Bob is extremely committed to me Engrish (lulz) whilst also being a helpful counsellor

He's caring, serious and sarcastic as well. My overall half yearly rank in Advanced English was very low (a really embarrasing rank that Bob doesn't even know about :rofl

, and since applying for his service, I have:
- Attained 18/20 in a highly weighted speech (rank 2).
- Scored high ranks in english tasks going towards my grades (recently came 1st).
- Received a harshly marked listening task on Victorian society that Bob believes I should've received a higher mark. An elevating ranking still
- And hopefully, I'll achieve an excellence award overall in Advanced English with a high preliminary final exam result.
The reason why I mentioned 'a helpful counsellor' is that he recommends me on what subjects to drop for the HSC, how many hours of study I should be doing a day, providing me with tutoring colleges to join etc. It is evident that he's excellent in English, scoring HD's in his prestigious arts/law degree

. I'd highly recommend him!
Update: Came 6th in my final preliminary exam, a major improvement from my half yearlies since being with Bob