It depends on the lecturer/tutor. Some lecturers will get pissed off if you turn up late- they will make a comment etc (then you'll have the eyes of the entire lecture hall on you). Some won't care. It can also depend on the size of the 'lecture'- language classes can be really small (ie. 15-20) people so it will be really obvious if you are late. Some lectures will be 250-300 and its unlikely the lecturer will notice- especially if the door is up the back.
As for tutes, that also depends on the tutor- some subjects have rules like if you are more than 15 minutes late to a tute it won't count (ie. it will count as a missed tutorial rather than one you have attended), others will just not be happy. Some will be fine.
You will find out pretty quickly once uni starts which lecturers/tutors are fine and which one's aren't.