Alright... It's the night before trials, and I'm freaking out as I realise that SOO much content from within the syllabus hasn't even been taught in class due to an "excellent" teacher. I'm literally looking through all the work we've done, and I'm finding prime concepts that are being shown in the syllabus, which haven't even been mentioned in the limited amount of resources/documents provided... The worst thing is, my teacher is SUPER lazy, and isn't even very confident with the content itself 

I never wanted to choose Society and Culture in the first place, and really needed an extra subject (Which I why I ended up choosing it...). A teacher managed to convince me into doing Society and Culture, explaining that you will learn how to "read minds" and learn about "psychology". Well... If you do Society, you know this is definitely not true. I am looking at practice papers and the limited amount of content online and absolutely have no idea what to do... This is my last extra for trials, and I think I've done pretty well in my other tests (Band 5 & 6's), but I know Society will pull me down
My issue with the question starts for something as simple as, "Discuss the effects of modernisation on ONE society" - The answers from NESA don't even choose a specific society, and what makes it even worse is - I DON'T KNOW WHAT A SOCIETY IS CHARACTERISED BY. For a subject like PDHPE, they make it clear in the syllabus what societies you should be talking about (ATSI, Rural and remote...), but in this subject, the syllabus just has a bunch of drawings, and also is in a completely different layout compared to other subjects... WHATTT.
Even worse, something like, 'Which of the following is an example of the role of authority in transformative change?', makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE, since we NEVER learnt about transformative change... The only thing we learnt was that it was a word since a post was sent named, "transformative change", which simply provided an article which we were supposed to analyse for transformative change and write about... They kinda missed the whole step of learning what it was first

So yea, I'm in a sticky situation, and the only thing I wanted to do was to rant about this, in turn, gaining a few opinions (hopefully) on what exactly my situation is REALLY like, from an outsiders perspective... These practice papers are quite scary, and I'm really wishing I bought a few ATAR Notes books for my subjects
I wish I could have dropped Society, but business studies had some major issues with both the teacher and some people in the class, making it impossible to learn anything there... I was actually sustaining a decent rank even without learning anything in class (top 20's), but I HAD to drop that subject...
Ugh, I know this was long, but I'm really curious to see what anyone has to say about this... Even if I wrote this for no reason, at least I got this out now
^^ Also, I rly hope my teacher doesn't magically find this post

I never wanted to choose Society and Culture in the first place, and really needed an extra subject (Which I why I ended up choosing it...). A teacher managed to convince me into doing Society and Culture, explaining that you will learn how to "read minds" and learn about "psychology". Well... If you do Society, you know this is definitely not true. I am looking at practice papers and the limited amount of content online and absolutely have no idea what to do... This is my last extra for trials, and I think I've done pretty well in my other tests (Band 5 & 6's), but I know Society will pull me down
My issue with the question starts for something as simple as, "Discuss the effects of modernisation on ONE society" - The answers from NESA don't even choose a specific society, and what makes it even worse is - I DON'T KNOW WHAT A SOCIETY IS CHARACTERISED BY. For a subject like PDHPE, they make it clear in the syllabus what societies you should be talking about (ATSI, Rural and remote...), but in this subject, the syllabus just has a bunch of drawings, and also is in a completely different layout compared to other subjects... WHATTT.
Even worse, something like, 'Which of the following is an example of the role of authority in transformative change?', makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE, since we NEVER learnt about transformative change... The only thing we learnt was that it was a word since a post was sent named, "transformative change", which simply provided an article which we were supposed to analyse for transformative change and write about... They kinda missed the whole step of learning what it was first

So yea, I'm in a sticky situation, and the only thing I wanted to do was to rant about this, in turn, gaining a few opinions (hopefully) on what exactly my situation is REALLY like, from an outsiders perspective... These practice papers are quite scary, and I'm really wishing I bought a few ATAR Notes books for my subjects
I wish I could have dropped Society, but business studies had some major issues with both the teacher and some people in the class, making it impossible to learn anything there... I was actually sustaining a decent rank even without learning anything in class (top 20's), but I HAD to drop that subject...
Ugh, I know this was long, but I'm really curious to see what anyone has to say about this... Even if I wrote this for no reason, at least I got this out now
^^ Also, I rly hope my teacher doesn't magically find this post