ANU - PhB (Arts) or Arts/Law (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 5, 2008
Hi. I'm a student in year 12, contemplating the two courses in the topic title, and I'm just wondering if anybody could offer advice for my situation.

Basically, I have the two options:

PhB (Arts) (4 years) with a major in English, Philosophy and Political Science (which is achievable since I have two units' worth of credit from Uni Enhancement studies this year), plus subjects in Classics, then post-grad in either an Arts field or Law


Arts/Law (5 years) with a major in two out of English, Philosophy and Political Science, with some subjects in the one that isn't majored in

The struggle is that I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with my life: all I really know is that I want to have KNOWLEDGE in a wide variety of humanities-related fields. I could end up doing something human rightsy (if I get the opportunity, of course), end up in academia, or pretty much anything related to this kind of stuff, and the only thing I'm certain of career-wise is that I want to do some writing on the side.

PhB sounds good because it's more "academic", because I get to study stuff more in-depth, because I get more Arts subjects, because I get more time to decide and because it's prestigious and stuff. The only problem is that you need to maintain an HD average to stay in, which could be highly stressful, and it also takes more time overall (when factoring in the post-grad stuff).

Arts/Law sounds good because it's more "secure" (ie. I get the Law degree straight afterwards, with only an extra year tacked on), because it gives me more exposure to a "real" job (since I don't really know what Law is like at all), because it DOESN'T have the HD average thing, and because I can pursue post-graduate stuff with it anyway whilst having only lost a maximum of two years (if I were to do an Honours course in the Arts part of it).

The other thing is that I'm considering overloading, which would enable me to study both Latin and Ancient Greek to an Intermediate level in the PhB and which would enable me to finish all three majors in Arts/Law. Can anyone offer any commentary on this?


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