A pretty good intro into a completely different area of study you've never really covered before, but since it's about employment, if affects anyone that works (or wants/needs to anyway, which is most people). As such, tutes are interesting and most people can relate to the topics at hand, there's a lot of insight to be gained into the employment relationship. It's meant to be a fusion of industrial relations and human resource management, and generally people like one and hate the other.
Bradon Ellem's a great lecturer, loud, always interesting, a bit irreverent, and best of all, completely unpretentious (a nice change I found). Don't know what the other one's like in the other semester, but Bradon's hard to beat, so check which lecturer's taking it this semester and change accordingly if you wish. Unless they've changed them, assessments were pretty easy. The minor essay was confusing for many and didn't seem to have any obvious direction, but the major essay was only 1500, and the final exam was just a bunch of 'mini-essay' response questions (ie one page) taken directly from lectures. A worthwhile unit that leads into some pretty useful majors (read: employable).
Look for the unit outline in the general section, and more reviews too.