About to get the sack (1 Viewer)


May 30, 2005
lala2 said:
Thanks pritnep :) I suppose it's both, but especially the job. The uni work--I'm enjoying what I'm learning, the whole physiology side of things anyway (and I suppose I can't expect any better than pharmacology with thousands of drug names to remember) and med chem's getting better.

Plus, I should mention that my first job is FUN....and it's conditional on me staying at uni. Now I know it sounds ridiculous to stay at uni just for a job but oh my gosh if you knew....and plus I'm earning a lot of money from it...let's just say more than $25/hr and it would take me at least 5 years out of uni to earn that kind of rate if I worked on a part-time basis at a pharmacy. Plus I can think of a few more DEGREES I would like to do for interest as well so why not? So I might not end up working in pharmacy....for a while anyway at least.

Maybe it's the juggling too, though I have put all volunteering and stuff on hold just until I can settle into the study routine, so it's just been me, uni and tiredness. I just don't want to leave on bad terms if I know that I have a fighting chance of at least making up for it and maybe leaving on neutral terms, but I don't wanna risk the situation of he STILL not thinking that I've worked hard enough over the four weeks he's given me (and I have consciously put in all the effort I can) when I could just leave now because the situation isn't getting any better, if you get my point? Oh why I can't I tell the future?

Dilemma, dilemma.
No problem. :)

Ok, so you like the uni work it's just you don't like your current job and because it's in the same field it's probably leading you to hate/dislike/think the course isn't the right fit for you. Maybe.

I mean this is just one type of job in that field, maybe all it could take for you is finding the right job, with a better work environment, something more that your interested in and good at in that field and with better pay/conditions.

This first job seems to be your escape, it has the best of both worlds - it is fun and it pays well. Certainly is something you want to continue with. So maybe if you couple that with the fact that you like your uni degree and some of the courses you can have the best of both worlds. Maybe see if you can find another job (to replace 2nd job) in a different aspect/field of pharmacy. Or see if you can get a trial/workplace whatever it is that will help you work out where you want to be. Because it should be a shame if you put all this work into a degree and come out not wanting to do the job even if you like the degree if you don't want to do the end job it's not exactly worth while (in long term aspect here).

As for the pharmacy job I would probably think about having an honest chat with your boss. See if they notices your changes in your attitude/work, anything else you can do to improve, what more they want of you etc. I'm sure that would speak volumes that your wanting to go that extra mile rather then running the clock down and bowing out. If all else fails talk to them, see if they know of other jobs going in some aspect of pharmacy/have any ideas, get a reference - ensure that you end things well with them. Because you never know you could end back there/need them.

Good luck. I hope my rambling is helpful.


Feb 23, 2003
hmmm chocsoc exec. makes it so much easier to stalk you


Aug 23, 2004
Shush you Stas :shy: Fine, how's it going up there in Singapore?


Feb 23, 2003
That means you're alan.

I'm not in sing anymore: back at uni this year, then going back to singapore, which was really fucking awesome. especially the food


Aug 23, 2004
What year are you in then? I thought you had finished? :confused:


Aug 23, 2004
Hey all, I've emerged from a very hard and long semester and I just hope it's worth it. To cut a long story short, I did pass the four week probation period my boss gave me and everything seemed fine. A month ago, he moved me up to dispensary from shop front because he said I was now at the stage of my degree where I should be more useful on the dispensary front (which I am, this semester I have learnt much more than the last 2 years put together) and the pharmacist needed help there. I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier but my boss doesn't work weekends, he relies on the report from the weekend pharmacist to judge how everyone went.

Anyway, this becomes relevant because he said he expected me to learn a lot, ask plenty of questions and always just hang around the dispensary (within reason, I can't stand there and do nothing of course) and be available should a rush of customers come. He said he would give me a month, which I agreed on, and I started on that right away. The weekend pharmacist did not criticise my performance and seemed to answer all my questions quite readily. She is the kind of person you have to suck up to and compliment her for and pretend she's really smart while you're really dumb so that's where my incessant questioning came from (plus the fact that I genuinely did want answers most of the time anyway).

He called me up two weeks ago (yes, in the middle of exams!) to say he was letting me off the roster. I asked why, and he said the weekend pharmacist said I was not being helpful enough. I grilled him about it, he acknowledged that I was working hard enough (i.e. asking plenty of questions and being eager), but the weekend pharmacist wanted someone who just knew everything and could just be more helpful. This implies that I was wasting my time asking questions, when the only way I can progress is by asking questions! I told him that I had been proactively checking to make sure my performance was ok with the weekend pharmacist and that she had not said anything that would indicate otherwise. Also, I didn't tell him this and maybe I should've but I know the weekend pharmacist has her favourites, and I was not one of them. She was very upset when one of her favourites got moved to the other store nearby probably in anticipation of me moving up to dispensary. I suspect that this might have something to do with this fiasco.

But I digress--I don't know if he was just trying to string me on or what but he said that he's in a really difficult position because he's been getting all these reports about me and he can't just ignore it (which is true) but he offered to tweek the roster so that I work with him on weekdays so that he can truly judge what I'm like and then he can have a say in the matter.

I evaded the offer by saying I didn't have my next semester timetable (which I did at that point) but I did not decline the offer and so I'm stuck. I do not intend to go back there, but I need a reference and it sounds awful asking for a reference especially in circumstances like these.

So, what should I do? And also, if you could give any tips for an interview situation if they ask why have you left your last job? cos how would I phrase that I was working hard enough but not achieving the wanted results because I had not been given enough exposure?! I am effectively fired which is not a good thing!

And kudos to you if you have reached the end of this long, long msg!

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