Accelerated classes (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 28, 2020
Hi everyone,
as of now, I'm in year 8 and subject selection is pending soon. Two subjects offered at my school are Math Accelerated and Chemistry/Science Accelerated, where you learn two years worth of work in one year (e.g. year 9&10 in year 9, year 10&11 in year 10). This means that if you were to take these electives, you would do the respective HSC exams one year early. Previously, many teachers lauded a benefit of these electives that if you weren't satisfied with your year 11 HSC score, you could repeat the exam in year 12. This rule was changed by our principal about a month ago, meaning any year 11s from this year onward wouldn't be able to resit their HSC. This is unfair as the elective gives no option to drop out until year 11 (provided you stay in the same school). Many peers of mine object to this rule, even some teachers in my math and science faculties are against it as they weren't informed of the principal's decision prior.
My mathematics teacher claims this is 'illegal' or in breach of some NESA (should mention I'm in NSW) policy, claiming we have the right to resit our HSC exams if we do them in year 11, however she can't back up her claim since she has to go through too much legal jargon. I've also asked friends from other schools that say their relatives are allowed to resit their HSCs if they choose to do it in year 11.
I'd like confirmation as to whether or not the principal is allowed to do this, and who should I contact if he, in fact, isn't allowed to block this.


Feb 24, 2017
a VM
Uni Grad
Hi everyone,
as of now, I'm in year 8 and subject selection is pending soon. Two subjects offered at my school are Math Accelerated and Chemistry/Science Accelerated, where you learn two years worth of work in one year (e.g. year 9&10 in year 9, year 10&11 in year 10). This means that if you were to take these electives, you would do the respective HSC exams one year early. Previously, many teachers lauded a benefit of these electives that if you weren't satisfied with your year 11 HSC score, you could repeat the exam in year 12. This rule was changed by our principal about a month ago, meaning any year 11s from this year onward wouldn't be able to resit their HSC. This is unfair as the elective gives no option to drop out until year 11 (provided you stay in the same school). Many peers of mine object to this rule, even some teachers in my math and science faculties are against it as they weren't informed of the principal's decision prior.
My mathematics teacher claims this is 'illegal' or in breach of some NESA (should mention I'm in NSW) policy, claiming we have the right to resit our HSC exams if we do them in year 11, however she can't back up her claim since she has to go through too much legal jargon. I've also asked friends from other schools that say their relatives are allowed to resit their HSCs if they choose to do it in year 11.
I'd like confirmation as to whether or not the principal is allowed to do this, and who should I contact if he, in fact, isn't allowed to block this.
On the official NESA website, in their PDF it clearly states you are allowed to resit exams within a 5 year time period without a penalty so yes you are legally according to NESA allowed to resit an exam you did in year 11 again in year 12.

If NESA states it your principal probably isn't just allowed to make up rules like that. Every school must follow NESA policy. I would recommend making an inquiry about this to NESA but first talk about it with a teacher in school or something and make sure that the principal is actually enforcing this.


New Member
Jul 28, 2020
Alright thanks, I’m certain the principal is enforcing this. Just two things though:
1. How should I make the inquiry to NESA? What are the best means of contacting them (if you’ve had previous experience)?
2.Could you link the website containing the PDF?


New Member
Sep 13, 2019
I'm a bit late here but a lot of my mates have been in similar situations with their accelerated subjects. While there could be an issue with repeating the course after completing the hsc exam itself, at my school it's common (even advised) for students to repeat the hsc course if their internal results aren't quite as good as they were hoping.

IMO it's 100% worth taking accelerated subjects regardless if you intend on keeping them, I took 3 (IPT, Chemistry/science, Geography) and I haven't regretted it one bit - the exam and study experience you gain is priceless :))

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