Can I still get this ATAR? Need a little help... (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 27, 2013
Hey guys, there are probably many other posts just like this but I just want my own answer, sorry if this annoys anyone.

I don't want any sugar coating, don't say; you can do it if you try and stuff, if I really can't lol. If I'm f**ked just tell me LOL!

So I've flunked my first few assessments, right now I'm anticipating the assessments right before trials.
These are my marks from the first few assessments off the top of my head;

English Adv: 75%, 70%, 85% : rank is probably 17-12/30
English Ext: 75%, 58%, 60% (not sure of this mark, but that's what i think i got) : rank 3/4 (my schools stupid, i think top 150)
Maths 2u: 55%, 59%, 50% : rank is 20-15/50
Business Studies: 70%, 65%, (yet to do) : rank 30-25/80
Biology: 70%, 75%, 85%+ (im hoping) : rank 20-15/50
Earth and Environmental Science: 95%, 70%, (yet to do) : rank 1/4

So yeah I have one more assessment until my trials, hopefully, I get my sh*t together soon. I'm studying harder now, but I'm not too sure how I'll do. I studied for my maths exam but didn't do enough practice papers and received a horrible mark (50%). I'm aiming for 85% + ATAR, but by the looks of it I have no clue how the f**k I'm gonna pull that off.

Yeah, so the question is, will I still be able to pull off an 85% ATAR (I want 90+ but I'll be happy with an 85)? I usually do badly at the beginning of the year and start doing better towards the end. In year 11 I flunked my half yearlies similar to now, however I pulled it up and ended up having final ranks of top 8 for all my subjects but maths. Hopefully I get my sh*t together soon, I came in this year way too cocky and am feeling as though it's going down hill. I have absolutely no motivation whatsoever, well some... and I have no clue wtf to do after I receive my atar. The only motivation I'm getting is not wanting to disappoint my family and to keep my car.. lol.. But yeah any tips, hints, will be heaps appreciated. Thanks :)
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