ippie said:
And most of us aren't rich enough to move out and live on campus. We like to leech off our parents.
From where I see it, it seems the trend in Australia is to go to uni as close to home as possible, whereas over in Yankyland, they like to move far away.
I use to go to UTS when I lived in Sydney with my folks. Then sense got the better of me, and I moved out down to Wagga to attend CSU. Parents haven't paid a cent for me down there as I support myself, and I'm far from rich. CSU, by its nature being out in the sticks, EVERYONE has moved from many places (Even interstate!) to go here.
In the end, I think that's alot better, as it gives you more life experience behing you compared to living under mummy's roof.
Back to topic, no, people at Uni don't resemble those on TV. In saying that however, Uni and TV have something in common, that they're the furthest thing from reality