Unorthodox top student
Well I've check all the past HSC papers and the 3 unit exam lacks things like quartic polynomials and trig graphs. Does this mean they won't be tested?
Quartic Polynomials can be tested, but I highly doubt it will - and if it was, I think it wouldn't be in the early questions. As for trig graphs, you may need to use trig graphs directly to solve a question.Well I've check all the past HSC papers and the 3 unit exam lacks things like quartic polynomials and trig graphs. Does this mean they won't be tested?
Yeah they did. Wasn't it like...Question 6 or something? The 'different amounts of dots' or something.3 unit is less predictable than the 4 unit
In 2009, they didn't have any permutations or combinations!!!
Why?3 unit exams should be longer, and they should shorten the 2 unit exam
Nah, I think the length of the Ext 1 paper is good. It's a nice "novice separator".More time so you can check answers and the questions are longer styling.