If a 99.95 is meant to be attainable with any subjects, why can I only find people who get it with maths ext2? Is the percentage of people getting this atar without maths ext2 and English ext2 low?
It is due to the scaling of Mathematics Extension 2 (and Mathematics Extension 1) in addition to other subjects (mainly science subjects such as Physics and Chemistry, which also scale relatively high). Such subjects, combined with English Advanced, constitute a seemingly popular subject combination that is as follows:
- English Advanced
- Mathematics Extension 1
- Mathematics Extension 2
- Physics
- Chemistry
This gives a total of 10 units. Such subjects are taken by people who are rather capable at maths and science subjects. Performing well across all those subjects is beneficial, especially when scaling works to your advantage, allowing students who take such subjects to maximise their ATAR.
Of course, you can theoretically achieve a 99.95 with any combination of subjects, the main difference being the difficulty of achieving 99.95 with different subject selections. For example, subjects such as English Standard make it more difficult to achieve an ATAR that high and as far as I'm aware, there is yet to be a student who achieves a 99.95 with English Standard.
I suggest having a look at this document from UAC:
I hope this helps!