Ok so Im trying to do a practice essay question for my exam on monday and Im having much difficulty mainly because I dont know what points to address for each paragraph. Like u know how with an essay, ur supposed to state a few points u r going to be talking about in the intro and then address 1 point in each paragrah in the body (and these key points r sposed 2 form the basis of ur topic sentencefor each paragraph) - well I have no idea what these point should be. Im guessing I need like 4-5 key points to talk about. Otherwise I find that I just keep writing a bunch of stuff on humanity's relationship with nature which lacks any structure and does not clearly demonstrate what point im trying to make in each para. So yeah if anyone can help me by listing what points I could address, it would be greatlyyyyy appreciated. Thank u!
Another thing, when u guys write ur practice essays, do u do write a paragraph on BR then a para on BNW then back and forth or do u just incorporate both texts in each para? What do u guys think would be the best way to go?
Another thing, when u guys write ur practice essays, do u do write a paragraph on BR then a para on BNW then back and forth or do u just incorporate both texts in each para? What do u guys think would be the best way to go?