Bible verses often ignored by Christians (4 Viewers)


Child of the Most High
May 2, 2004
Riqtay said:
Atonement as I have learned it is one person (Jesus) accepting the sins of the entire human population. I believe this to be very detrimental to the nolbility and purity of society, as it allows people to acknowledge that their sins have been accepted by another party and that they are allowed to indulge in pleasures of any sort which may even be denounced by Christianity. I see many Christians around me pursuing vain pleasures and sinning, yet always seeking forgiveness after their sins.

I believe this form of seeking redemption to be very superficial as the next day these people will again indulge in sin only to repent once again, and the cycle continues day in and day out.

There is no accountability left and people go deeper and deeper into the dark, knowing that they are allowed to sin only if they confess at a later date.
Malkin was on the right track with this, but this behaviour is not something that relates to a "religious sect" of Christianity. Unfortunatetly it relates to all Christians and, as you yourself know, is one of the greatest sources for the claims that Christians are hipocrits. And I think this behaviour is partly justifyable, but that doesnt mean we should try and justify it.

The reason it is justifyable is this: In becoming a Christian, we do not become perfect. Jesus is the atonement for our sins so we are presented before God as perfect as him, but we ourselves do not become perfect. We still sin and we still fail in our attempts to seek the glory of God.

In the case of the christians you know, this means they are still in the persuit of vain pleasures and their old sinful ways. The good thing is that they realise it is wrong. The bad thing is they don't do anything to change what is wrong. Repentance is basically turning your back on something and walking the exact opposite way. You can be forgiven for a sin then do it again, but if you repent, you should be doing everything in your power with God's help to walk away from it. That's what Christians need to do.

And that is the reason we shouldnt try to justify it. I'm not perfect, and I will never claim to be. BUT I do claim that I have died with Christ to my sinful nature and now the life of Christ reigns in me. I have died to my sin and it is no longer my master, God is my Master. Why should I continue to live to please my dead sinful nature rather than the living God? I shouldn't. Hence why we should not justify continuing to live sinfully.

If you think it's a serious problem, maybe try challenging them about it. When a christian rebukes you for not living as a Christian should, it's a big wake up call. But if a non-Christian were to rebuke me for not living as a Christian should, how much more would i be shaken up? If there is no accountability, I ask you to keep them accountable. After all you are probably one of the best judges of whether they are living differently ;)

bobin2 said:
This just shows how everyone interprets "their own version" of the bible, thus this leads to the question who is right or wrong?
Many christians often get confused and follow the parts which they want to and ignore the rest.
In the end, it is the Holy Spirit that interprets the bible, and therefore He is the final authority on who is right or wrong. But I'm sure that most of us grieve the Holy Spirit by not being prepared to listen to what he has to say. But if we are trying to please God we should be seeking what he says to be right, not what we think he should say is.

The point i've been trying to make about the bible (in some of my previous posts) is that you cant just take some of the bible and leave other bits of it. If you take some, you must take all. If you leave bits then just leave it all. God did not give Christians erasable bibles.

bobin2 said:
for eg,, if anyone watched that show 30 days where this straight christian guy (who spent time in the army) had to spend 30 days in a gay community, he was taught to believe the bible condems homosexuality yet when asked with the question doesn't the bible also condem violence against fellow man.. he had no response.
I watched it! And it frustrated me greatly :p

I had mixed emotions about it. When i was watching it i kept thinking "What if it was me on this show? What would I say, would it change what I believe or would it stay the same?" But also i thought "If that was me, and for thirty days i was put in an environment where this kind of sin is socially acceptable, i would probably be enticed to sin in this way. I doesnt matter how strong I think I am, I would start to find it acceptable in some way."

To be perfectly honest, the bible does condemn those who practice homosexuality because it is sinful. God did not create men to love men or women to love women. It is their own sinful desires which create these relationships. As such the bible says people who do this are sinful. And that is what the guy had been taught.

His problem was not that he believed this, his problem was the idea of relative sinfulness and that he was applying it to non-christians. "Because God says in the bible practicing homosexuality is very bad, people who do it must be very bad and therefore much worse than me." And as i said, he was applying it to non-Christians which is very wrong as well. Non-christians dont try to apply the bible to their lifestyle and therefore can't be judged for doing things a christian who applies the bible cant do.

A guy named Jonathan Edwards (not the dodgey psychic guy, but a theologian from the 18th century) stated, in one his 70 resolutions, that the proper Christian response to seeing someone commit a sin is to take that sin on just as if we are guilty of doing the same thing or worse and repent because of it. This is in order to prevent the "holier than thou" attitude some christians have. We can't look down on people because we ARE guilty of being sinful too!

One thing that annoyed me greatly was the when he was having a talk to the pastor of the gay church. She said something like "You're telling me that being gay is a sin. That I should go home and break up with my partner of 8 years, and break up my family?" and he was like "When you put it that way... no". But i was like "That's exactly what the bible says you should do!"

One of the versus that started this topic was about how to be a disciple of Jesus you must hate your father and your mother and your brothers and sisters in order to follow me. She cannot love being in her relationship more than she loves Jesus. And when the bible says you cannot practice homosexuality, yet you love your relationship more than the word of God then something is wrong.

Don't hear me wrong, there are gay christians, but the problem is you cannot act unrepentently on your sinful desires. That goes with all sins. You cannot claim to be an imitator of Christ and yet be satisfied with having even one sin in your life. Yes you will still be sinful but you cannot be complacent in that!

Laslty, the thing that got me most inspired by this show was when the gay guys took the straight christian guy and his mate outside, after they got up on stage and danced without their shirts on, and then just roasted them for doing it. I thought that was awesome. When non-christians have grounds to take you down because you haven't been living how you claimed God wants you to, it must really put you in your place.

The biblical standpoint on this is that you should live such good lives among the people who don't know God that even when they accuse you of doing wrong, their accusations wont stand. And Jonathan Edwards says that if you assume that in all the world at one time there is only one person who can be the best example of christianity, you should strive to be that person. So when a non-christian can accuse you of doing wrong, and they're right, then something is wrong with you. If people can see that you are not the best example of christianity and you're happy that way, something is wrong with you.

In short, it was not what this guy was taught that got him to seem hipocratic, but it was his own sinful notion of relative holiness. Being a practicing homosexual is condemned in the bible, but so are all the things I am guilty of. I must constantly remind myself that I am guilty of the same sin or worse, and yet God has forgiven me and with his help i will repent of it.

bobin2 said:
Christanity is full of hypocracy which is evident for all to see. Another eg the pope gave his speech how christians should avoid materiality and focus more in the good inherent in people, yet he only wears designer shoes and sunglasses?
face it christanity is more like a corporation wanting more market share and dominance than a religion
Don't worry... i think that's strange too. When a man who lives in the the extravagant surroundings of the Vatican, and has the resources of the worlds largest Church at his disposal, can say something like that it just doesnt seem to sit right. I will not try to justify what the pope wears because i don't know anything about him.

Your last comment is very hard to argue with, mainly because it is mostly true. The church as a whole has used many tactics in order to attract more people to church. I think a lot of focus has been placed on quantity not quality. Trying to convince everybody that Jesus is cool so you can be cool and go to church.

Many ministries in the church have taken to selling themselves to world by embracing the culture of the people they are trying to attract. But Christianity is always one step behind being cool. Something happens in the world, then the church copies it to attract more people. But by the time they've copied the fad, people have already moved on to the next thing.

In my honest opinion i dont think it's cool to be a christian. If i wanted to be cool there are so many other things I could be doing. If Christianity seems the most attractive option for any other reason than Jesus being our Saviour, then something isnt right. We have nothing besides Jesus, but i believe that is more than one could ever need.

I believe the priority of the church should not be getting people to come IN so that we are seen to be the most successful, it should be getting the message of Jesus OUT so that the whole world will know who he is. Once the message is out, the people who want to know more will come in... and this for no other reason than Jesus.


Assistant Member
Sep 3, 2005
I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) that it is the implementation of the teaching regarding atonement which is to blame for the actions of Christians (ie sining and then repenting and so on).

I think that the teaching may be flawed as it is conducive to this action being implemented. This particular teaching allows people to lose accountability as some other person (Jesus) has felt the brunt of accepting the sins of the entire humanity.

This loss of accountability I believe is to blame for Christians to sin and then repent afterwards only to sin again.


Assistant Member
Sep 3, 2005
Not that Bright, I think that you are insinuating that Islam is a dangerous religion.

You would be correct in saying that in some parts of the world the modern day implementation of its teachings is flawed and should be looked down upon (ie terrorism - which has nothing to with Islam). Islam literally means peace.

What is correct though is the teachings of Islam. What is incorrect is the wrongful implementations of the teachings of Islam.


Child of the Most High
May 2, 2004
Riqtay said:
I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong) that it is the implementation of the teaching regarding atonement which is to blame for the actions of Christians (ie sining and then repenting and so on).

I think that the teaching may be flawed as it is conducive to this action being implemented. This particular teaching allows people to lose accountability as some other person (Jesus) has felt the brunt of accepting the sins of the entire humanity.

This loss of accountability I believe is to blame for Christians to sin and then repent afterwards only to sin again.
I must have misunderstood what you meant by accountability... I usually use it in the sence of christians looking out for each other.

This teaching of atonement does not produce in us any less accountability for our sins. Jesus did not die for his own sins, for he himself was without sin. That means that it is because of me, and only because of me that Jesus died. All my sin deserved judgement and judgement is what I got. But the grace of God is this, that Christ died for me while i was still a slave to sin.

Christ took the punishment for all my sin so when I repent and fall into the same sin again, he is punished for that. So the more i fall into sin, the more God's grace increases towards me. I am still accountable for what I have done wrong, but Jesus still takes the punishment I deserve.

Does that mean it is alright for me to keep repenting and sinning? After all the more I sin the more grace God shows to me. Well that is not right. Jesus is my best friend and he has done NOTHING to deserve the punishment for my sin. How can I claim to have a good relationship with him if I am content with letting him be punished for the things that I have done wrong? I'm not alright with that!

For this reason I refuse to be a slave to sin. The less I sin, the less I have caused the punishment that Jesus was inflicted with. I will never be sinless and as such Jesus needed to atone for my sins, but I will fight with everything I am not to cause God's grace to increase. His atonement for one sin is enough, I do not want him to have suffered for more.

Yes I will fail, but when I do I know that Christ has taken the punishment that I rightly deserve, and I will learn from my mistakes and with God's help I will not fall again.

I do not blame the loss of accountability for our repeated sinfulness because I am still accountable for causing the death of Jesus. I blame my own sinfulness for failing to live the righteous life that God requires. BUT by the Spirit I fight everyday to put that sinful nature to death and as such there are many sins I have repented of that I have not returned to.

In the end I am not content with being sinful in anyway shape or form and with every ounce of strength the Lord supplies me with I will fight not to be sinful.


Assistant Member
Sep 3, 2005
I will try to inquire and make my views concerning some aspects of Christianity. Please note that I am genuinely inquiring and any of my views are not meant to attain a nature of mockery towards Chrisitanity or its followers. And again please correct me if im wrong in my convictions.

The concept of Jesus as a son of God is very intriguing indeed. I believe that by allowing God to have a son or for that matter any 'blood' relation isn't consistent with the image of God. The image of God that pops into my mind is that of being all powerful, and not needing any companion or relations. God in my belief should be self sufficient and not have any attribute which may make bring down to the status of mere humans.

The person of Jesus in Christianity from my perspective is one who is a mere mortal who has to be punished for the sins of humanity. Isn't that going against the dignity of God? Lets assume for a second that God does have a son. Then by the son being human, he therefore must have flaws inherent in all humans and by that token the actual God is flawed for creating a flawed offspring.
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Wandering the Lacuna
Jun 6, 2005
The person of Jesus in Christianity from my perspective is one who is a mere mortal who has to be punished for the sins of humanity. Isn't that going against the dignity of God? Lets assume for a second that God does have a son. Then by the son being human, he therefore must have flaws inherent in all humans and by that token the actual God is flawed for creating a flawed offspring.
Christians believe that, as the Son of God, Jesus was the only perfect human being.


Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
"I can go on for pages about how terrible and boring a book the koran is, but i'd rather just leave it as an unspoken truth."

Yes and people can rip what you said to shreds in a few sentences.

"Christianity is one of the much less dangerous religions around..."

Just saying that shows how ignorant you are. In other threads I have explained why these "muslim" terrorists commit the crimes they commit. Either they are lead by corrupt people who think the only way to fight off the modern sinful society is too blow it up.

The others are just misinformed and think they are fighting for something they are not.

Like if christians believed a certain government policy was out to get them, and all the information they received was edited to make this certain terror "anti christian" and if they were told that they were killing innocent children and families because they were christian. You would understand why so many of these people would feel justified in commiting violence, in their eyes they are just defending themselves.

Someone did mention "30 Days" when the christian lived with the gays, did anyone catch when the christian lived with Muslims?

Oya about the whole Africa and birth control issue. Well Christians should not justify why they are against teaching people about birth control since the major cause of the SPREAD of HIV is having multiple partners, something condemed by christianity. If these africans are commiting the sin of having many different physical relations and not settling down for marriage, why should the Church accomodate for these acts.

These people should atleast learn some responsibility and gain some work ethic, learn that the solution to life's problems is not: the procreational act with the hope that it fails.

Not to mention the rape victims, as if a rapist cares about birth control.

At the end of the day its not going to be a quick fix, with birth control being widely used, a whole amount of other issues come with it.

Education and dinner is what they should be using their money on, not some wanton acts of carnality.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Simpson Freak said:
"I can go on for pages about how terrible and boring a book the koran is, but i'd rather just leave it as an unspoken truth."

Yes and people can rip what you said to shreds in a few sentences.
So you really believe the koran is an amazingly well-written book that left you clinging to the edge of your seat with every turn of the page?


"Christianity is one of the much less dangerous religions around..."

Just saying that shows how ignorant you are. In other threads I have explained why these "muslim" terrorists commit the crimes they commit. Either they are lead by corrupt people who think the only way to fight off the modern sinful society is too blow it up.

The others are just misinformed and think they are fighting for something they are not.

Like if christians believed a certain government policy was out to get them, and all the information they received was edited to make this certain terror "anti christian" and if they were told that they were killing innocent children and families because they were christian. You would understand why so many of these people would feel justified in commiting violence, in their eyes they are just defending themselves.
My reason for claiming the Christianity is a much nicer religion is that Christianity has lost alot of its power and changed radically from what it used to be. Meanwhile Islam remains a brutally powerful religion, enforcing dangerous conservative doctrines that lead to people dying/being oppressed.

Someone did mention "30 Days" when the christian lived with the gays, did anyone catch when the christian lived with Muslims?
Yes it was amazing, after viewing it i realised that all christians are stupid hicks and all muslims are teh awes0me!!

These people should atleast learn some responsibility and gain some work ethic, learn that the solution to life's problems is not: the procreational act with the hope that it fails.

Education and dinner is what they should be using their money on, not some wanton acts of carnality.
HAHAHAHAHAhahahah... Yes of course. All the people in Africa are just lazy bums that need some good ole fashion work ethic! I bet they've never worked a hard days labour in their lives!
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Assistant Member
Sep 3, 2005
Not that Bright, I think that you have forgotten the rules of engaging in a logical argument. Your argument should be based on reasoning of some sort, not petty name calling which is very unwise.

It is most insulting for a person who rebutts against you in a dignified manner only to find that the counter argument contains vulgar language.


Assistant Member
Sep 3, 2005
Jesus was obviously a great human being and I am not disputing that he wasn't. Yet Jesus is still human and thus has finite strength, wisdom and knowledge. God on the other hand is all wise, knowing and powerful.

This is why I am arguing that by branding Jesus the title of the son of God, it serves to tarnish the image of an all powerful and wise God.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
It is most insulting for a person who rebutts against you in a dignified manner only to find that the counter argument contains vulgar language.
If you think calling the people of poverty-stricken nations lazy and saying 'No people could rip ur arguments to shreds' a dignified response then you too are an idiot.


Assistant Member
Sep 3, 2005
By me stating that your vulgar response was wrong doesn't automatically make me accept others who are doing what you are doing. I was merely stating what should occur in a constructive argument.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
By me stating that your vulgar response was wrong doesn't automatically make me accept others who are doing what you are doing.
His 'argument' wasn't vulgar, it was just painfully stupid and not a dignified response as you claimed it to be.

I was merely stating what should occur in a constructive argument.
It's ok to get frustrated sometimes.


Child of the Most High
May 2, 2004
Riqtay said:
Jesus was obviously a great human being and I am not disputing that he wasn't. Yet Jesus is still human and thus has finite strength, wisdom and knowledge. God on the other hand is all wise, knowing and powerful.

This is why I am arguing that by branding Jesus the title of the son of God, it serves to tarnish the image of an all powerful and wise God.
Jesus was not just a man... which i intend to explain... but at the moment I have no time . So one day soon :)

Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
Homer: "Now whose being naive?"

Not-That-Bright you seem to be born to live up to this novelty forum username, either you playing dumb or you are not acting.

I never said anything bad about the poor starving people of africa, but only commenting on the ones that do stupid things. Yes it is stupid to be constantly reproducing when you can barely support the family you have now. Their intention is probably not to reproduce but just to have some escape from their obviously less than affluent lifestyles.

well my economics teacher told the glass that countries with a lot of poor such as India and the poor African countries have crummy lives and to have a bit of "leisure" they seem to want to commit wanton acts of carnality. By work ethic i meant, they should be more responsible, why do anything that can either lead to Children or AIDS?

I can see that you are taking all this rather personally, who the hell do you think you are? even a 5 yr old calls other people stupid when they don't agree with him.

Ultimately HIV in africa is spread by MARRIED couples who don't use birth control and live together till death do them part. The people that need to be educated and obtain a stronger work ethic are the ones that have multiple partners of physical relations over their lives.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Simpson Freak said:
Homer: "Now whose being naive?"

Not-That-Bright you seem to be born to live up to this novelty forum username, either you playing dumb or you are not acting.

I never said anything bad about the poor starving people of africa, but only commenting on the ones that do stupid things. Yes it is stupid to be constantly reproducing when you can barely support the family you have now. Their intention is probably not to reproduce but just to have some escape from their obviously less than affluent lifestyles.

well my economics teacher told the glass that countries with a lot of poor such as India and the poor African countries have crummy lives and to have a bit of "leisure" they seem to want to commit wanton acts of carnality. By work ethic i meant, they should be more responsible, why do anything that can either lead to Children or AIDS?

I can see that you are taking all this rather personally, who the hell do you think you are? even a 5 yr old calls other people stupid when they don't agree with him.

Ultimately HIV in africa is spread by MARRIED couples who don't use birth control and live together till death do them part. The people that need to be educated and obtain a stronger work ethic are the ones that have multiple partners of physical relations over their lives.

You seriously know shit-all.

Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
I wonder if Not-That-Bright is someone who simply tries to be different.

I mean, I was agreeing with you (i think, Prof Frink stole my sarcasm detector) on the whole issue of whether the church is responsible for the spread of hiv. And yet he would find something to disagree with, and instead of saying anything coherent you just call people stupid. I mean atleast pretend you gave this a rational thought.

The ideal way to argue on a thread is to quote the person and then rebutt them, not quote them and make a stupid remark that everyone here notices that you do.

Why don't you get a Grown Up to help you write out better responses, and i dont think your mommy and daddy would like you using those rude words, soap prices are at an all time high and we would want it wasted washing your mouth out.

NB: i have no idea about soap prices


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Homer: "Now whose being naive?"

Not-That-Bright you seem to be born to live up to this novelty forum username, either you playing dumb or you are not actin

I never said anything bad about the poor starving people of africa, but only commenting on the ones that do stupid things. Yes it is stupid to be constantly reproducing when you can barely support the family you have now. Their intention is probably not to reproduce but just to have some escape from their obviously less than affluent lifestyles.
Well actually alot of families want to reproduce so that when they get old there is someone who is physically capable of working in order to support the family.

well my economics teacher told the glass that countries with a lot of poor such as India and the poor African countries have crummy lives and to have a bit of "leisure" they seem to want to commit wanton acts of carnality. By work ethic i meant, they should be more responsible, why do anything that can either lead to Children or AIDS?
Explained above. P.S. Your economics teacher is a dumbarse.

I can see that you are taking all this rather personally, who the hell do you think you are? even a 5 yr old calls other people stupid when they don't agree with him.
Kids say the darndest things.

Ultimately HIV in africa is spread by MARRIED couples who don't use birth control and live together till death do them part. The people that need to be educated and obtain a stronger work ethic are the ones that have multiple partners of physical relations over their lives.
See I still don't understand your definition of work ethic... and I would be interested in how you picture them recieving an education.

I mean, I was agreeing with you (i think, Prof Frink stole my sarcasm detector) on the whole issue of whether the church is responsible for the spread of hiv. And yet he would find something to disagree with, and instead of saying anything coherent you just call people stupid. I mean atleast pretend you gave this a rational thought.
If you go back and look I actually did provide quite a good rebuttle, however it seems my piercing wit is much better at pissing people off than making people re-evaluate their position.

Why don't you get a Grown Up to help you write out better responses, and i dont think your mommy and daddy would like you using those rude words, soap prices are at an all time high and we would want it wasted washing your mouth out.
Good call bro.

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