Hugs darling
I dont know whether every dept. has the same process, but when I appealed a psych paper I had to:
1. Talk to the marker, and ask their opinion. In my case, she acknowledged that she was a bit over-the-top with her marking.
2. You have to fill in a little sheet (I think its pink) which says why you are appealing the mark - and it cant be "I think I should have gotten better". It has to be technical, objective reasons. The marker also has to put in their $0.02 to say whether or not they agree as to whether you should have a remark (therefore, it helps A LOT if they agree that it should have a remark).
3. The application is sent - along with a blank exact copy of your paper - to the head of division, who will either allow the appeal or reject it. It is then up to the course co-ordinator to decide whether they also agree.
4. If all goes to plan, they will remark it, and will give you a higher mark.
NB: v.v. important: all appeals must be processed (ie. given to the head of division) before the final exam. So, you have effectively two weeks in which to get together with the marker, and do it from there. It is doable, I did it with 2 days before the exam. But, it also depends on who marked it. If Sandy marked it, she is only on campus on Mondays (but I dont know whether this will still be the case after next week). Dont know about Shayne or that other girl. Have you got the hard copy? If they arent on campus, email Cameron.
Its a sucky process, but you generally tend to get marked up. But the mark you eventually receive will be an average between the two (ie. you get a P, and then a D, you will end up with a C).
Good Luck