Assessing factual correctness? (2 Viewers)


Premium Member
Feb 5, 2011
I've got a Physics Oral coming up and we need to submit a pro-forma with references and answer a few questions. One question is "State how you assessed the factual correctness of your gathered data" and it's worth 3 marks. I've basically said that I assessed factual correctness by assessing the reliability of the source (I go into details of how I did this) and by cross-referencing between sources, but I feel like I'm missing something.

Also, we're getting marked on the references used - It says on the sheet that we're "expected to use a variety of valid electronic and print sources", which I feel I've done (used 8 websites, 2 journal articles, 2 books and 5 textbooks). I can't think of anything that could be allocated marks apart from that and actually referencing them correctly, but it's worth 8 marks. Again, I feel like I'm missing something. Thoughts?


Awesome Member
Jan 31, 2011
My couch
Uni Grad
Hahaha typical HSC questions like this are so full of crap =P
What I think most people tend to write is that, as a first resource, they approached their teacher and asked about some preliminary information about the subject. Then, to further enhance their understanding, they went online and looked at reputable websites, such as those of government or university institutions, cross checking between these sources. (Teachers always just fail you if you write Wikipedia, but secretly they all run to it as a first source of information ==;). You could also say that while online/in your local library, you accessed journal articles relevant to your research, and ascertained their reliability by ensuring they were peer reviewed (full of bs LOL).

Then you have the stuff with reputable HSC textbooks and university textbooks to increase your knowledge of the topic, and cross check, blah de blah =)

Lastly (I think, can't remember, too tired), you ensured that the time of publication of these sources was recent, establishing their relevance to today, since if it was written too far in the past the information may be obsolete.
And yeah just keep going on about those LOOOL =D

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