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Biology dot points desperately need help plz!!!!! (1 Viewer)


Premium Member
Aug 25, 2009
Hey i have a bio assignment due soon and need these questions answered!

1. Describe 2 australian fossils, where these fossils were found and explain how the fossils contribute to the development and understanding of the evolution of species in Australia

2. Identify and describe evidence of a changing environment in australia over millions of years. (How has the australian environment changed? (eg. rainforests contracted and sclerophyll communities and grasslands spread) What process caused these changes? What change occurred in ONE species and how did their distribution change? eg kangaroo).

3. Define internal and external fertilisation. Discuss the relative success of each in the colonisation of terrestrial and aquatic environments.

4. Describe ONE mechanism found in australian fauna to ensure each of the following: fertilisation, survival of the embyro and survival of the young after birth. (don't use one organism as an example, use atleast 3).

5. Explain how the evolution of these reproductive adaptations has increased the chances of continuity of the species in the australian environment. (use natural selection, competition and environmental pressures in answer).

6. Discuss the Huxley-Wilberforce debate on Darwin's theory of evolution (Present both sides of arguements).

7. Using examples, explain natural selection as a mechanism that supports the theory of evolution (Try to relate these 2 concepts- theory of evolution and natural selection as described by Charles Darwin.

8. Explain the need to maintain biodiversity and discuss positive and negatives in current efforts to monitor biodiversity. (Be specific in Australian example (define biodiversity, state why it is necessary and give an example of a current program running to monitor biodiversity).

Thanks for any help you can give me even if its just one answer. These are dot points in the Australian biota sylabus so i was hoping a lot of you biology students may have done this and may be able to help me. Thanks a lot your help is really appreciated! :)


May 10, 2007
basically the whole assignment done. thanks
LOL, dream on. Noone's gonna do it for you. No-one likes people who just can't be fucked doing their own work.

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