BOS University Guide: A Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni [A Work In Progress] (1 Viewer)

Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
Re: Things you should know about universities, and choosing.

I've always thought that honours is good to have up your sleeve! Anything above that (so Masters etc) is probably getting to be too overqualified in some cases.


Jan 25, 2010
Re: The Idiot's Guide to University (FAQ)

We’ll start off with an easy one. This is the Uni “term” - a semester is generally about 14 weeks, and we have two a year with a two-week break in between which may or may not coincide with NSW government school breaks (also, don’t expect all uni calendars to be the same because they’re not). You will have a mid-semester break at about week 7, and most uni’s other than Macquarie will also have STUVAC the week or two before their end-of-semester exam comes up. However, I think we have a much longer between-semester break, so it all balances out eventually.
Just a note on that, University of canberra now offers a winter term during that 7 week break, so you can finish most degree's in 2.5 years

But thanks, the informatory helps a lot. i would have had no clue what to do on the first day


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
Re: The Idiot's Guide to University (FAQ)

If you prefer carrying less notebooks around, there's always the 3 subject notebook. If however, you can live on campus and have classes spread out during the week, I would rather have separate notebooks to carry around.


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
Re: Things you should know about universities, and choosing.

I agree. Don't just pick a college based on what they "specialize" in. See if all the components of the school fit your needs and make sure your needs are being met. Even subtle differences such as urban setting vs. rural can make or break a great college experience.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

Since most people reading this forum are 1st years, here is a rough guide on how to succeed specifically in the academic side of uni. There are many other sides to university life but this focuses on helping you manage your work, especially when starting for the first time, and get good results. It may be less applicable to some "practical" subjects like visual arts or multimedia/design.

This is aimed at someone about to start their first semester. It attempts to answer questions like "what are lectures like", "how hard is uni" and other common questions people often post around February each year. To those people the #1 thing I would say is don't panic, most things get explained pretty well in your first lecture.

Enrollment and Timetables (NEW!)
This differs between unis too much to provide a useful answer in a general guide. It's mostly done online, some unis still have a real life "enrollment day". You may need to work out your own timetable by looking at the schedule for each subject you're doing, or your online enrollment system may generate one for you.

The First Day
Take a pen, some paper or a book, your timetable and maybe a campus map.
Don't worry about being unprepared - your first lecture for each subject will usually give you all the info, a subject outline (this is kinda like a syllabus plus a list of assessment tasks), and tell you what books or other stuff you will need to get. In almost all degrees, each subject runs independently so it's important to work out what's going on in each one (see above), including what books or other stuff you need to buy, which weeks things will be on or not on, etc.
Tutorials, labs etc., anything except lectures usually don't run in 1st week, but that varies by faculty and uni. You might receive an email early in week 1 from your lecturer letting you know; this leads to another key point - get in the habit of checking your student email every day.

Keeping Organized
This is the most important thing. When you start a semester, you need to get your subject/unit outlines; you usually get these in the first lecture, or online ("Blackboard" or equivalent). Make a timetable. It's a good idea to colour-code your subjects while you're learning your timetable and keeping track of which subject is which. It becomes unnecessary after a few weeks, but it makes it easier to organise in your head at the start.

Week 1 can really suck because you have so much information going through your head about every subject. A really good way to deal with all this information is to make a table or 'schedule' that lists all the assessments for each subject and when they're due. Colour code the column headings. Put every task worth any % of your final grade in rows indicating the week they're due. I've attached a template at the end of this post so you can fill in your subjects, the assessments and their weighting. Basically, having a visual representation of your semester makes it much easier to keep track of what's coming up and what you should be working on. Plus you can put it up on your wall and when you finish something cross it off on the table. It works -

My average increased to 75 (previously 70 and 65) after last session when I had this thing up on my wall. Just sayin..
Buying Books and Course Readers:
- You don't always need to rush out and buy all the textbooks listed on a subject outline; if you can, try to suss out how useful it will be; e.g. are the lectures based closely around the textbook? Sometimes a course will rely very heavily on a particular book... other times a book on your list will end up being almost totally irrelevant!
- You can often save heaps of money by buying your books second hand (check notices around campus and in your faculty's buildings) or by using them at the library for free
- some subjects use subject notes or a subject reader (or sometimes called a course reader), which is like a spiral binded collection of readings from different sources put together by your lecturer instead of a regular textbook. If you are in a subject that uses these, you will probably find out what they are and where to buy them at the first lecture.

- These are where you shut up and listen, usually. If you don't understand things, make the effort to look it up later.
- Personally I never saw a need for a laptop in lectures, but I was mostly in maths and science. Maybe in something like history or law if there's many many pages of notes to take? Most people I saw with laptops just got distracted and played solitaire.
- Take a pen and paper at least the first few times; everyone has their own style for taking notes (or not taking them). Some lecturers like to target you for random questions if you don't.
- People who attend lectures tend to do better. Start with the intention of attending them all.
- However, it's occasionally beneficial to skip some lectures and study a topic yourself, allowing you to catch up on other work or sleep. Skipping a lecture to read the textbook and make some notes or improve an assignment is a good reason; skipping because your friends do is a bad reason.
- Further to the point above, you might occasionally find some lecturers are really boring, hard to understand, or that you just fall asleep. Some people can't learn from powerpoint+talk style. Even so, don't skip every single lecture for a subject; you might miss crucial info, for example about how to do assignments. Some lecturers will be really specific about things like how they want assignments done, and you can only find out by being there.
- Obviously everything you don't attend becomes your own responsibility to figure out. This can be easy or hard depending, for example, on how closely a subject follows a textbook. Some lecturers use all their own material, in which case it could be almost impossible to learn yourself. Others follow textbooks to the word, which makes it easier to teach yourself.
- It's always a good idea to download lecture notes (i.e. powerpoint slides) if they are made available online. You can take them to the lecture and annotate them, or look at them electronically later for reference. Please consider the environment when printing slides (printing 1 powerpoint slide per A4 page is BAD KARMA).

- Start good study habits from day 1, week 1. In 1st year subjects, most of the content is really foundational, so basic studying techniques like writing notes should work well.
- Make your own short notes, e.g. from the textbook or subject reader. Remember that at exam time you won't have time to read whole chapters again - trying to skim read the textbook before an exam does not work. More importantly, the process of reading something closely and making your own notes will make a huge difference in how much you learn.
- You could use a 4 subject notebook, or one ring binder, or an exercise book for each subject, whatever suits you. For each subject, you should have something like a heading for each week and then everything you need to know from that week under that heading. Do it every week.
- In reading-heavy subjects (e.g. humanities, education), don't just read. Write notes too; at the very least, make a note of what was useful or important in each reading/reference/case that you look at. That makes it much easier when it's time to write an essay. The subject readings you are given are almost always the starting point for the references you will use in assignments.
- In maths, physical sciences and engineering it's more about doing practice questions than notes, but don't neglect notes too. For example it's good to write down definitions, like 'v' could be used for 5 different variables depending on what topic you're in so write everything out clearly. Just highlighting the slide that summarizes all the formulas does not work (but watch everyone do it). Ideally you should understand where the formulas come from.
- Most undergrad subjects are broken up discretely every week or couple of weeks; e.g. first year biology: week 1 we study proteins, week 2 we study cells, week 3 we study DNA, etc. (not realistic just an example). If you know the topic for each 'week', you already have a good sense of the scope of the whole subject come exam time and that makes it much easier to mentally 'check' if you know everything and identify which 'weeks' you need to re-study.

Overall, if you just go to the lecture and then put the material away til the exam, you won't learn it and you won't do very well. That's why everyone does worse at uni compared to year 12. You have to go back over everything after the lecture, in your own time, in whatever way you prefer. (For me it was writing notes from textbooks/readings in my own words).

The first round of important ones usually comes by week 4.
The best way to handle any assignment is to start as soon as you have enough info to know exactly what the lecturer/tutor wants. This also allows you to roll your eyes at everyone when they're stressing on the week (or day) it's due. The number one thing that uni students do badly is leaving assignments until the week or day they're due. That's the main difference between an F and a P, or between a C and an HD

Learn how to manually write references as soon as possible. Your faculty probably has a preferred style (APA or Harvard). Learn it. It's boring, but do it now so you're not one of the kids who still can't do it in 4th year. Learn where the full-stops and the commas go, where there's brackets or not brackets, how to do journal articles and books and book chapters. Just do it. Start using and referencing peer reviewed journal articles right away in any subjects with essays or reports, the less you rely on textbooks or subject readers the more your lecturers will be impressed. Learn how to use your library website and access relevant journals as soon as possible.

Read the marking criteria, then read it again. Just like in the HSC, most of the time they're looking for specific things to award marks for. Work out what those things are and get them right. A lot of first assignments in 1st year subjects will be aimed at getting you to demonstrate a particular competency or principle, like doing basic academic writing properly or following the conventions of a lab report. Most people lose heaps of marks because of all the little technical things that your tutors (usually cynical graduate students) will look for. Come 3rd year there's always someone in the class that still gets those things wrong - don't be that guy.

That's basically all there is to it. Doing well at uni is about managing time and minimizing marks lost on assignments. There's also exams, but if you've done the HSC then you already know how to prepare for uni exams.

Other stuff people ask about:
- How hard is uni compared to year 12? - How hard you found school depends on a huge range of factors like how good the school is, the teachers, your parents, your peers, your behaviour... who knows. At uni it's pretty much all up to you how you want to play the game. I think the hardest thing about uni is consistency, it's easy to study everything closely one week, but doing it for 13 weeks straight is hard. If passing (getting 50) in every subject is enough for you, then that's okay; everyone has different goals. At the same time you can learn heaps of stuff and challenge yourself (even in 'easy' subjects) if you want to. You might surprise yourself.

- Is group work as bad as they say? - It's usually not too bad, in fact it's a good way to meet people early in your course. But sometimes you just get stuck with a shit group. My strategy in this case was to take a leading role rather than waiting for someone else to do so, and take an active role in organising the rest of the group. Tell them what to do. 99% of people are probably lazier than you, but if you give them a specific bit of the task and tell them how to do it, they'll manage to produce something passable. Check up on their progress (i.e. harass them with emails every few days, lol).

- What are tutorials like? - Differs by subject area. If you have a tutorial where you have to attend and participate in discussion/activities, do a little bit of preparation. Ten minutes spent getting a sense of the concepts to be covered in a particular tutorial will be ten minutes more than 99% of people will ever spend. You can look like you know a lot just by knowing one or two key things.

-What are labs like? - Sometimes 1st year practical work feels like it's designed to scare you and in a way it is. Do some preparation. If you're like me and not very technically minded (i.e. scared of the equipment), team up with someone who's good at that stuff. This means you can spend more time thinking about the concepts/results and write a better report. Teamwork makes it easier.

- How do grades work? - Grades are categorized as: 0-49 fail, 50-64 pass, 65-74 credit, 75-84 distinction and 85-100 high distinction at most unis. 'WAM' or weighted average mark is the average of all your marks for each subject. GPA or grade point average takes your grade (pass, credit etc.) for each subject and assigns a score - 0 for fail, 3 for pass conceded, 4 for pass, 5 for credit, 6 for distinction, 7 for high distinction, then averages those. You don't really need to worry about any of this; these scores are used for things like transfers or entry into honours, etc.

- What if the first few weeks is stuff I learned in Year 12? - Sometimes the first few weeks of lower level maths, economics or other subjects might seem like stuff you covered at school. You should still attend lectures, study it and do it properly, if only just to get good habits going and get used to the uni style of teaching and learning. Realize that it's being taught again for a reason, probably because it's a foundation for whatever comes next, and more importantly, by June you won't remember anything from high school anyway. In 1st year maths I saw a lot of people slack off because the first 2 weeks was stuff like trig they knew from HS. In the end, they all did pretty bad.

- I didn't do maths/chemistry/physics/economics/swahili in year 12, can I still do this degree? - Probably. It's impossible to say whether you can do a particular degree or not. You need to look closely at the subject description/outline of each individual subject you're going to do in first year. It's pretty rare for uni subjects to have prerequisites (high school subjects you MUST do), but many still have assumed knowledge. Higher mathematics courses in particular might assume 3 unit or 4 unit. In some degrees there will be easier options for those who only did 2 unit (e.g. you can choose math101, or math102 if you did more maths at HS). For science, my personal opinion is that the HSC science courses are worthless as long as you're ready to work hard in 1st year. Languages are an area where you need to read very carefully what knowledge they will assume in the subjects you will be taking. In areas like economics, history, it's very rare to have assumed knowledge per say (other than some ability to write an essay). People who did high school subjects in your area probably won't have an advantage for more than about 2 weeks.


Last edited:


Premium Member
Aug 2, 2007
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

I have to spread rep, but this is an extremely helpful post. I agree with reviewing things after lectures. I picked up on things much easier and retained them when I went home and revised afterwards. Sometimes making notes is not enough for me, and I'll spend 80% of my time doing practise questions and the other 20% making very short notes (main concepts + formulas etc).


i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

As a student with a pretty good WAM - I confirm and support everything in this thread.

Honestly just a SKIM through lecture notes BEFORE a lecture and you'll be able to understand the content right away (hopefully). I had a few subjects last year where I didn't attend any lectures, instead only went to tutorials. The reading before class applies to tutorials as well, I read the questions without ANY idea how to solve them - but once they were done in class, easy as pie.

My biggest tip for uni would be to follow, live, and appreciate the quote "Just shut the fuck up and do it". No exceptions. If you've got free time and you're a bit behind, do it. If you have an idea in your head (say, as simply as organising your notes), do it. If you've got 2 tutorials, a lab and a quiz due in 4 weeks - DO IT NOW.

Uni is all about doing work NOW. Not later.

Follow this advice, and by the time assessments, mid-sems and FINALS arrive - you'll be cruising and chilling whilst ALL your friends will be stressing and struggling. If anything, they'll most likely come to YOU for help - and teaching someone something is one of the best methods of learning/validating your knowledge.


Trainee Mȯderatȯr
Oct 14, 2006
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

question: what are course notes?

i know you bring in lecture notes to lectures and then the lecturer goes through them

but what exactly do i do with course notes? are they for like extra study material or something?
Course notes are the official notes for the course. They are usually better than lecture notes and essential.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

question: what are course notes?

i know you bring in lecture notes to lectures and then the lecturer goes through them

but what exactly do i do with course notes? are they for like extra study material or something?
is this like a binded book with various articles from different sources?

sometimes courses have these instead of textbooks; there's probably readings that correspond to each week's content...

Mature Lamb

wats goin on
May 14, 2009
Uni Grad
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

is this like a binded book with various articles from different sources?

sometimes courses have these instead of textbooks; there's probably readings that correspond to each week's content...
yeah pretty much. massive thick booklets i had to buy. i only found out today that i could've also printed them off..

Mature Lamb

wats goin on
May 14, 2009
Uni Grad
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

where do we get the course notes?
btw, thanks for all the advice! Its really useful :)
buy them from the bookshop or you can find them on blackboard. warning it's about 3583295328952 pages you have to print off. might as well buy the course notes and save yourself some ink and paper


Jun 8, 2009
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

buy them from the bookshop or you can find them on blackboard. warning it's about 3583295328952 pages you have to print off. might as well buy the course notes and save yourself some ink and paper
Yeh, I have like 1000 pages of maths course notes. If I were to print them it would have costed me $45 anyway.


i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

WAM is simply your average mark. ie. (80 + 80 + 70 + 56)/4 = WAM

GPA is measured in 'bands' per se, depending on the uni but for simplicity lets put F = 0 , P = 1, CR = 2, DN = 3, HD = 4
F = <50
P = 50<yourmark<64
CR = 65<yourmark<74
DN = 75<yourmark<84
HD = 85<yourmark

so what ever your marks is, you get that GPA

so if you get 79 for a course, you got a DN = GPA of 3

overall GPA is the average of your GPA's


Apr 13, 2009
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

WAM is simply your average mark. ie. (80 + 80 + 70 + 56)/4 = WAM

GPA is measured in 'bands' per se, depending on the uni but for simplicity lets put F = 0 , P = 1, CR = 2, DN = 3, HD = 4
F = <50
P = 50<yourmark<64
CR = 65<yourmark<74
DN = 75<yourmark<84
HD = 85<yourmark

so what ever your marks is, you get that GPA

so if you get 79 for a course, you got a DN = GPA of 3

overall GPA is the average of your GPA's
Dude, I cannot thank you enough. The info helps me out in more ways than u can imagine. Thanks again.


Jan 26, 2011
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

Ali said in his first post, if you don't get something, shut up and look it up later.

Whilst yes, i agree with him in part, don't just look it up and go, I still don't get this, ask the lecturer, that's why they have contact hours where you can ask questions, or ask straight after the lecture.

If its a bit of notation or something that you've never seen before however, I do say ask as most of the class will be thinking the exact same thing as you. i can recall when our maths lecturer wrote iff, we all thought it was a typo till he did it by hand two slides later, nobody knew what it meant and somebody asked, an iff statement came up in the exam and we all got the marks cos of this one dude.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

WAM is simply your average mark. ie. (80 + 80 + 70 + 56)/4 = WAM

GPA is measured in 'bands' per se, depending on the uni but for simplicity lets put F = 0 , P = 1, CR = 2, DN = 3, HD = 4
F = <50
P = 50<yourmark<64
CR = 65<yourmark<74
DN = 75<yourmark<84
HD = 85<yourmark

so what ever your marks is, you get that GPA

so if you get 79 for a course, you got a DN = GPA of 3

overall GPA is the average of your GPA's
this is right

except at most australian unis it goes from 0-7

there's a calcualtor here that seems to work well


New Member
Feb 5, 2011
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

Thanks. But what are these lecture/course notes that everyone talks about. I know you can buy them but what do I do I need to bring them to class?


Jul 14, 2008
Gold Coast
Uni Grad
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

Thanks. But what are these lecture/course notes that everyone talks about. I know you can buy them but what do I do I need to bring them to class?
The lecture notes are great. In some courses they are just the slides with room for notes and a few extra pages. In other subjects the notes will be very comprehensive and are great for making your own notes in lectures too, if you are having trouble understanding them.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

Thanks. But what are these lecture/course notes that everyone talks about. I know you can buy them but what do I do I need to bring them to class?
it all depends on your individual subjects

each semester your first priority is to get a hold of the Subject Outline, which will either be online or handed out at the first lecture. Then it tells you whether the subject has a textbook, or a set of course notes, and the lecturer should also tell you what you need to get for that subject. The subject outline is also kinda like a syllabus for each subject so it tells you what you'll learn and what you'll have to do.

You'd typically read something like course notes in your own time, and often take them to tutorials but probably not lectures

'lecture notes' are like the powerpoint slides the lecturer uses, they usually make them available online on blackboard or equivalent so you can look at them after class.


Mar 20, 2008
Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni

- Group work: my strategy was to do everything myself, and take an active role in organising the rest of the group. Tell them what to do. 99% of people are probably stupider and lazier than you. Harass them continually with emails. Demand to know their progress. Express concern when they say they've done nothing. Repeat.
God it sucks being on the receiving end of this. Last semester I had a guy email me, text me, facebook me, then come up to me while im having my lunch and ask about my part of the assignment when it was due weeks in advance, we had plenty of time and no one else had finished their parts either. To make things worse this guy was a ranga.

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