This is concerning imaginative journeys...
In a number of ways, the text can be construed as an imaginative journey. On one hand, Bragg demonstrates how individual scientists have undertaken expedions into intellectual discovery, and how science itself has undergone an imaginative journey through time. On the other, he invites the readers to broaden their intellectual paradigms by embarking on a journey of intellectual discovery.
Can anyone help me re-phrase it? I've been staring at it for 10 minutes and it sounds so awkward.
In a number of ways, the text can be construed as an imaginative journey. On one hand, Bragg demonstrates how individual scientists have undertaken expedions into intellectual discovery, and how science itself has undergone an imaginative journey through time. On the other, he invites the readers to broaden their intellectual paradigms by embarking on a journey of intellectual discovery.
Can anyone help me re-phrase it? I've been staring at it for 10 minutes and it sounds so awkward.