Beautifuly said by "Some Chick":
"You clearly have some issues to sort out. In the other thread you were asking for answers, and a lot of muslim brothers and sisters did the best to answer your questions. No-where did we ever dismiss it by saying 'you dont get the context'. Don't make rubbish up like that.
If you have some issues with a religion, go and thoroughly research it, and not just the way it is being practised."
Sasha you are pathetic, ultimately you are the one stirring up trouble, instead of accepting that there are different faiths that (as said in the Quran) SHOULD CO-EXIST. You are just trying top make people on a bloody forum hate each other.
You are either a manipulative mastermind or an ignorant moron, and i would put my monopoly money (gambling=sin) on the latter.
Are you so stupid that you do not think that everything has a context?
Your true colours were shown when you assumed that the thread starter was Muslim because he questioned christianity. So you came out in your Neo-Nazi attire and tried to mislead everyone.
Women have had hard times since the beginning of history, ditto with non-whites and ditto with the poor. Okay there is discrimination out there, and having not read the Quran and probably not much of the OT and NT, you would not know much about anything.
Humans have been humans for thousands of years, and like hundreds of years ago, we still look for loop holes. and that would explain for the corruption of these asses who call themselves muslims. How else would you explain suicide bombers that are part of a religion that claims you will suffer endlessly if you commit suicide. When you have a cleric that tells you that is not the case, that one corruption can cause these people to fall to the dark side of the force...whoops carried away.
A few centuries ago Muslim women were scholars and generals in armies while the West was testing the theory that women were evil spirits or devils in disguise.
America calls itself christian and yet does so many un-christian things, how can you even compare it to anything. And since when is Iran the model muslim country? No where in islam would it be logical for women to be in danger for not wearing a head scarf
Do you not know that everyone on this entire thread knows what a hack you are?
WHile the lunatic sheiks ask people to blow themselves up, your here spreading hate on the other side.
Get a life! Thats particularly bad when i say it to someone...