Beating the James Ruseans (1 Viewer)


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
virtual said:
Low teens?? Top 10 easily for SBHS class of 06. u seriously have no idea how good we are compared to previous years man, all the teachers are saying it, the deputy principal and principal are saying it, etc. We beat the year 10s overall when we were in yr 9 in the westpac maths comp thingo. And as for Mi Zhou (the guy with the goatie around his adams apple), yeah he did quite well in all of his subjects and i think he came like top 30 overall in the half yearly, but he was by far the best performing new guy in our grade and 1 of lyk only 2 or 3 new guys taken in purely based on their academic talents - mi, ashley (LOL), and i think george zhang. educational scheme my ass. And where did Hornsby girls come from? High's been beating them for ages.
Thats a good pwnagement. But are we really an easy top 10? I mean, I dont really have sex with teachers like you do, but I havent really heard them say anything special about our grade. Remember, teachers patrol these forums, so don't make stuff up too quickly.


Mar 19, 2004
ViRtUaL said:
Low teens?? Top 10 easily for SBHS class of 06. u seriously have no idea how good we are compared to previous years man, all the teachers are saying it, the deputy principal and principal are saying it, etc. We beat the year 10s overall when we were in yr 9 in the westpac maths comp thingo. And as for Mi Zhou (the guy with the goatie around his adams apple), yeah he did quite well in all of his subjects and i think he came like top 30 overall in the half yearly, but he was by far the best performing new guy in our grade and 1 of lyk only 2 or 3 new guys taken in purely based on their academic talents - mi, ashley (LOL), and i think george zhang. educational scheme my ass. And where did Hornsby girls come from? High's been beating them for ages.
Get your facts right you idiot. Hornsby Girls beat High last yr. The Prizes in the Year 9 Westpac Competition are awarded against other Year 9s in the state. The year 10s are awarded against other Year 10s. It may be the same test, but the year groups are seperate when it comes to grading of awards. And who gives a crap about the Maths Comp, who tries? who studies for it? Its about natural ability, the HSC isnt about natural ability, its about who is willing to work the hardest. Thats why the kids at James Ruse do so well, they work hard. Its not very hard to understand why, yes they are smart, the smartest cohort in the state, but to get that fare, they work hard.

I keep on telling you all, you cant judge a grade before they sit the HSC, before they sit a state-wide standardised test. How can 200 boys be smarter than another group of 200? on the basis of SC or maths comp. And if you haven't realised our school doesnt do that badly. THe rich private schools beat us, because more do lower levels of Maths, low scaling VET courses. Of course its easier to get a band 6 in General Maths and Business Services than Extension II Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry.

The results in the papers are distorted and manuplative, and do not reflect the real nature of brilliance at High. We have one of the largest cohort's in the state, probably the largest 4U cohort, those getting high band 5s in Ext 2, would easily get band 6s in 2u. But those bands 5 are worth more than 2u band 6s. The papers only mention band 6s, they are the only figures tehy get. If it was on the old system, with average UAIs etc, you all would see how good High really is. When you have over 100 doing Phys, Chem, Eco (Higher SCaling Subjects) of course less people wil get band 6s, but overall UAIs will rise. Plus at High, a lot of kids do 12 units, their 12th unit always seem to suffer, like me. Whereas across the flat at the Girls School, Varady encourages 10 units, of course to make her stats look good.

I think the reason why the Girls SChool get us, is that they are better in English and in Languages. SImply more, more people do languages over there. But certainly in Social Sciences and Sciences, High is equal, if not better. And in Maths, if you have ever seen a 3u or 4u trial at SGHS, you would laugh, they make it so easy that "the girls dont cry" (one maths teacher said at High, he will remain nameless).

And i am with Bookie, the who hell have you been sleeping with to tell you all this bullcrap. Yes maybe a class or a small group may be a tad better than previous years, but how can a whole grade be smarter? There are many in my grade who say the same thing, "we are better than 2004". I just hate people who try to spectulate on that, before even sitting the HSC and comparing those results.


Feb 16, 2005
ViRtUaL said:
Low teens?? Top 10 easily for SBHS class of 06. u seriously have no idea how good we are compared to previous years man, all the teachers are saying it, the deputy principal and principal are saying it, etc. We beat the year 10s overall when we were in yr 9 in the westpac maths comp thingo.
LoL, they probably say that for every year to encourage you to focus on the positive things and your strengths. But remember other schools are just as competitive if not more, than your school. Other schools are doing far better than previous years as well. Look at James Ruse, they have been improving their DA and median UAI every year to the point where they are practically always unbeaten in the HSC just like say Federer is often unbeaten in tennis.
Anyway as for SBHS Class of 06, we'll just have to see about that, around this time next year....
ViRtUaL said:
And as for Mi Zhou (the guy with the goatie around his adams apple),
Haha LOL! You've noticed and labelled him by his goatie as well!
ViRtUaL said:
yeah he did quite well in all of his subjects and i think he came like top 30 overall in the half yearly, but he was by far the best performing new guy in our grade and 1 of lyk only 2 or 3 new guys taken in purely based on their academic talents - mi, ashley (LOL), and i think george zhang.
Well actually, Mi Zhou was also a sporty kind of person as well. He plays basketball, tennis and table tennis. He originally came from Homebush Boys, then came on to Sefton and then to your school. George Zhang was also really sporty and he was from Sefton. He was a basketball/soccer player kind of person, but he was quite good in Maths.
ViRtUaL said:
And where did Hornsby girls come from? High's been beating them for ages.
Well, I hate to break the news to you, but Hornsby Girls are currently kicking your asses mate. The school came 4th last year in the HSC with a 47.98% DA compared to your 12th ranked 34.21% DA. That's a big percentage difference. The school also came 6th in 2003 compared to your school getting owned to rank 14th.

I would also like to 'randomly' add (for the sake of boredom lol) that a dude called Hong Hui from Sefton came second in Mathematics Extension 2 last year to a guy from James Ruse. That was like the best you'll ever see from Sefton (or is it..?). He got 99.85 with band 6 in Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, Chemistry, Physics and English Extension 1. He got band 5 for 2 unit English and English Extension 2. LoL, he got 88 in English 2 unit, only 2 marks off from becoming an all rounder. Speaking of all rounders, we used to have 5 or so all rounders every year until 2004, where we only had 2. In Class of 05, they have a guy similar to that by the name of David Ong. In Class of 06, we have no guy that is of similar academic strength as them. Oh no!
Anyway, back to my original point.....

Like I said, if you disagree with my predictions, then prove me wrong! (that should be enough motivation lol!)


May 21, 2005
In a sand cave
You're all wrong. St Paul's is the best school in Australia, and indeed, the world.


But I can dream!

But to be honest, I've never really given a crap how my school compares to any others (Except when it comes to sport, because Paul's kicks everyone's ass then) Lol, I suppose being out in Booragul will do that to you. I like my school because it's one big community, and not just your seperate years. But really, as long as you and all your classmates are happy, who cares about any other school other than your own?


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
Anyway, good post Daniel - what you wrote was pretty true and Iain't gonna argue with it. I'm taking it a day at a time and I wont judge our grade until the results come out next year. We MAY be the bolters and may come in the Top 5. We may improve a bit and come somewhere between 7-10, we may be like we are and stay in the low teens. But dont say anything until it comes out.

Yes, we did and still would cream it in the old HSC format, but thats not to be. We dont work our arses off all year academically. When it comes to all-round, and I cringe at saying this, only Grammar beats us. So nnnnehhhh.

And Trebla, theres a difference between 'sporty' and 'good at sport'. Idont think Mi and George fit into the latter category. We're pretty competitive at most sports, coming inthe middle of the ladder againnst importing GPSers, but we cream ass at state level. It aint that easy to get into a 1st or 2nd grade team here [2nd grade crickets shit - I was a walk in - I didnt try out, cos its shit - but our first grade cricket boys will get the crown].

Anyway. We're gonna need a hell of a lot to beat James Ruse, on which this thread is topicified.


Feb 16, 2005
I meant sporty as being "very" actively involved in sports, not necessarily good at them.


Feb 16, 2005
Well they were back at my school. They probably play less sport than they used to probably because they had settled into study and work for the HSC.


Mar 19, 2004
Seems like they were the ones who bring their trophies to the itnerview with Jaggar. There were guys in my grade, aka James Kang, Jimmy Fan, who said they were such n such state champions, blah blah blah. MR Fan even faked his report from Tech to get in. When it came to real season sport, those kids were cut, and eventually didn't play sport in year 12, against Jaggar's wishes. If you want to come to High in year 11, and you say you are good at sport, at least play it, dont lie, High will suck you and kill you acedemically. There are many such imports in year 11, who are actually good at sport, Spud, Burak, Curran, Masheldani, Robson (in yr 10), Kelly(in yr 10)...etc (There are probably more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head). Those are the boys who should be at High, not some joke kids who say "I am good at sport, let me in"


P vs NP
Aug 11, 2004
Trebla said:
I would also like to 'randomly' add (for the sake of boredom lol) that a dude called Hong Hui from Sefton came second in Mathematics Extension 2 last year to a guy from James Ruse. That was like the best you'll ever see from Sefton (or is it..?). He got 99.85 with band 6 in Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, Chemistry, Physics and English Extension 1. He got band 5 for 2 unit English and English Extension 2. LoL, he got 88 in English 2 unit, only 2 marks off from becoming an all rounder. Speaking of all rounders, we used to have 5 or so all rounders every year until 2004, where we only had 2. In Class of 05, they have a guy similar to that by the name of David Ong. In Class of 06, we have no guy that is of similar academic strength as them. Oh no!
I would also like to randomly add that nobody cares who came second in maths. People will only remember the likes of Ngai and Keypad. I wouldn't personally say the mathematical skills of David Ong is that good, but this is the HSC and anything can happen in maths.


Aug 12, 2005
the shire
back to topic

As far as i know from reading the paper ,pirvate schools have the best teachers such as grammer where the teachers actually don't have teaching degrees but come from other occupations such as engineering and are paid alot higher than the average

Grammer use to be the school on top of ruse in the late 1990's untill the big debate came in about whether private or public schools were better and obviously people fell for the public school side and because of cheaper education and thus forth sent their smart kids to ruse.

I'm pretty sure this trend of ruse topping the state is due to change in the next 5-8 years.With increasing reports in the paper of these other dodgy ass high schools predicted to produce outstanding results in the future to come.also the government is trying to make the schools more equal .

This publicity of these believed new schools could spark the change in trends,like that of how the debate of public and private schools resulted in grammer being overtaken


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
Well if all smart kids just put their first choice as Macquarie Fields, Idont see whats stopping them. Its only the reputation of James Ruse as being smartboys that makes people wanna go there. The true smart people go to High. Theysee more than just academic stuff. Right?

danza108 said:
There are many such imports in year 11, who are actually good at sport, Spud, Burak, Curran, Masheldani, Robson (in yr 10), Kelly(in yr 10)...etc (There are probably more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head). Those are the boys who should be at High, not some joke kids who say "I am good at sport, let me in"
Good tosee you didnt mention Chandra. But as long as you try in all facets of school life [Masaladahni being a good example], you're worthy. Spud and Robson dont give a shit, but hey, if its for the good of cricket, I aint complaining, although I could make 1s grade were there two extra spots......maybe......if I tried hard.

But the point is, just tryhard in everything. I dont think Mi and George are doing anything outside school, and even in that, I havent heard any new guys topping subjects.

Oh well, thats my two cents.


Nov 10, 2004
ioniser said:
back to topic

Grammer use to be the school on top of ruse in the late 1990's untill the big debate came in about whether private or public schools were better and obviously people fell for the public school side and because of cheaper education and thus forth sent their smart kids to ruse.
I dont think it was so much as the debate that dictated ruse's sucess...just that ruse didn't really have asians then...most of the people at ruse we skips and ruse wasn't seen as an academic force - I think its just that more asians now go to ruse and with grammar most of the people going to grammar are like business giants and you go to grammar because you can make friends with business giants which will be helpful in the real world. just what i think...but hey..we can only really speculate..but i'm quite sure this is the case

oh rite..i was half rite though, IPT sclaes down, i just always assumed that SDD scaled down, cause our school just categorised it the same as IPT, but the essence of my original arguement remains


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
amoz_lilo said:
Although Asylums method isn't very practical, you could direct all the 'good teachers'to one school and create a cult school and beat them with obscure selection methods; recruiting geniuses etc. but that'll take time

seriously who cares, maybe baulkaum hills or nsghs will overturn them one day, I doubt an independant woudl be capable bahaha
Baulko will win one day.. >_> Just don't think it'll be our grade =(


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
Ok, the Big man today said that although the High class of 05 was smart, he thought that our High class of 06 should get at least 40 - if not 50, 99+. I dont know if this is a gee-up, but having 50 guys 99 would be fuggin amazing. We'll overturn JR anyday.

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