atar 80.30English Advanced - 2/9
Maths Advanced - 1/10
Maths Extension 1 - 2/4
Biology - 2/15
Chemistry - 1/5
PDHPE - 1/5
School Rank: 451
Ummm, I think it's a little higheratar 80.30
My school is nearly that rank but a bit higher in the 300's and someone with those ranks is pree much guaranteed 95+ (8 ppl got 95+ atar last year) and the school rank ranges from 300's-400's. I wouldn't underestimate a low ranked school that much.atar 80.30
But in this case there is only a select few student choosing a particular subject and also including the ranking of the school it is hard to have a true indications of how you are going compared to other schools/students in the stateIt's a bit condescending to assume that school rank is going to affect your atar that much... despite going to a low rank school there are still high achievers.
Isn't it best to give conservative estimates rather than optimistic estimatesIt's a bit condescending to assume that school rank is going to affect your atar that much... despite going to a low rank school there are still high achievers.