Ahmad Shah Style-Based Notes, Revised, Edited, Perfected. (2 Viewers)


Mar 16, 2008
Seriously dude? Let's get a few things straight here. You asked me for my notes at the end of 2008. I had one hand written 300 page set of chem notes which I had set about making for the whole year. I had put hours of work into those and had no electronic copy. I was adamant they were not for sale and you could have offered any amount of money and I would have rejected it. The reason for this was my brother was still to do the HSC. I'm sorry if you think choosing a family member over a random bloke who you meet on the internet is not consistent with a 'desire to help people'. The reason I gave you for the English essays was my polite way of saying "don't go down the path of plagiarism" as some close family friends were using similar material in the year you did the HSC. I don't even tutor English mate, I have nothing to gain from them. I simply passed those essays onto my brother too.

You've got some nerve to think that repeating the HSC has in some way given you a right to comment on the motivations and desires of other people mate. Go as far as you want in life but there is no need for that. I can't bring myself to continue to highlight the issues in what you have said are for reasons you probably won't understand. There was no need for me to talk to you when you approached me as an anonymous username on MSN, but I still did mate. Just with the desire of helping out if I could. I'm starting to wish I just deleted your name instead?

If you think repeating the HSC is in some way 'sticking it to the man', you're in for a shock in the world. But still I will say all the best for the future.
Lol, here we go, trying to justify his previous actions to come off as being innocent, instead of growing a pair and atleast admitting to 1-2 mistakes, its becomes 'random bloke', 'plagiarism' (pretty sure you never had 6+ previous essays from your ex-peers), 'didnt even tutor english, nothing to gain' (lol pretty sure your very a big-hearted person, that loves to help people out of free-will).

Also I dont "comment on motivations and desires of others, mate", i just like skipping all the philosphical bullshit and gets to your real intentions. Keep lieing to yourself, and keep selling those magical notes of yours, since you got heart and all.

PS: you were going to sell me the notes, you just had to ask your mother first remeber? by that time i had deleted you from msn because i had always knew you were tight-ass, i just made sure i had to suck up to you to get what ever i wanted, didnt really work to my favour now that i think about it.

Well I did go to some of these tutors myself but they didn't show off or anything, in fact quite the opposite. They were very encouraging and even considered me equal and able to achieve what they achieved.

I can't speak for all of the tutors that originated from my school but for the most part they do do a good job and pass on what was ground into us. Some benefit and some don't as you have said but that's when you need to be proactive and say thanks but no thanks. I admit, many people have said this to me in the past and continue to do so. Others, like yesterday said keep giving me the life lessons because I'd rather prefer the motivation. (In fact, I actually mentioned this thread but he entirely disagreed about motivational speeches being useless)

For maths, is it leeching or is it being resourceful? I think the latter. These are resources that others might not even be aware of because they are so old. Can't blame a tutor for that. If you don't like his style, speak up or leave.

I entirely agree with you that 100 UAI kids don't necessarily have the skills to teach and thats sometimes what I play on when promoting myself because I do believe I can convey concepts in a simple, relatable way. People keep coming back and thank me for my efforts.

I don't dispute your notes are not comprehensive. I've downloaded them myself. Their great. You've done BoS and the student community a great favour. Now take the complement and show some respect to others that have made you who you are.
Lol, just having a general look on this post, you actually need to learn a few valid pointers before jumping into the world of debating, notice how you stray 360 degrees off topic, blabber about a million different things and still cant provide a complete and coherent answer?

Only thing i will reply to is 'Now take the complement and show some respect to others that have made you who you are.', they didnt make me to who i am, they just showed me that they were fulled with enough bullshit, for me to see and follow the right path. You know the sell yourself 'im the state ranking tutor and i can garuntee you to suceed in hsc' yadad yada, people love to hear that, your signature proves it nicely.


I read ALL of it, i wouldn't had written that it was a good post if i didn't read the WHOLE thing. Even your following posts. I just really believe (in my honest opinion and i think this is a good and inspirational post) that it was incredibly irresponsible and you should not in any way provide people some kind of enthusiasm to copy such a thing. To gain an ATAR of 90 and not feel good enough while at one point seems admirable considering the goal, to achieve a number on a pointless stage designed to discriminate people and not teach you any real skills, to not feel good enough with a 90 is just highly un-healthy. You should re-evaluate the events and aim not to do such a thing again. I read this out irl "Osmaelias, who ever you are, you are GOOD ENOUGH: a really smart and motivated individual, you got an ATAR/UAI of 90 in your real attempt, despite not being in Australia before Year 11, you managed to place in the top 10% (you managed beating 90% of candidates) of Students in New South Wales (the largest state-population in Australia with over fifty thousand candidates). You must be a very impressive and exceptional human being. I am sure this means you will do great in what ever your aspirations are in life." i think that's all you really needed to hear before you waisted that year also keep in mind that you could have had the same result in another year and gotten 100UAI because of the way these things are calculated. 96 ATAR does not necessarily mean you did better than when you attempted it the first time, had the candidates been different your 96 ATAR attempt could had been 50 or 80 ATAR.

I was also getting at the lack of textual integrity of your argument against tutors and tutoring, "because they haven't helped", since you yourself has obviously benefited with such a financial advantage. Your argument that kids can do really well by themselves is really inspirational and a hard thing to teach anyone. But still not everyone would need to go through such un-healthy lengths to achieve a great result nor someone who really cannot perform should debauch their lifestyle if they really cannot. Because by process of induction comparing Terrence Tao and Ramanujan with their their hardworking and privileged counterparts whom they can naturally out perform at younger ages or little resources, proves that something else is being played at hand. Pascal and Fermat did not need a high ATAR to create the foundation mathematics that formed modern Economics its self. This is a finality that the HSC "stage" as i like to think of it sought to cater for and this is why i think to value the ATAR or UAI is such a pointless competition, it is just a number that justifies discriminating between students enrolling in to University because it would be more unfair if it were on a first-come first-served basis, financial basis or the politically incorrect "IQ-testing", and interviewing every single candidate would really achieve the same thing but is physically impossible. I don't think the Board of Studies educates students enough on how these things are actually calculated, because if you really understood it, it would illuminate that the results are highly "Abstract" and are hence pointless. Please do not interpret this as me discounting your intrinsic motivations, but your lack of mentioning what you wanted to get into and what you wanted to do in the future with that ranking says something to me. Isn't that more important? Steve Jobs and Bill Gates achieved their goals for technology and fostered businesses that were at least at one point considered the best or most valuable in the world without any degrees at all. There must be something more to some one's focus on their admission ranking than the actual number it self; Their Dream.
Point of all the above? your view that what i did was irresponsible? good thats my choice,thats not the point of my OP, it was there to reinforce some points that i had made, not for you to comment on why i had repeated.

Not hard to understand brother.
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Mar 16, 2008
+1 mate.

I do really wonder what the OP has to hide but not revealing what they got into or are studying at university.
+1 for what? his blabbering about how year 12 is 'abstract' hence being an advatange? the kids at the very top know most of what ive written like the back of their palms, hence why the 'state-ranker' above says 'not matter how much I try to tell this to people around me they don't seem to understand it.'.

Im just trying to make sure the ill-suppourted kids out their who have those deep inner-feelings of wanting to know whats what, get to know it. Simple. The world is made of up of winners and losers, i just more winners up there that deserve it.

Im not hiding what im studying in uni, ive swapped 3 degrees now, MRS, physio, and now comm/law. Will probably hate that too. We shall have to see.


Jun 26, 2011
I'll tell you this Osama, why not go for a third attempt and go for that 99.95? If not that a fourth attempt? If any kid out there is reading this whatever number you get in that piece of envelope or computer screen if you can say you worked your hardest and didn't bludge around at all, then it is good enough. I don't know if your a spiteful person Osama, but you seem like one from your replies, i think you value these things as a way to put your authority above others. 90 ATAR already makes you a very smart person in my opinion, thats all. You have done the community a great favour with your notes. Good luck with your B. Commerce and B. of Laws, i know for sure you are doing fantastically. i am doing a similar degree as well. =) Business is a great choice though you sound like an Actuary kind of person.
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Mar 16, 2008
I'll tell you this Osama, why not go for a third attempt and go for that 99.95? If not that a fourth attempt? If any kid out there is reading this whatever number you get in that piece of envelope or computer screen if you can say you worked your hardest and didn't bludge around at all, then it is good enough. I don't know if your a spiteful person Osama, but you seem like one from your replies, i think you value these things as a way to put your authority above others. 90 ATAR already makes you a very smart person in my opinion, thats all. You have done the community a great favour with your notes. Good luck with your B. Commerce and B. of Laws, i know for sure you are doing fantastically. i am doing a similar degree as well. =) Business is a great choice though you sound like an Actuary kind of person.
Not spiteful, and nor do i think im above anyone, I just want the ill-suppourted and the kids out there that deserve it, to understand what ive written, if anything i got heart for the community otherwise i wouldnt have wasted my time typing out what i did, otherwise i wouldnt have thought of releasing my notes with the community in the back of my head while repeating. Says something doesnt it.

The way i type, come about saying things, yes on an online forum comes off as being spiteful, but i hate being bullshitted, and i spit the same love back to those who deserve it.

I dont know hard it is to understand, you have not addressed 1 thing properly without changing the topic 1million times.

I wish you luck, keep this thread bumped, if i can make sure only 1 deserving-kid has gotten an advantage from this topic/notes, ill die a happy man.


Retired Nov '14
Sep 18, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
Uni Grad
Students should always use a textbook to double check their understanding.

First example: "This also uses a initiator AND a catalyst is used. The cataylst is a mixture of titanium (III) chloride and a trialkylaluminium compound, TiCl4 + Al(C2H5)" - AFAIK, in the low pressure method to produce HDPE, the initiator and the catalyst are the same thing (a bit contradictory because this means it isn't a catalyst). With that said, this part of the syllabus is not very clear cut and most explanations are quite poor in both notes and textbooks.

Second example: "No branching" - this is risky because if there is a single branch, you are then incorrect - even Jacaranda (textbook) says "very little branching".

Just some things to be careful about.


Mar 16, 2008
First example: initiator and catalyst are not the same thing, to begin a reaction and to facilitate a reaction are 2 different things.

Second: some things are near-negligible in chemistry, you cant account for everything.

With that said, notes are that notes, i tried to be as pedantic as i can to creating almost near flawless set of notes, believe me when i tell you ive been through nearly everything to cover even the aligning of my bullets and numbering, italics, bold, underlining, highlighting youll notice this as you go along the notes (its the same structure in every set), thats how pedantic and perfectionist i was in making these, but as i said the above examples arent really going to give you +1 mark in exam, your first example illlustrates it.

I remeber in 3/4U math id learn the latin sayings as i would always see it in grammar papers, like QED (quod erat demonstrandum), quod erat faciendum (to be shown), or differnet images
(product of), etc etc.

Eithery way, hope you liked them notes, if you can please upload them on the main site brother, id appreciate it.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2011
Hey man, if you can put the English file on Mediafire aswell becuase that Filefactory is a pain in the arse

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Fucking good post.

Some people even go around here saying how "1 hour of study" per day is "plenty" to get a high atar. Its all to set you on an inevitable path of failure.


Apr 19, 2011
Fucking good post.

Some people even go around here saying how "1 hour of study" per day is "plenty" to get a high atar. Its all to set you on an inevitable path of failure.
Lol, so missing all these 'snakes' back from high school. People go to all sorts of lengths if that means they can get an 'edge' in the HSC

hit patel

New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Uni Grad
Finally after being on bos for 2 years found this thread and actually read it.
+1 Repped



Active Member
Jun 29, 2013
thread makes me cry. what did doing the hsc again help the OP accomplish in the real world besides wasting a year of his life and now feeling that he is an expert on the matter.

A 90 ATAR is perfect to get you into a starting course at any uni and you could go from there if it wasnt the atar you wanted in transfering or doing an identical course at a 'lesser' uni.

Id be interested to know what the OP is doing know besides feeling that he is the star of the hsc? has he gone to uni or done the hsc a few more times?

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
thread makes me cry. what did doing the hsc again help the OP accomplish in the real world besides wasting a year of his life and now feeling that he is an expert on the matter.

A 90 ATAR is perfect to get you into a starting course at any uni and you could go from there if it wasnt the atar you wanted in transfering or doing an identical course at a 'lesser' uni.

Id be interested to know what the OP is doing know besides feeling that he is the star of the hsc? has he gone to uni or done the hsc a few more times?
I think he's doing comm/law now.

I can see where OP is coming from. He was being pushed around by society in his first year of HSC, given the crap and never told the 'equation for success', and I actually commend someone who has the 'resilience' (arguably resilient from what? a 90 atar? but he wasn't happy with it, so it's all relative). It becomes a personal achievement thing.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2013
I think he's doing comm/law now.

I can see where OP is coming from. He was being pushed around by society in his first year of HSC, given the crap and never told the 'equation for success', and I actually commend someone who has the 'resilience' (arguably resilient from what? a 90 atar? but he wasn't happy with it, so it's all relative). It becomes a personal achievement thing.
Disagree completely. If everyone took the 'i wasnt given the perfect HSC so ill redo it' no one will get anywhere in life. in the grand scale of things the HSC is tiny and really is simply a way of getting into uni if you so want that way. Its brilliant for the OP that he got a 90 ATAR and even if it was well below what he got, he should have been proud of his accomplishment and gotten onto the bigger things in life. Deciding to get so hung up on something so insignificant just for some self gratification is just completely idiotic.

Spiritual Being

Jan 10, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Disagree completely. If everyone took the 'i wasnt given the perfect HSC so ill redo it' no one will get anywhere in life. in the grand scale of things the HSC is tiny and really is simply a way of getting into uni if you so want that way. Its brilliant for the OP that he got a 90 ATAR and even if it was well below what he got, he should have been proud of his accomplishment and gotten onto the bigger things in life. Deciding to get so hung up on something so insignificant just for some self gratification is just completely idiotic.
ATAR matters more than you think. Considering that the amount of graduates in competitive fields like law and business is unprecedentedly high numerically, employers have no choice but to use the individual's ATAR as a means of deciding whether or not they can progress to the interview stage. Thus, the candidates competition is not merely a confluence of his university grades and extracurricular activities, it also becomes a matter of the ATAR. It was mentioned on the other forum. Generally, 95+ is the standard too, for jobs like top tier at a law firm, which is the very field OP is in.

Someone in the field was talking about this on another thread.


Should i change my DP?
Mar 14, 2012
Point Piper
lol first time i came across this thread, quite a good laugh. Not quite sure why everyone is getting so hung up about it all. In the end, who cares?

His actions shouldn't influence what you do, why do people even bother starting a shit fight... He obviously had something to prove and he did it, good on him. I wouldn't do the same (and not many of us would) but we all have certain goals that we set out to achieve, his was the hsc.


Mar 16, 2008
thread makes me cry. what did doing the hsc again help the OP accomplish in the real world besides wasting a year of his life and now feeling that he is an expert on the matter.

A 90 ATAR is perfect to get you into a starting course at any uni and you could go from there if it wasnt the atar you wanted in transfering or doing an identical course at a 'lesser' uni.

Id be interested to know what the OP is doing know besides feeling that he is the star of the hsc? has he gone to uni or done the hsc a few more times?
Depends on what way you look at really? 3rd-person perspective would be, wow waste of year. However, if you look at it from another perspective you will reliase there is more to it then meets the eye.

Repeating the HSC helped me mature, exponentially for the matter. I stayed silent the whole year, studying 6-9 hours a day and spending my recess and lunch pumping out trial papers. Self-awareness is one of the most power psychological things one can learn. Dont give advice to others, nor comment on their life if cannot empathize with them.

The average citizen is a sheep, and its very easy to steer him in the wrong direction. Same with the HSC, from the beginning of the year teachers will be like 'its not the be all and end all of the world if you dont get the ATAR', good way to put the a 'psychological' note in a childs head to not study as well as he should. In the middle-east its 'if you fail year 12, you will destroy your future', effect? even the kid with the least grades ends up getting mid-range grades.

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Active Member
Oct 27, 2011
ATAR matters more than you think. Considering that the amount of graduates in competitive fields like law and business is unprecedentedly high numerically, employers have no choice but to use the individual's ATAR as a means of deciding whether or not they can progress to the interview stage. Thus, the candidates competition is not merely a confluence of his university grades and extracurricular activities, it also becomes a matter of the ATAR. It was mentioned on the other forum. Generally, 95+ is the standard too, for jobs like top tier at a law firm, which is the very field OP is in.

Someone in the field was talking about this on another thread.
Agree with this +100000000000000000
I just RAGE SO MUCH when people say that "the hsc is not important, blah, blah,blah and all those crap!"
The people who usually say that the HSC is "not important", and there are "many better things in the grand scheme of life" are usually:
1. Ironically, low achievers themselves, therefore being jealous and envious of those who did well, worked extremely hard all year round/ naturally gifted and try to belittle others in their HSC achievements to make themselves not feeling too bad about their bad ATAR. (Met a lot of these kind of ppl which make me feel like I wanna LMFAO).

2. Those who do not aim high, so therefore achieving a high ATAR is pointless to them in the first place anyway.

3. Like no.2, those who fail to see how f******king competitive is it to get into the top tier firms and just opt to be mediocre in life. That's like saying: oh, I got a 50 atar, the hsc is not important and therefore I can still do medicine. <---- bahahahahhahahahahahahahha!!

Seriously sick of seeing this weakling culture prevalent in this society and it ironically is contagious in schools!
The HSC IS IMPORTANT! It does determine will you actually soar up high in life, or walk the low road down. So guys, please, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT LET those losers and weaklings belittle you! AIM AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE and you'll NEVER regret it!!!!!

Treat the ATAR like a magic key, which the higher you get, it can magically open many doors to your great future!

Spiritual Bean

The only
Jun 12, 2012
Depends on what way you look at really? 3rd-person perspective would be, wow waste of year. However, if you look at it from another perspective you will reliase there is more to it then meets the eye.

Repeating the HSC helped me mature, exponentially for the matter. I stayed silent the whole year, studying 6-9 hours a day and spending my recess and lunch pumping out trial papers. Self-awareness is one of the most power psychological things one can learn. Dont give advice to others, nor comment on their life if cannot empathize with them.

The average citizen is a sheep, and its very easy to steer him in the wrong direction. Same with the HSC, from the beginning of the year teachers will be like 'its not the be all and end all of the world if you dont get the ATAR', good way to put the a 'psychological' note in a childs head to not study as well as he should. In the middle-east its 'if you fail year 12, you will destroy your future', effect? even the kid with the least grades ends up getting mid-range grades.

The world needs more people like you tbh

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