Attempted Islamic car bombing in New York (2 Viewers)


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
raif uses religious shield

it's super effective


Sep 6, 2009
And Garygaz typically ignores all points put forward and splurts a bunch of irrational arguments that have been repeatedly challenged and dealt with.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
you fucking pedophilic fucks. gtfo out of this country if you can't respect the fact that it is a timeless/universal/fundamental human ethic that YOU DON'T STICK YOUR DICK IN 9 YEAR OLD GIRLS. Do you understand that the men who made these so called laws that you could fuck a 9 year old were pedophiles, did that cross your small and highly insignificant minds, or are you gonna spout hypocritical arguments that make 0 sense.



your argument consists of that is was socially acceptable to have sex with 9 year old girls thousands of years ago. If in 2000 years it was the social norm to fuck babies, and then 2000 years later after again it wasn't, and you were there looking back upon the baby fuckers, you're the type of person that would defend their actions.

Just because a whole society/culture partakes in a particular act, it in no way validates it.


Apr 2, 2009
How the fuck am i using religion? I'm using logic, did you even read my fucking post or just look at my name?
Fuck you are a little shit.
Logic? You just copied some unsourced BS from a white supremacist website you pedophile worshiping Islamic fuck.


Sep 6, 2009
Are you like some sort of a bot? Because all you seem to be doing is reading off a fail script and repeating it over and over again.
Maybe this will refresh your memory?

Marrying a kid is wrong at any time given, whether it may be 20 centuries ago or 200 centuries ago. What I'm saying is that a nine year old 14 centuries ago would NOT fall under the category of what we perceive as a kid in the 21st century... Rendering your whole argument extraneous.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
Just read this.. oh my god just forget it, argueing with 2 failures is really a waste of time, just gunno go study so that me.. a muslim is going to be 10 X more successful than you, in your own country, while your stuck here posting rubbish on BoS,

Im pretty happy with my self :)
When people start bringing out the 'well ima do well in real life guys' card you know they've failed hard at the argument. CYA LATER SUNSHINE


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
Are you like some sort of a bot? Because all you seem to be doing is reading off a fail script and repeating it over and over again.
Maybe this will refresh your memory?
You just won't die will you, they fkn knew well and truly they were kids, they lived in semi nomadic societies so they made laws to validate being pedophiles. Of course they knew having sex with 9 year olds was wrong, they just didn't give a shit, they let their dicks act instead of their brains.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
Have you read the kuran even? do you see the amount of times mohommad is obsessing about sex? "graze of the (tree) of which nothing has been eaten before", "I used to wash the traces of Janaba (semen) from the clothes of the Prophet and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it.''

Quoted from your holy text. gee gee.

When I got married, Allah's Apostle said to me, "What type of lady have you married?" I replied, "I have married a matron' He said, "Why, don't you have a liking for the young virgins and for fondling them?" Jabir also said: Allah's Apostle said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?'


New Member
Apr 29, 2010
Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex (definition)

Aisha gave her consent to the marriage and thus she was not forced to the marriage.

"Puberty, usually occurring during adolescence, is when kids develop physically and emotionally into young men and women. Usually, this starts to happen no earlier than about 7 to 8 years of age for girls and 9 years of age for boys (the average age is about 10 for girls and 12 for boys)."

source : Precocious Puberty

It is believed on the authority of some Hadith reports that the marriage ceremony (known as nikah, amounting to betrothal) of Aisha with the Holy Prophet Muhammad took place when she was six years of age, and that she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife three years later at the age of nine. We quote below from two such reports in Bukhari.
“It is reported from Aisha that she said: The Prophet entered into marriage with me when I was a girl of six … and at the time [of joining his household] I was a girl of nine years of age.”
“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” [3]"

Source: Age of Aisha (ra) at time of marriage

"She entered his household, shortly after his emigration to Madina, just at the time when the teachings of Islam in all fields of life for the Muslim community were starting to be revealed to the Holy Prophet and demonstrated by him by his example and practice. An intellectually gifted person was required who would have daily contact with the Holy Prophet at the closest and most personal level, so as to absorb the teachings that he was giving on all aspects of life by his words and actions. Such a person would need to possess the following qualities:

  • an excellent, precise memory to retain a vast amount of detail accurately,
  • the understanding to grasp the significance and the principles of the teachings,
  • powers of reasoning, criticism and deduction to resolve problems on the basis of those teachings,
  • the skills to convey knowledge to a wide range of audience,
  • and, finally, have the prospect of living for a considerable period of time after the death of the Holy Prophet in order to spread his message to distant generations.
That Aisha possessed all these qualities and carried out this mission is an absolutely positive and undeniable, historical fact. After the Holy Prophet’s death, she acted as a teacher and interpreter of Islam, providing guidance to even the greatest of the male Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. They made a special point of going to her to gain knowledge and seek her opinion. A vast number of sayings and actions of the Holy Prophet are reported from her in books of Hadith. She not only quoted his sayings and reported her observations of events, but interpreted them to provide solutions to questions. Whenever necessary, she corrected the views of the greatest of the Companions of the Holy Prophet. She made rulings and judgments on which Islamic law is based.
The following are two examples of what the Holy Prophet’s male Companions said about her:
“Abu Musa said: Whenever there was any hadith that was difficult [to understand] for us, the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, and we asked Aisha we always found that she had knowledge about that hadith.”
“Musa ibn Talha said: I never saw anyone more eloquent than Aisha.” [1]"
Source: Age of Aisha (ra) at time of marriage

Care to read.

It is concluded that Aisha was at a very high level of maturity at the time of marriage. Only a fool can deny that.

Now the fact that you're attacking our prophet (PBUH) with false accusations is clearly no more than expressing your hatred. Hatred can't bend or twist around facts.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex (definition)

Aisha gave her consent to the marriage and thus she was not forced to the marriage.
So you think a nine year old can give consent? Like to see you make that argument in court.

The phrase statutory rape is a term used in some legal jurisdictions to describe sexual activities where one participant is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
I seriously can't believe the amount of sick fucks trying to justify having sex with a 9 year old.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2007
Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex (definition)
Care to read.

It is concluded that Aisha was at a very high level of maturity at the time of marriage. Only a fool can deny that.

Now the fact that you're attacking our prophet (PBUH) with false accusations is clearly no more than expressing your hatred. Hatred can't bend or twist around facts.
Hey guys I had sex with this 7 year old girl but it's totally okay because she was really mature for her age. No need to get angry.


Mar 8, 2010
Rape is the crime of forcing someone to have sex (definition)

Aisha gave her consent to the marriage and thus she was not forced to the marriage.

"Puberty, usually occurring during adolescence, is when kids develop physically and emotionally into young men and women. Usually, this starts to happen no earlier than about 7 to 8 years of age for girls and 9 years of age for boys (the average age is about 10 for girls and 12 for boys)."

source : Precocious Puberty

It is believed on the authority of some Hadith reports that the marriage ceremony (known as nikah, amounting to betrothal) of Aisha with the Holy Prophet Muhammad took place when she was six years of age, and that she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife three years later at the age of nine. We quote below from two such reports in Bukhari.
“It is reported from Aisha that she said: The Prophet entered into marriage with me when I was a girl of six … and at the time [of joining his household] I was a girl of nine years of age.”
“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” [3]"

Source: Age of Aisha (ra) at time of marriage

"She entered his household, shortly after his emigration to Madina, just at the time when the teachings of Islam in all fields of life for the Muslim community were starting to be revealed to the Holy Prophet and demonstrated by him by his example and practice. An intellectually gifted person was required who would have daily contact with the Holy Prophet at the closest and most personal level, so as to absorb the teachings that he was giving on all aspects of life by his words and actions. Such a person would need to possess the following qualities:

  • an excellent, precise memory to retain a vast amount of detail accurately,
  • the understanding to grasp the significance and the principles of the teachings,
  • powers of reasoning, criticism and deduction to resolve problems on the basis of those teachings,
  • the skills to convey knowledge to a wide range of audience,
  • and, finally, have the prospect of living for a considerable period of time after the death of the Holy Prophet in order to spread his message to distant generations.
That Aisha possessed all these qualities and carried out this mission is an absolutely positive and undeniable, historical fact. After the Holy Prophet’s death, she acted as a teacher and interpreter of Islam, providing guidance to even the greatest of the male Companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad. They made a special point of going to her to gain knowledge and seek her opinion. A vast number of sayings and actions of the Holy Prophet are reported from her in books of Hadith. She not only quoted his sayings and reported her observations of events, but interpreted them to provide solutions to questions. Whenever necessary, she corrected the views of the greatest of the Companions of the Holy Prophet. She made rulings and judgments on which Islamic law is based.
The following are two examples of what the Holy Prophet’s male Companions said about her:
“Abu Musa said: Whenever there was any hadith that was difficult [to understand] for us, the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, and we asked Aisha we always found that she had knowledge about that hadith.”
“Musa ibn Talha said: I never saw anyone more eloquent than Aisha.” [1]"
Source: Age of Aisha (ra) at time of marriage

Care to read.

It is concluded that Aisha was at a very high level of maturity at the time of marriage. Only a fool can deny that.

Now the fact that you're attacking our prophet (PBUH) with false accusations is clearly no more than expressing your hatred. Hatred can't bend or twist around facts.
Yeah that's all good, but the accusations aren't false because you just gave us proof that Mohammad married a little girl and most likely at sex with her at a very young age. Therefore, he was a pedophile.
May 20, 2009
The Pub
Hmm, Our prohet married a nine year old? Because ethics never change, it's always been that women must be around 18 to get married?

For gods sake, im reading wuthering heights set, 19th century, and its perfectly fine to get married at 15, and is encouraged. (English christians). Thats in the 19th century! imagine back in the 6th!

I can find COUNTLESS jewish rabbi's, romans etc who have done the same, would you like me to?

Can anyone please! try and prove me wrong?
'When Christ accused the Pharisees of His day of being Satan’s spiritual children, He fully realized what they were capable of. Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism’s very greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned pedophilia—permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than three! He proclaimed, “A proselyte who is under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.” 1 Subsequent rabbis refer to ben Yohai’s endorsement of pedophilia as "halakah," or binding Jewish law. 2 Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been disowned by modern Jews? Hardly. Today, in ben Yohai’s hometown of Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in his memory. '

religious people are all sick fucks

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