we shouldnt behead anyone or terrorists...
but it would be funny to make a mock arab bashing video like theres..and get it played on al jazera...
obviously we pretend its serious..and get them all up in arms etc......
It would be funny to be on the news etc,,,,and have all the midddle east hate me...and put a fatwa on me --- or something........that would be coool.
(is fatwa the one where they pay money to get u killed like salmon russhdee?)
yes it would led to the aussie being killed. hppefully.......and yes it would strenthen the terrorists resolve i guesss??????? but i dont care.
Lets make the terrrosts angry.
Like the abu graid thing.......................fucking funnny funny funny ------that was some funny shit.................lets do mroe of that kind of thing.....
we shouldnt nuke the middle east ---cos then..the ones that survive will migrate here... i would rather we put a huge fence around the middle east........that would solve most of the worlds problems.