservatives really ARE planning to rehash Palin in 2012. Frankly, I wish she'd just crawl back down the shithole she came out from
Oh God. Yes because planning for the future by keeping alive the hopes of a person who is a big backwards step makes so much sense.


I swear half of the reason I'm voting for Obama is because of that freak.

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