Better to do a subject you're good at or you like? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 29, 2023
I really like art (which is infamous for its low-scaling) but don't have the prodigy technicalities to do well in the pracs (which are 50%). However, I don't suck at art and maintaing a pretty good average and do pretty well in the theory.

Art was on the same line as Chemistry at my school which was something I really wanted to do as it scales really good and I'm quite confident in it. The plan was to do chemistry + art to balance each other out but now that they're on the same line, I'm not sure what to do.
I don't necesasrily like chemistry but I know that I can do it.

So, do I enjoy my Yr 11 & 12 and do a subject I love, but I'm still doing like English Extension, Modern History and Biology, or do I push through Yr 11 & 12 with a subject I don't necessarily like and without art which is my escape from school, and get the best ATAR I can get?

Thanks guys!


Active Member
Oct 23, 2022
Just also some factors to keep in mind:
- Unless you absolutely really dont like a subject, then your love for a subject can grow over time if you want to take that chance
- Your subjects already seem quite content heavy (especially modern and bio), so idk whether an addition of chem will be able to handle (though chem isnt as content heavy as bio and modern i would say)

But yh I would hear someone else's advice on BOS on your final decision between art and chem


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
I really like art (which is infamous for its low-scaling) but don't have the prodigy technicalities to do well in the pracs (which are 50%). However, I don't suck at art and maintaing a pretty good average and do pretty well in the theory.

Art was on the same line as Chemistry at my school which was something I really wanted to do as it scales really good and I'm quite confident in it. The plan was to do chemistry + art to balance each other out but now that they're on the same line, I'm not sure what to do.
I don't necesasrily like chemistry but I know that I can do it.

So, do I enjoy my Yr 11 & 12 and do a subject I love, but I'm still doing like English Extension, Modern History and Biology, or do I push through Yr 11 & 12 with a subject I don't necessarily like and without art which is my escape from school, and get the best ATAR I can get?

Thanks guys!
What you have here is the explore-exploit dilemma. Do you want exploit your interest in art or explore chemistry. It might turn out you like chemistry more than art.

Based on what you said. It seems that due to your prior knowledge of art as result you may not get much out learning art in yr 11/12.

As a side, note it possible to get good ATAR however you will need to determine how you approach your studies. i.e. How do yo plan on learning /practicing the content you learn. For this I would recommend you ask your teacher what you should doing on weekly basis. Ask them for email address if appropiate to send questions, short answer responses for feedback.


New Member
Oct 14, 2023
What do you want to do after highschool, in uni? If you want to become an artist then you don't need a 99. But if you want to have all the options in the world then pick the subjects that you are confident in getting high marks in.

Also if you like the subject trust me when I say you can focus so hard on improving the aspects you're not good at + you will be more excited to try and work on those aspects compared to a subject where you don't like it and those aspects you're not great at will be so painful and unmotivating to try and fix.

Do what you like and be passionate, remember you can get a 99 atar with basic subjects you just have to perfect them.

Also ps: chem is quite fun, lots of weird stuff and exceptions but quite cool.


New Member
Oct 29, 2023
Thank you guys! This is all really helpful!

I guess I'm just really worried if I should do the subjects I like and enjoy and enjoy my last 2 years of school but risk my atar... Or I can push through with high scaling hard subjects which I know I can do, but don't necessarily love... and get a really good ATAR so I can get into a university degree I really want and have fun then...

But if you really say that scaling doesn't matter too much, as long as you do good, maybe I should just give it a go!

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