Ah but I guess I am being a lil spiteful considering you are having a nervous breakdown. chill out lilly!
Amenhotep III:
*Building Programs
*Hunter representation as well as warrior pharaoh
*A few military campaigns to keep the empire stable
*Foreign Affairs - diplomatic marriages, tribute, trade remained well.
*made Aten the chief god, dismissed the other gods entirely
* moved the entire capital from Thebes to AKhetaten (further down the nile)
*Artistic Reforms - exaggerated figure of AKhenaten and romantic scenes with family and nature.
* Foreign affairs: Amarna Letters show the rise of the Hittites and the steady loss of Egypt control in the north.
*Women - Nefertiti
Tutankhamun etc.. (don't know much)
*Military campaigns underwent to restore the empire to its full prestige
*Building programs to elevate Amun as well as other gods
Ramses II:
*First treaty with Hittites instigated during his reign after battle of Kadesh
*Building Programs - again elevation of Amun and other gods etc..
*Other military campaigns
* Nefertari
Well that was a good revisal of what I now know without looking at notes. Phew

well hope they help u in some way.