Oh and just a quick thing. Just reading some of your posts. I think you're having real trouble knowing what you really want to do in terms of a future career. To go from Journalism to Psychology and everything in between.
I am not picking on you, but I think you should go and talk with the careers advisor at school and work out what you're really interested in.
One of my lecturers told me last semester: "do what you love". I was in the same situation, where I really was not doing what I was interested in.
Starting a degree that you really dislike, or something that is second best is the worst decision you can make. It is probably the best way to fail.
So you should ask yourself, what do you really love. Don't think about university degrees when you're working out what you really love, think about what you really love generally. Do you like the news? Do you like helping people? Once you sort that out, you'll then be able to work out what the best degree is for you.
You should also look beyond just one university. Each university is good at something. It wont be a disadvantage to put more than one university within your UAC preferences. The universities don't look at your preferences, they simply look at how you rank compared to the other candidates. You have an equal chance at getting a place in a degree when it comes to your first preference and ninth preference. So put preferences at different universities, UWS, Macquarie, CSU, UNE wherever.
Moving away from home is hard, but it is also great. There are also scholarships out there to help you with moving:
I hope this helps.
Feel free to MSN me on
matt83au@hotmail.com if you want to talk more about this. I can at times get people to work out what they really want in life.