lol u can do the same major work for many subjects... when i did DAT my teacher gave us an example of someone who did this, they made a pool table, with artisitic features... they used it for DAT and Art major. its allowedAs in doing a video for art and a video for ext 2 for example and then caught? If so, did they get punished?
Or is it pretty easy to do?
Not doing this obviously, just curious.
How the hell can you plagarise your own work? :rofl2:Is this really allowed? Wish I knew about it sooner.
I always assumed it was "plagarising your own work".
Our English teacher didn't let us use the same short story writing pieces for our half yearlies and trials because that would be 'plagarising' :x
+1How the hell can you plagarise your own work? :rofl2:
Your teacher's a moron.Our English teacher didn't let us use the same short story writing pieces for our half yearlies and trials because that would be 'plagarising' :x
hehe well my teacher was promoting this ideatechnically speaking you're NOT allowed to do this. it actually says in the syllabus of subjects such as VA, DT and music that students aren't allowed to use their work for other subjects. however, markers wouldn't know if a student had used their work in another subjects, so it's pretty much up to the school to be aware and moderate this at their own discretion.
So no, you cannot submit the same major work for two different subjects.You will be required to sign a declaration similar to the following:
I declare that:
- the planning, development, content and presentation of this project is my own work, except for the limited material, if any, drawn from acknowledged sources
- I have not copied another person’s work
- I have not submitted this work, in any part, for any HSC examination or assessment task in any other course
- I have not worked on it after 9 am on the completion/hand-in date
- I have read and discussed with my parent/guardian/carer the Higher School Certificate Rules and Procedures, including those on plagiarism and malpractice
- I understand that if this declaration contains false information I might not be eligible to receive my Higher School Certificate results.