I was unfortunate enough to witness the deplorable behaviour of the antagonistic, un-intelligent and undesirable protesters at this protest. Not only did they glorify terroristic guerillas such as Che Guevera in the t-shirts that they wore and the slogans that they shouted, but they desecrated both US and Australian flags: flying an Australian flag upside down is of most disrespect and placing swastikas on US flags is an insult not only to an entire American population but also an insult to Germany and the millions who perished under the hands of the Nazis.
I witnessed young children, no older than a few months being wheeled in prams by parents who did not deserve the right to bear children if they were to place them in such a volatile situation - it only takes one protester to misbehave for that one child in the pram to be knocked over and trampled upon. Where is the common sense?
I saw one man wearing a shirt bearing "I love Osama Bin Laden" and "Free Palestine" - Does this have any relevance at all? This man is a disgrace to Australian society, and by the looks of him a leach of our society as well.
The protesters primarily were made up of the undesirable population void of any class or respect of Australian principles who sought nothing more than a chance to close down parts of George and Park St and antagonise State and Federal Police.
The protest was weak, pointless and void of any intelligence to actually achieve any outcome. Perhaps in the future, the efforts of the white-collar branch should be sought for a more prosperous outcome!