Assessment ranks are in! (2 Viewers)


Apr 12, 2011
Well I was told by my teacher that it would be in my best interest that i come 2nd, even though the other student and I were separated by *wait for it* 0.2 of a percentage point.

This was done in the event that one of us under-performed (which usually is me -_-) and given that both of us were separated by the rest of the cohort by a large margin, there was a greater chance of our marks affecting each other.

In other words.....I hope I still reach my goal :L
Did you tell your teacher to shove it and change the mark or you would report him/her to BOS?
Because that is unethical if they purposely misranked you, and if you underperform in the exam it is in your BEST INTEREST to come first internally, whether that be equal or not. AND BOS records internal marks as full marks with NO DECIMAL PLACES so you are either a full mark or MORE behind the person you should be equal with which will definitely affect you negatively. It looks like your teacher is either stupid or playing favourites with the person coming first that you were supposed to be equal with.

Actually that may not be 100% true. If two students are entered tied first from your school it actually causes a bit of a dillemma. You are all probably aware by now that the highest internal school mark that someone in your school gets is the highest hsc test mark achieved by someone in your cohort. Usually the guy who comes first internally will get the highest HSC mark so the two marks become the same.

In the situation that two people are tied first, typically they will average the the two highest hsc marks to be attained and award that as the school mark to the students who are first. I'll give you an example, in modern history me and one other student were tied first. The other student was quite obviously smarter than me, but I somehow managed to kill the trial and ended up on par. The modern head teacher offered to separate us by putting her first and me second, which seemed fair when we analysed it as above. But on further discussion with the other student we decided that it would be fairest to both of us if we stayed equal. What happened was I ended up with 96 as my HSC mark and they got 94. That got averaged to 95 for our internal marks. It didn't affect me because had I been first outright I would have had 96 and 96 giving me an HSC mark of 96. Now I had 96 95 giving me an HSC mark of 96. The other student got 94 95 and overral HSC mark of 95.

Sorry if that makes absolutely no sense, but I'm saying is that there is an argument there to separate the two students so they don't impact each other. Most teachers who have anything to do with the way the Board of Studies operates will do this and it isn't as bad as you think!
No. Being first (whether you are tied or not) is better than second. Simple logic.


Apr 12, 2011
..... lol.

The whole point of you making a secret security question was so that you could retrieve your PIN if you happened to lose it. Kinda contradicts the whole notion don't you think? lol.

Idk, I guess you have to contract the Board of Studies directly. Try get in contact with your careers advisor from school.
This. Also, your teachers can see the ranks so ask them. My advice would be to go to the school tomorrow and check and sort everything out in person, I'm totes doing that because the school phone system is killing my life.

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