12 hours for moi.
ex-prelimers, it worries me slightly that while im currently basking in confidence atm while reading the year 12s comments about throwing things around rooms and staring blankly at walls and not being prepared, im convincing myself that next year i will be prepared...
dont u think they said that to themselves too last year?
that will be us next year.
and i kinda cant wait.
but im a little bit afraid of failure.
ignorance and arrogance is bliss...
i used to think i could do anything..
im slowly doubting it...
but then again...
wisest is he who knows that it is he who does not know...
goodluck kiddos.
i dont mean it.
UAI's are rankings.
and i want to beat 99.3% of u.
im not cocky in the least haha.
we'll be fine.
its a year.
shut ur door.
open ur book.
lets prove to Tom the myspace guy that he cant ruin our lives..