Gordon Whatshisname uses the overheads provided by McGraw-Hill with the book, so you don't exactly need to go to the lectures: they're a dumbed down version of the textbook. Gordon DOES have some interesting stories he's gotten from experience, or examples, but then, so does the book.
Go to the tutes: you've got groupwork assignments (plural) so get to know the people you sit with. I had a crap group (smart but lazy) and did 70% of the work. (they did the work but in their own time, which was always longer than necessary, but it turned out okay). Good learning experience in itself.
My recommendation would be to get the book. As said, nothing's in the lectures thats not in the book. (If you like I've got a hardcover version of the book for sale; $70, As-new condition. (No hilighting, no markings, no nothing, except for some post-it notes which tell you which chapter correlates to which lecture). Also have the group projects, I'll throw in, if you like...)
Bottom line: Easy subject, boring lectures with nothing that's not in the book. Get the book, skip the lectures.