currently i'm running the Sydney Uni Young Vinnies society.
For every access member that turns up to volunteer with sydney's homeless, disadvantaged children and so on, the union gives the society (and inkind sponsorship to vinnies) anywhere from $4 to $10 per event.
I think that's pretty good.
This applies to every student society. The only reason why Sydney Uni has SO MANY things happening - their own radio station, their own student theatre, revues, parties, concerts, publications, festivals, gyms, sporting clubs, 35 food outlets is because students in the past pulled their socks and did something to make it happen.
i'm tired of people always trying to GET SOMETHING out of the union,
why must EVERYTHING be about 'what's in it for me?'
this is the reason why so many student societies all over the country has virtually shut down AND THEN people complain that the university is "boring"
I have found my $99 far far FAR exceeds the opportunities the union support has offered me and where those opportunites have taken me.
Not only that, but maintaining 3 main buildings - toilets, electricity, water, tables, furniture, cleaning - this also costs money. so don't just think of your 15% off all the time.
in short - Yes, i highly support people buying the access card,