I recently graduated from a top 30 selective school with an ATAR of 99.50 and studying Bachelor Commerce/Bachelor Law at The University of Sydney. I am a recipient of Premier’s Award for All-round Excellence for attaining Band 6 for all subjects.
A COMPREHENSIVE set of notes that addresses each dot point thoroughly is crucial for gaining a solid understanding of the theory involved in each subject as well as forming the foundation for practice responses and HSC-style questions. Effective notes must be able to provide an answer for any questions encountered.
I know at first hand the amount of time needed to be spent in consolidating information from different sources into a complete set of notes. Below are notes that have been painstakingly sourced from MULTIPLE TEXTBOOKS, CLASS NOTES and various STATE RANKERS to provide the most detailed set of notes.
English Advanced (94, 95 external) Essay Marking & Feedback
Having finished the HSC examinations, I can tell you from personal experience that English is a challenging yet rewarding subject which will certainly cause a lot of stress at times. I attained a HSC mark of 94/ 95 external in English Advanced and ranked 2nd for the Trials. Thus, I am confident in my ability to convey comprehensive understanding in my feedback relevant to not only the texts themselves, but also essay structure and syntax.
I offer detailed English Advanced essay marking and feedback for any texts at $20 for around 1000 words. I will spend at least 1-2 hrs going through line-by-line to provide quality marking and feedback on the thesis and its pertinence to the question, use of language, sophistication of ideas and response, techniques/examples, coherence, syntax and length.
This will include tips from selective school Trial teachers feedback tailored to each module.
I also offer highly edited essays at $8 per essay. These have been drafted and re-edited throughout the HSC year from feedback given from HSC markers, classroom teachers, tutors and peers. Some essays have had up to 10 drafts prior to HSC in order to mould perfectly to different exam questions. These essays also come with comments, advice about the module from HSC markers and tips.
- Discovery: Life of Pi (ORT: The Pearl) (14/15 HY/Trial/HSC)
- Module A Julius Caesar/ The Prince (20/20 Trial; 18/20 HSC)
- Module B TS Eliot (18/20 Trial; 19/20 HSC)
- Module C Brave New World (ORT: Frost/Nixon) (20/20 Assessment, 19/20 Trial)
Please message/email me and I am happy to send samples of the essay!
Module B: TS Eliot-> 25 Pages of extremely detailed analysis of each poem, with notes on context, structure and ideas $10
Module C: Brave New World (Related Frost/Nixon)-> Detailed Analysis, ideas, and quotes $5
Area of Study: Life of Pi (Related The Pearl)-> Detailed analysis, film techniques and links to discovery rubric $5
Biology (95 HSC, 1st Internally)
All notes with thorough explanation, examples, diagrams suitable for all levels of biology
- Maintaining a Balance (69 Pages)
- The Blueprint of Life- (96 Pages)
- The Search for Better Health (80 Pages)
- Communications (77 Pages)
- Extremely Detailed Practical Reports for EVERY DOTPOINT (even the 'useless' ones), following the conventions of science
References: Biology In Focus, Biology In Context, Heinemann Biology HSC, Excel Biology, Macquarie Biology, NSW Biology, TALE, Class Notes, State Rankers
Price: $5/ module, $15 all modules and pract reports
Chemistry (93 HSC, 1st Internally)
All notes with thorough explanation, examples, equations, diagrams suitable for all levels of chemistry
- Production in Materials (83 Pages)
- Acidic Environment (69 Pages)
- Monitoring and Management (81 Pages)
- Industrial Chemistry (67 Pages)
- Extremely Detailed Practical Reports for EVERY DOTPOINT (even the 'useless' ones), following the conventions of science
References: Conq Chem, Chem Context, Jacaranda Chem, Excel Chem, Macquarie Chem, TALE, Class Notes, State Rankers
Price: $5/ module, $15 all modules and pract reports
Business Studies (93, 3rd Internally)
All notes with thorough explanation, examples, and goes well beyond the 'syllabus points' with the inclusion of real life examples/ statistics
- Operations (69 Pages)
- Marketing (51 Pages)
- Finance (71 Pages)
- Human Resources (98 Pages)
- Extremely Detailed Case Studies (15+ pg each module)- multiple companies/examples for each dotpoint
Price: $5/ module, $15 all modules and case studies
Please send an email at westernsydtutoring99@gmail.com or message me at 0452587380 for further details, samples of what I offer and proof of HSC results.
Text or email support 7 days a week if you have any questions or need general advice on the HSC and your wellbeing during the final year.
Good luck for HSC 2019 and beyond!!!

English Mod B : http://i63.tinypic.com/w21cl.png
Biology Notes: http://i68.tinypic.com/148hg92.jpg
Chemistry Notes: http://i66.tinypic.com/vijrxf.png
Business Notes: http://i65.tinypic.com/xbxq2h.jpg
A COMPREHENSIVE set of notes that addresses each dot point thoroughly is crucial for gaining a solid understanding of the theory involved in each subject as well as forming the foundation for practice responses and HSC-style questions. Effective notes must be able to provide an answer for any questions encountered.
I know at first hand the amount of time needed to be spent in consolidating information from different sources into a complete set of notes. Below are notes that have been painstakingly sourced from MULTIPLE TEXTBOOKS, CLASS NOTES and various STATE RANKERS to provide the most detailed set of notes.
English Advanced (94, 95 external) Essay Marking & Feedback
Having finished the HSC examinations, I can tell you from personal experience that English is a challenging yet rewarding subject which will certainly cause a lot of stress at times. I attained a HSC mark of 94/ 95 external in English Advanced and ranked 2nd for the Trials. Thus, I am confident in my ability to convey comprehensive understanding in my feedback relevant to not only the texts themselves, but also essay structure and syntax.
I offer detailed English Advanced essay marking and feedback for any texts at $20 for around 1000 words. I will spend at least 1-2 hrs going through line-by-line to provide quality marking and feedback on the thesis and its pertinence to the question, use of language, sophistication of ideas and response, techniques/examples, coherence, syntax and length.
This will include tips from selective school Trial teachers feedback tailored to each module.
I also offer highly edited essays at $8 per essay. These have been drafted and re-edited throughout the HSC year from feedback given from HSC markers, classroom teachers, tutors and peers. Some essays have had up to 10 drafts prior to HSC in order to mould perfectly to different exam questions. These essays also come with comments, advice about the module from HSC markers and tips.
- Discovery: Life of Pi (ORT: The Pearl) (14/15 HY/Trial/HSC)
- Module A Julius Caesar/ The Prince (20/20 Trial; 18/20 HSC)
- Module B TS Eliot (18/20 Trial; 19/20 HSC)
- Module C Brave New World (ORT: Frost/Nixon) (20/20 Assessment, 19/20 Trial)
Please message/email me and I am happy to send samples of the essay!
Module B: TS Eliot-> 25 Pages of extremely detailed analysis of each poem, with notes on context, structure and ideas $10
Module C: Brave New World (Related Frost/Nixon)-> Detailed Analysis, ideas, and quotes $5
Area of Study: Life of Pi (Related The Pearl)-> Detailed analysis, film techniques and links to discovery rubric $5
Biology (95 HSC, 1st Internally)
All notes with thorough explanation, examples, diagrams suitable for all levels of biology
- Maintaining a Balance (69 Pages)
- The Blueprint of Life- (96 Pages)
- The Search for Better Health (80 Pages)
- Communications (77 Pages)
- Extremely Detailed Practical Reports for EVERY DOTPOINT (even the 'useless' ones), following the conventions of science
References: Biology In Focus, Biology In Context, Heinemann Biology HSC, Excel Biology, Macquarie Biology, NSW Biology, TALE, Class Notes, State Rankers
Price: $5/ module, $15 all modules and pract reports
Chemistry (93 HSC, 1st Internally)
All notes with thorough explanation, examples, equations, diagrams suitable for all levels of chemistry
- Production in Materials (83 Pages)
- Acidic Environment (69 Pages)
- Monitoring and Management (81 Pages)
- Industrial Chemistry (67 Pages)
- Extremely Detailed Practical Reports for EVERY DOTPOINT (even the 'useless' ones), following the conventions of science
References: Conq Chem, Chem Context, Jacaranda Chem, Excel Chem, Macquarie Chem, TALE, Class Notes, State Rankers
Price: $5/ module, $15 all modules and pract reports
Business Studies (93, 3rd Internally)
All notes with thorough explanation, examples, and goes well beyond the 'syllabus points' with the inclusion of real life examples/ statistics
- Operations (69 Pages)
- Marketing (51 Pages)
- Finance (71 Pages)
- Human Resources (98 Pages)
- Extremely Detailed Case Studies (15+ pg each module)- multiple companies/examples for each dotpoint
Price: $5/ module, $15 all modules and case studies
Please send an email at westernsydtutoring99@gmail.com or message me at 0452587380 for further details, samples of what I offer and proof of HSC results.
Text or email support 7 days a week if you have any questions or need general advice on the HSC and your wellbeing during the final year.
Good luck for HSC 2019 and beyond!!!
English Mod B : http://i63.tinypic.com/w21cl.png
Biology Notes: http://i68.tinypic.com/148hg92.jpg
Chemistry Notes: http://i66.tinypic.com/vijrxf.png
Business Notes: http://i65.tinypic.com/xbxq2h.jpg
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