Okay, here's the questionnaire...thankyou for your help.
* Sex:
* Age:
* Age when biological parents split:
* Age when parent remarried:
* What was your initial reaction to discovering that your parent was going to remarry?
* How did you feel about it?
* What were your initial reactions and feelings towards your parents partner?
* In your parents relationship with your stepparent, were there any particular events that troubled you? (If yes) What were they?
* Did your feelings and opinions change towards your stepparent during the period up to the wedding date /moving in date? (If yes) How?
* How did you feel when your stepparent took on this new role? (Parental role)
* Were there any problems when your stepparent started living with your family? (If yes) What were they?
- How did you feel about these problems?
- Were these the cause of any conflicts between yourself, your stepparent, parent or any other family member?
- How did you have to alter your lifestyle and behaviour because of these problems?
* What helped you to adjust to living with your stepparent?
* Do you come across many problems with your stepparent now? (If yes) What are they?
* How has your relationship improved with your stepparent?
* How do you think you can further improve your relationship with your stepparent?
* How do you view your stepparent now? (E.g. as a real parent?)
(If you do not have stepsiblings or half-siblings do not continue.)
* What were your initial reactions and feelings when you were introduced to your stepsiblings and/or half-siblings?
* Were there any problems when you started living (permanently or regularly) with your stepsiblings and/or half-siblings? (If yes) What were they? (E.g. jealousy)
- How did you feel about these problems?
- Were these the cause of any conflicts in your household? (Major or minor)
- How did you have to alter your lifestyle and behaviour because of these problems?
- How did you adjust to living with your stepsiblings and/or half-siblings?
* How has your relationship improved with your stepsiblings and/or half-siblings?
* How do you think you can further improve your relationships?
* How do you view your stepsiblings/halfsiblings now?(Eg as real brothers and sisters)