Bro I thought I was the shit having a teacher who does HSC marking

mf has a doctor
LMAO and bro he's genuinely such a good bloke too it's insane, like he's one of those teachers that when he teaches everyone listens but he still fucks around. I had him in year 9 and we had a unit where we had to watch a doco and we ended up watching the last dance as our doco for the term bc he loves basketball. ahhhh i love bro sm he made me love english lit and next year im taking a minor in philosophy (bc he made me really interested in it, especially existentialist) alongside my sports science degree.
The way this sounds 2000% more interesting than mine I'm dead.
Right!!! everyone does creative, but I think, like you said we're probs better off in the long run.
Your text choices are really interesting Brave New World is great and I like that you did the modernist/post-modernist separation that's smart. How did you structure your response??
Mine was called "Romance is a Tired Whore" which basically looked into how traditional romance is bad but attempts to revamp it are dumb because they overindulge in modern tropes (eg. Heartstopper while a FANTASTIC SHOW has literally every single sexual orientation possible and its irritating). So I did 2 essays that flowed together (had three but chopped one out with 2 weeks to go ffs) 1) Contextual Assumptions and their Suppression and 2) The Damning of Amour Propre. my bodies were separated in time periods with 2 texts each:
1845-1900 --> Jane Eyre and Madame Bovary
1900-1945 --> Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises and Mrs Dalloway
1945-1999 ---> Last of the Mohicans (film) and the Scarlet Letter (Film)
But I hated on them so much I had so much fun but also wanted to die from stress and anger lol
Nah bc yours sounds interesting af too. Yeah BNW is great for contextual representation. The good thing about my postmodern texts is that they're 2 of my favourite books to that made it pre easy to analyse which I think is important for people who do this, like doing something you enjoy. I called it "“OLD FEARS ARE NEW AGAIN” / How Dystopian Fiction Represents a Barometer of the Ages" and structured it by societal concerns. Each concern was a section where I prove my thesis told in my introductory section. ofc having only 5000 words I just did 2 concerns (BRO I LITERALLY HAD 3 AND THEN CHOPPED THEM WITH A WEEK TO GO TOO HAHA) that fed into eachother, I would've preferred more but alas. The two were:
1. The Issue of Oppressive Systems within Supposed Utopian Visions
2. The Consequence of Curtailing Individualism on Utopia
In them each I'd go
B1 - Modernist Texts
Brave New World
B2 - Postmodern Texts
In it I put a bunch of theory too that I used to analyse the pieces if that makes sense. So overall I did New Historicist and then each section had a base theory so in the first section Althusser's ISA/RSA model and then Individualism in the other section which markers apparently like and it made my analysis seem more credible. Put a bunch of secondary sources outside of the books which my teacher really liked rather than relying on textual analysis alone. It'd go like here's textual evidence and then here's some wider sources affirming my analysis of it and its link to context and why this is. Then I had an overall conclusion at the end. I always like to do the broken up structure, make links as I go and then tie it all together at the end. Makes it feel more academicy and neat. But Fr tho our structuring is pretty similar.
(on another note while I love mine I kind of wish I did it on the futility of the utopian vision (how it just cannot exist) as foretold by dystopian and utopian fiction, that would've been really interesting.)
AHHHH I COULD GO ON FOR AGES ABOUT MY MW OR EE2 IN GENERAL HAHAHHA. I got it binded the day I handed it in
Now to yours. Bro I hate all the overuse of outdated tropes and stuff too in writing just ruins the actual plot. I see some of the stuff on the kindle store and I read the synopsis and it's just yuck and so unrealistic and then that creates so much wider issues with people's perception of romance and self-esteem and all that. Your MW is actually on a really good topic tho damn, bc ur right traditional romance just aint it when we reflect on it with our modern values. I can understand why you hate on them so much bc just trying to revamp it is stupid because it isn't relevant to the now. The Damning of Amour Propre section sounds really interesting too, I assume you use Rousseau? I wouldn't mind having a read of your piece tbh.
i mean yeah i loved short fiction and i don't regret it so hopefully! i think i'm ranked okay - must be 1st or 2nd of 13
13. Brother what. I got 3 ppl in ee2 and 5 in ee1. 13 is just crazy. Should everyone who does it actually be there?
How do the Extension 2 ranks matter? Because I kinda understand the other subjects but Extension 2 I don't get the impact at all like someone please explain
If you have a big class it matters and there's heaps of fluctuation, or the marks are super spread in a small class and again theres heaps of fluctuation. or if youve done well in internals and then shit in externals which kind of is impossible. my treacher said it doesn't matter too much, the make or break he said is the externals, it only matters, he said, if the marks are spread.