Yes you can, he was toppled because folk thought he was too matey with the communist party. um
Lolsmith kill all boomers Joined Dec 4, 2009 Messages 4,569 Location Forever UNSW Gender Male HSC 2010 Aug 29, 2012 #161 Lentern said: Yes you can, he was toppled because folk thought he was too matey with the communist party. Click to expand... um
Lentern said: Yes you can, he was toppled because folk thought he was too matey with the communist party. Click to expand... um
soloooooo Well-Known Member Joined Feb 13, 2012 Messages 3,310 Gender Female HSC N/A Aug 30, 2012 #162 A boat load of 150 asylum seekers is reported to have sunk somewhere between Indonesia & Australia with the search now called off.
A boat load of 150 asylum seekers is reported to have sunk somewhere between Indonesia & Australia with the search now called off.