HSC and spinspin are right. always go for known brands. sales can be good, but you need to keep a lookout for factory outlet sales. admittedly, 90% of stuff there is shocking, but sometimes you find something that you love to death.
although its been said; MYER.
every so often they have 75% off sales (
75% off the MARKED price) :uhhuh: These are the best sales to be at, (if you can handle the craziness of violent shoppers). at their last sale, i bought a pair of levis, perfect fit, for $13
and lee riders for $10. very happy :uhhuh:
Alternatively, do what i did, and aim for a job at your favourite store; not only do you get a staff discount, but get first choices at the sale items
Oh, and if you have enough patience, op-shops are always good.