90+ HSC Mark English - how did you do it?? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Hii, to all those people who got 90+ HSC Mark in eng adv+ext 1, how did you do it? What sort of things did you need to do to secure such a high mark?

I'm currently struggling with english. I'm more struggling with what to study, and what do I need to do to grasp the module/text properly and form a proper thesis? What are some things that you need to do in order to be a successful student in english?

If you don't mind, could you answer these questions:
1. How much time did you spend on english, and what did you do?
2. What are some things that you need to do in order to understand the texts and modules? I know 'understanding' sounds primitive, but I'm having trouble with that right now. I don't even understand it enough to form a solid thesis, let alone refine and perfect...

Thank you!!


Apr 6, 2016
don't look up
1. How much time did you spend on english, and what did you do?
Too much time. Writing essays and reading alot of info about the texts/authors

2. What are some things that you need to do in order to understand the texts and modules? I know 'understanding' sounds primitive, but I'm having trouble with that right now. I don't even understand it enough to form a solid thesis, let alone refine and perfect...
Look up themes, quote analysis, resources from other schools e.g. powerpoints, analysis and essays.This will tell you what you should be saying. Read the rubric so you know you're doing exactly what the marker wants in each module. When writing your essay, always think "what is the author saying about (Module _)" To write your thesis, look at what your texts say about the module, then turn that into a statement. E.g. "While discovery elucidates new understandings about oneself and the wider world, there is often a hidden cost" (yeah dont use that I made it up just then)


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
Thank you :) would you recommend reading up on the facts of the time period as well?


Jul 19, 2014
1.How much time did you spend on english, and what did you do?

English was my weakest subjects hence I knew that it would be my most time consuming. I studied english (not homework like actual past papers and memorising) for 40 - 80 minutes a day and prior to english exams it would rise to 2-3 hours per day. I began my study with reading and annotating all my prescribed and recommended texts as well as collecting and memorising techniques for HSC section 1 (AOS paper). Then once all that was done I would focus that time in making, fixing and perfecting my essays and re writing them open book 4-5 times within 35 minutes. After that it was just memorising, practice papers, small essay tweaks, looking over and noting past years essays feedback (positive and negative) also I practiced a lot of introductions because I felt those were my weakest area's I would recommend doing that as well under timed conditions (5-6:30 minutes).

2. What are some things that you need to do in order to understand the texts and modules?
Read the texts, analyse the texts and try get a good exposure to questions by practicing all that you can. If you need more help look at study guides online and ask teachers or peers for help.


Premium Member
May 31, 2015
Thank you :) would you recommend reading up on the facts of the time period as well?
Module A DEFINITELY include context, because the whole module is about comparing two texts which have been shaped by their respective time periods and values.

AOS it's not necessary (I think) but a bit of background information here and there wouldn't hurt.

Module B and C I haven't done yet so you'll have to ask those who have completed the HSC!

Remember though mod A you HAVE to relate to context, it's basically the whole module.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2013
Sorry if I'm late to the party

1. How much time did you spend on english, and what did you do?

A lot, approximately 200 hrs minimum writing the first draft of my Mod A (according to Microsoft Word file properties) to the best of my ability (I don't see why people make first draft 'bad' when they can go for perfection first time around), this multiplied by 5 for each of my memorised scripts (2 Aos, 3 Modules) should be 1000 hours already, then you need to factor in the time I spent practicing my adaptation for which there is no official timekeeper but I reckon it was at least 50hrs per script, currently the total is 1250 hrs minimum-then you need to include the time I spent refining the drafts, researching context etc and then memorising 5000 words.

Was it worth it? Absolutely, would not do anything different. You only get out what you put in.

Now for my own approach to English, the most important thing you should get your hands on is a high achieving private tutor who has done your text for their own HSC-imo there is no point in hiring a tutor who has completed for YOUR TEXTS for the HSC regardless of whether they have extraordinary marks or have 'read and done analysis on' the novel (which simply in not enough as they still do not know the 'ins and outs' in exam technique as they have not written/practiced adapting essays to the set texts nor have they faced any of the problems that you will most likely go through as it is specific for each text-same applies to looking for HSC markers/school teachers as they most likely did not completed the HSC with those texts and have simply gone to a few bridging courses to teach it). The tutor you seek also has to be willing to make your responses/scripts as there is no point if they don't do so-try get one that gives fast feedback and does not delay your essay marking for weeks and weeks because of 'uni commitments or school commitments). Next up the 2nd most important thing to my approach was to read exemplar state ranking/High Band 6 essays to learn how to write a high level. Other than that, it was all 'grind' in writing essays/memorising/adapting, also if you haven't noticed I did Memorise my scripts because this is the most fool proof way to score high marks and it is really not that dangerous (in not directly answering the question) if you practice enough. I could have easily not memorised but there's no way my expression made up in 40mins exam time beats someone who memorises and answers the questions (by not memorising you only seek to beat people who memorise and neglect adaptation and it is sometimes even more dangerous if you just have a torrid 40mins of thinking)

2. What are some things that you need to do in order to understand the texts and modules? I know 'understanding' sounds primitive, but I'm having trouble with that right now. I don't even understand it enough to form a solid thesis, let alone refine and perfect...

You will learn these in time during class. If you want to address these ahead of time and stay ahead of the pack I recommend that you seek private tutoring as it is quite hard to summarise all of these questions in one post.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2015
200 HRS wtf 0-0
Any tips for discovery essays especially on Life of Pi andrew?


Active Member
Dec 18, 2016
The Cosmos
200 HRS wtf 0-0
Any tips for discovery essays especially on Life of Pi andrew?
That amount of time is absurd. A close friend of mine did the hsc last year and got 97 in advanced without reading texts- he spent awhile perfecting creative and essay and that was it.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2013
200 HRS wtf 0-0
Any tips for discovery essays especially on Life of Pi andrew?
Try and explore the duality of discovery in your thesis-especially if your text is about a 'positive' transformation (not sure about LoP as I haven't watched or read)-i.e. discovery is not always empowering-this can be best done through selection of a 'darker' related text. If you explore something different (i.e. duality) as opposed to the usual 'discovery is a transformative process...' it instantly engages the marker who has probably read 50 essays about the latter thesis and it also looks after you for any of the 'boogie'/'hard'/'will destroy my prepared essay' type questions eg. 'different attitudes towards discovery'

Seeing as you're surprised by the time spent on my essays, I've also attached a screenshot of the word doc properties for my first Module A draft just to show you haha. It might seem like a lot but it's really just a few weeks of dedication and hard work.



Active Member
Oct 2, 2015
Ohh alright. Any ideas for related texts? So far I'm thinking of choosing either Invictus or The Perks of being a Wallflower. What text did your school do and what related did you choose :)?


Active Member
Sep 8, 2013
Ohh alright. Any ideas for related texts? So far I'm thinking of choosing either Invictus or The Perks of being a Wallflower. What text did your school do and what related did you choose :)?
Both way too popular-you want to find something that is not a mainstream choice but not too obscure so that teachers can actually understand and will be like 'Oh didn't think of that but that totally works' when they mark it-preferably something of significant literary value (renowned author) but just not commonly used

I did 'The Motorcycle Diaries' at school and I did a short story by H.P. Lovecraft for my related-I knew that most teachers would have heard of Lovecraft but maybe not my chosen text specifically but it didn't really matter because they would already have his genre/writing style in mind.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2014
Sydney, New South Wales
Sorry if I'm late to the party

1. How much time did you spend on english, and what did you do?

A lot, approximately 200 hrs minimum writing the first draft of my Mod A (according to Microsoft Word file properties) to the best of my ability (I don't see why people make first draft 'bad' when they can go for perfection first time around), this multiplied by 5 for each of my memorised scripts (2 Aos, 3 Modules) should be 1000 hours already, then you need to factor in the time I spent practicing my adaptation for which there is no official timekeeper but I reckon it was at least 50hrs per script, currently the total is 1250 hrs minimum-then you need to include the time I spent refining the drafts, researching context etc and then memorising 5000 words.

Was it worth it? Absolutely, would not do anything different. You only get out what you put in.

Now for my own approach to English, the most important thing you should get your hands on is a high achieving private tutor who has done your text for their own HSC-imo there is no point in hiring a tutor who has completed for YOUR TEXTS for the HSC regardless of whether they have extraordinary marks or have 'read and done analysis on' the novel (which simply in not enough as they still do not know the 'ins and outs' in exam technique as they have not written/practiced adapting essays to the set texts nor have they faced any of the problems that you will most likely go through as it is specific for each text-same applies to looking for HSC markers/school teachers as they most likely did not completed the HSC with those texts and have simply gone to a few bridging courses to teach it). The tutor you seek also has to be willing to make your responses/scripts as there is no point if they don't do so-try get one that gives fast feedback and does not delay your essay marking for weeks and weeks because of 'uni commitments or school commitments). Next up the 2nd most important thing to my approach was to read exemplar state ranking/High Band 6 essays to learn how to write a high level. Other than that, it was all 'grind' in writing essays/memorising/adapting, also if you haven't noticed I did Memorise my scripts because this is the most fool proof way to score high marks and it is really not that dangerous (in not directly answering the question) if you practice enough. I could have easily not memorised but there's no way my expression made up in 40mins exam time beats someone who memorises and answers the questions (by not memorising you only seek to beat people who memorise and neglect adaptation and it is sometimes even more dangerous if you just have a torrid 40mins of thinking)

2. What are some things that you need to do in order to understand the texts and modules? I know 'understanding' sounds primitive, but I'm having trouble with that right now. I don't even understand it enough to form a solid thesis, let alone refine and perfect...

You will learn these in time during class. If you want to address these ahead of time and stay ahead of the pack I recommend that you seek private tutoring as it is quite hard to summarise all of these questions in one post.
How many hours a week would you hire a tutor for in English ? Do you need someone to constantly review your draft and better structure your work along the way? I admit I did get one of the top tutors for a university history unit and without it, I wouldn't have passed. (Well in that particular unit I hired 3 tutors a long the way) Would it be advisable to possibly look at 2 more tutors to review your work? (I guess its always good to have other feedback along the way) I also remember not putting in as much time as I would have liked. It was a unit that I didn't have any prior experience to.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2013
Which short story?
All his short stories sound the same anyway haha but regardless I need to keep under wraps from my private tutoring students who want to use it. Any text of Lovecraft should be pretty decent if you want to argue the above thesis


Active Member
Sep 8, 2013
How many hours a week would you hire a tutor for in English ? Do you need someone to constantly review your draft and better structure your work along the way? I admit I did get one of the top tutors for a university history unit and without it, I wouldn't have passed. (Well in that particular unit I hired 3 tutors a long the way) Would it be advisable to possibly look at 2 more tutors to review your work? (I guess its always good to have other feedback along the way) I also remember not putting in as much time as I would have liked. It was a unit that I didn't have any prior experience to.
How many hours: Depends on how much you need them and what kind of service they offer. Standard would be 2 hours. I would go for 2hrs if they were a basically 'write your essay for as they speak' type of guy, 1-1:30 if they are limited in service eg. preparation material and actually lesson content but do essay marking to compensate (eg. 1 free mark a week)

Do I need constant scrutiny: Of course, no essay is perfect but you can get closer and closer each time so why not. Once your essay is 90%, submissions for marking should no longer be 'drafts' but rather attempts at practicing adaptation (assuming you memorise since we are talking about essay drafts/revision)-a good tutor should be jack of all trades and help your adaptation abilities, 50% of your marks come from the prepared essay and the other 50% from your skill

More than 2 tutors: You should know more about Uni than me haha, but for HSC your 2nd tutor is your school teacher-but beware of slow return and even no returns- generally speaking using them for second opinion is more than sufficient, 3 different opinions a bit too much
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2014
Sydney, New South Wales
Thanks for the feedback. My English is not up to an English Advanced Level but I find it a fairly complex subject to learn by yourself. I have read those 'CheckPoints' Cambridge sample essays and I have never really understood the structure of essay writing at HSC level. I understand there is a lot of preparation (you mentioned around 200 hours for Module A alone). Looking at what you said , I don't think its a subject you can prepare for by leaving it with a week to go before finals. It's a subject where you have to keep up to date on a week by week basis.

I will admit though that the subject content is interesting. If I was a year 12 student, I would look to get a tutor like you said, possibly see them 4-5 times a week.

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