Ask me anything! (2 Viewers)

yolo tengo

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2022
If I had a dollar for every time someone thought food tech would just be cooking, I'd probably be able to buy a house by now.
Even in this economy.
legit, i hate this subject so much 😭

I want 95 atar

New Member
May 1, 2023
If you are a current HSC student (Yr 11-12) or you are going to be one (Yr 10) or anyone else in High School, feel free to ask any questions about the HSC whether it be studying, social or anything along those lines. I am someone who has completed my HSC and have done relatively well in all my subjects but in no means do I claim to be the 99.95er or someone with 999+ IQ however I will assert that I am someone who has been able to overcome a lot of challenges in the HSC in all aspects of life and achieve a goal I never planned on, from someone who could barely do the sine rule in Year 10 to getting E4s for X2, X1 WHILST having a good social life or as the kids say, touching GRASS.

A great perk of boredofstudies excluding trolling and shitposting has been asking senior years about their experience and avoiding common pitfalls. I doubt I would have done this well if I studied the way I thought of or went through the HSC with the mentality I had initally and speaking to those who underwent the HSC was helpful. I'd like to pay that favour back to users on this site and offer any relevant advice that I have gained through experience or from other people.

All my advice is purely from my experience and knowledge, and so for very important decisions (e.g do I drop Extension 2?), take my advice as a suggestion and as an influence than the word of god. I'll answer questions when I'm free so don't wait for me to respond to someone else's question, just drop it in the thread and I'll get back to you.

If you have any questions on subjects, I can be only of help in (Physics, Maths, English, Economics) since those were my subjects I did in Year 12.

This is the only thread I will not troll, and I encourage insight or discussion from other people whether it be the 2022 HSC cohort or 2000 HSC cohort. Feel free to PM me if necessary or post down here. Have a good HSC all!

Don't be afraid to ask any question! At worst you might get an unsatisfactory answer but at best you get something valuable. Take advantage of this help.
Hi, I'm currently doing adv eng, phys, chem, mx1(mx2 in year 12) and sor. but I'm choking in English, I put in so much effort and I got 8/15. my teacher is recommending me drop to standard, but I want to achieve a 95+ atar. is it possible with standard to get the star I want


Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
Hi, I'm currently doing adv eng, phys, chem, mx1(mx2 in year 12) and sor. but I'm choking in English, I put in so much effort and I got 8/15. my teacher is recommending me drop to standard, but I want to achieve a 95+ atar. is it possible with standard to get the star I want
Well if u gave us more info on how good u r at other units, avg b6, school rank, ur rank, etc we could probably guess but the amount of data u provide is useless

Run hard@thehsc

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2021
Hi, I'm currently doing adv eng, phys, chem, mx1(mx2 in year 12) and sor. but I'm choking in English, I put in so much effort and I got 8/15. my teacher is recommending me drop to standard, but I want to achieve a 95+ atar. is it possible with standard to get the star I want
yep given that you grind hard and escape your choking scenario. Very much doable....


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
Hi, I'm currently doing adv eng, phys, chem, mx1(mx2 in year 12) and sor. but I'm choking in English, I put in so much effort and I got 8/15. my teacher is recommending me drop to standard, but I want to achieve a 95+ atar. is it possible with standard to get the star I want
Tbh everyone chokes at english to a certain extent if they're not inclined towards it. If ur doing decent with the rest ull be more than fine lmao english really becomes super super clutch for 99+ else its all goods.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
I don't actively use social media but I go on it from time to time.

Social Media is basically a cesspit of radicals on both the left and right. The only genuine places for conversation over the internet are forums or small reddit communities.
That's the fun part of reddit though. ON forums such as this one, the users are fairly nice people and you feel bad insulting them. On reddit, they're 90 percent of the time assholes, so you feel no guilt when you insult the fuck out of them lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
How would you recoomeed studying for Chemistry and Physics? I'm bad at both. I am good at math advanced though so I have the brain power.

I can't force the textbook in my mind. It is very difficult. How did you study?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2021
Uni Grad
How would you recoomeed studying for Chemistry and Physics? I'm bad at both. I am good at math advanced though so I have the brain power.

I can't force the textbook in my mind. It is very difficult. How did you study?

- Study Notes for each module. These notes would include key concepts e.g formulas as well as common errors e.g forgetting units made in the module. I would do this after mastering a module i.e being confident in doing qs and explaining it to someone else.

- StrivePhysics (@idkkdi pointed it out). It was extremely helpful in just grinding out physics qs. Really important to be able to get the routine questions down for physics since these are where the majority of marks lie in and being able to minimise silly errors, know common mistakes and different methods is vital if you're serious about a B6.

- Online physics resources. Often you'll get a poor physics teacher so knowing where to learn is beneficial. Personally I used stuff like scienceready physics, uni lectures on topics, yt videos on HSC physics and etc.

- Trying to explain what I'm learning. Being able to articulate what you know on physics is crucial for those short answer to long answer questions, first you need to have clarity in what you are saying to do this. Trying to explain physics concepts helps you understand if you truly understand it or you're just reciting textbook pages.

- Practicing succinct responses. Many people in Physics waste time on being verbose in their answers and don't realise it contributes negatively to the quality of their answer, when doing 5+ mark qs, I would draw a mini-map of what I would write;

> The content I am supposed to talk about e.g EM induction and break it down into X points
Point A:
> What laws I would need to cite e.g Faraday's law
> What equations this would entail e.g
> What terms I might need to explain e.g N is the number of coils,
Point B:

and so on, in this way I'd have a rough checklist and guide to follow when doing the question. I would allocate the first 5 mins after reading time just doing this for my long answer questions in Trials/HSC exam so when I reached that question I wouldn't forget any key points.

- Minimising silly mistakes. Ensuring that you frequently revise on questions you make errors on e.g torque questions will help you minimise silly mistakes and regularly reading them also gives you a mental reminder.

- Staying ~2-3 weeks ahead of physics content. There's no point learning 2 modules ahead if you'd forget it by the time you learn that module in class. A more helpful tracker would be to be ~3 weeks ahead of your class content so that at most you'd have enough time to master the class content you're learning by the time you reach it while also freshly learning future stuff.

- Treating physics practical skills seriously. Most people forget the practical side of Phys. and only focus on the theory which is a big mistake, make sure that you are well versed in the three variables, reliability, accuracy, controlled etc. and you know what are the possible errors, how to calculate percentage error, how to improve these variables etc. Its very simple to do but surprisingly people ignore this aspect and consequently lose marks they were given for free.

- Doing abstract physics Qs that appear in uni worksheets or from physics exams. Most of the time, you will see in the middle of the HSC Phys exam, content from different modules are required to be synthesised to respond to abstract physics Qs, this is prolly the hardest part of the HSC Phys exam and to be ready for this you need to not only be confident in the content but also experience solving these type of questions. They usually require you to start from a simple step e.g Keplers Third Law and then extend it further. Just having that experience and problem solving skill for these type of Qs is invaluable.

There's so much more but these are the ones i can remember off my head. I'll respond to MX1 later.

You more or less do the same for chemistry.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021

You more or less do the same for chemistry.
Thank you for the detailed response. I don't think I'll be able to be ahead of the class. I have to prepare for trials. But will certainly use Strive. and practice my long response.

Damn I wish studing for science was as easy as math! For math it's just trial paper and win lol. No notes and not other resources.


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
Thank you for the detailed response. I don't think I'll be able to be ahead of the class. I have to prepare for trials. But will certainly use Strive. and practice my long response.

Damn I wish studing for science was as easy as math! For math it's just trial paper and win lol. No notes and not other resources.
To be fair, it really is just that for science. All my friends and me would just mainly grind out past-papers before trials and HSC papers before the HSC. Its just that you won't get far just by memorising a solution for a problem in science since they can test a concept in multiple ways such that its almost impossible to apply the same identical method.

Maths is in a similar vein but its much more easier to cheese it since the questions they give for say Q11, 12 are very straightforward and almost copied off other papers if you are diligent in your studies.

So either way, papers are just as vital for maths and science but I'd go and say furthermore that for science you need a stronger conceptual understanding to be able to receive as much as benefit out of doing them. Not worth it doing 3 physics past papers where you're failing on questions involving EMF because they're thrown in different contexts.


Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
To be fair, it really is just that for science. All my friends and me would just mainly grind out past-papers before trials and HSC papers before the HSC. Its just that you won't get far just by memorising a solution for a problem in science since they can test a concept in multiple ways such that its almost impossible to apply the same identical method.

Maths is in a similar vein but its much more easier to cheese it since the questions they give for say Q11, 12 are very straightforward and almost copied off other papers if you are diligent in your studies.

So either way, papers are just as vital for maths and science but I'd go and say furthermore that for science you need a stronger conceptual understanding to be able to receive as much as benefit out of doing them. Not worth it doing 3 physics past papers where you're failing on questions involving EMF because they're thrown in different contexts.
whats the exam technique for maths
for ext 1 i hear its timing
for ext 2 i hear its timing if u actually get to attempt most questions properly otherwise it is just being able to do the hard questions 💀


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2021
To be fair, it really is just that for science. All my friends and me would just mainly grind out past-papers before trials and HSC papers before the HSC. Its just that you won't get far just by memorising a solution for a problem in science since they can test a concept in multiple ways such that its almost impossible to apply the same identical method.

Maths is in a similar vein but its much more easier to cheese it since the questions they give for say Q11, 12 are very straightforward and almost copied off other papers if you are diligent in your studies.

So either way, papers are just as vital for maths and science but I'd go and say furthermore that for science you need a stronger conceptual understanding to be able to receive as much as benefit out of doing them. Not worth it doing 3 physics past papers where you're failing on questions involving EMF because they're thrown in different contexts.
Yeah lol that's the problem. I can't sit still and read the textbook. I also hate Physics problems. Chem is a nice break from Extension


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
whats the exam technique for maths
for ext 1 i hear its timing
for ext 2 i hear its timing if u actually get to attempt most questions properly otherwise it is just being able to do the hard questions 💀
It's all about timing. Also try to finish 30 minutes or so early so you have time to check your answers.

If you can't answer the question, the least you can do is get part marks

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